Vedic Jupiter in the 4th House

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Count Anthony
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Vedic Jupiter in the 4th House

Post by Count Anthony » Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:35 pm

I bid all Good Day:

I hope I'm in the right forum for this type of question.   The Planet Jupiter within my Birth chart lies on House 4.  As I was reading my interpretation through a Vedic point of perspective it stated that I "Should" have a prosperous home life as long as I do not keep a temple inside the house.

My question is what does the statement mean by saying ... " The Native should not keep a temple in his house. "

Any help would certainly be a blessing.

Thank You for your time and patience.

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Post by projenator » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:34 am

Guru is highly auspicious in domain 4, where he brings merit from past lives into the home, education, & cultural roots. Generous, supportive home environment.

If Guru is auspicious, born into a prestigious setting and given an excellent education. Even if Guru is modestly placed, the family lineage is solid and the native feels he has an important place in his family & society.

Sincerely and expansively patriotic, although Guru tends to inflate the self-importance so be careful of arrogance in the attitude toward serving one's country. Benefits socially & financially from secret information, auspicious public connections, and private associations particularly those in foreign lands. Gains from exploitation, war, medicines, and servitude of others (11th-from-6th).

I personally don't see any logic in "not keeping a temple inside the house", might be a literal translation  from the ancient texts. I would tend to believe that guru residing in the home makes the home equivalent to a temple, so keeping another temple inside the house would be akin to disrespecting the guru, more so since jupiter is faith based.

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Post by ESP » Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:58 am

dear anthony

the saying "" The Native should not keep a temple in his house. "  is from a school of thought called LAL KITAB

i am not sure how much vedic point of view it has got, although it seems to be working for some people..

you might also have been told that "you should offer milk to snake" etc

i am not sure whether you should follow these things...

i am sure what you received is not Vedic point of perspective

Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:21 am

Rightly said by ESP, this is from different school of thought which follow LAL Kitab

Following are also the remedies for 4th house jupiter

1. The native should not keep a temple in his house.
2. He should serve his elders.
3. He should offer milk to snake.
4. He should never bare his body before anyone.

But in lal kitab Aries or Mesha is always considered to be the first house thus 4th house jup means
Cancer jupiter ALWAYS....

So I cannot comment how right it is. Moreover depending upon chart reading from a software is not very
much a right way..This is my personal opinion coz i dnt think computer is as smart  as humans :)


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Post by sameera_kmc » Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:43 am

This is a very good placement in terms of home/real estate/family matters. Blessed with all comforts of home/family life.

4th house jupiter also implies a good wife/husband/mother/father as it is a necessary condition for good home environment. But this will again depend on good placement moon and venus.

If strong moon is in kendra (1, 7, 10 houses),  gaja kesari yoga bestows lands, houses, vehicles (matters related to 4th house).

Betters details can be given if actual chart can be studied.

Not keeping temple at home, i think, means not keeping idols/pictures of gods at home etc. But i have not been able to understand the basis of this suggestion in lal kitab.

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