How to calculate the age when a native will get married ?

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How to calculate the age when a native will get married ?

Post by iamlearning » Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:27 am

Given an information for a native, how will we calculate at what age he/she gets married. How do we tell the Mahadasha/Antardasha combination for the marriage?

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:20 am

If the Native....Parents ...or other don't have any influence on Marriage.....why is the Star only hitting India with this..... ... -majo.html

.or are we able to make own decision.....or if an Astrologer have prescribed it time that Astrology start to have Responsibility....that they have to be kept responsible for their predictions?

For those who wonder...
I am not against India in no have a rich Tradition..and you have an equal value to any other Human..but as all Traditions you need to know about those not so pleasant thing too.

I am NOT against Vedic Astrology, except for micro control, because we Humans are able to Think...because we humans have needs...because we Humans have a big Ego, and are controlled by it.

I saw one Chart Reading yesterday that made me glad...the statement that the Native had to work towards the goal....then the Prediction...and the evaluation had much greater value for me....and I am sure for the native too!

BTW...back to your question....when you have found those combination you think have any value....then you have only scratched the surface.
You then need to take a survey over random people on earth, and see if your findings have any is not something you can do only inside your own belief, because then you are only investigating the belief and not the Star :)

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Post by govardhanvt » Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:07 pm

Marriages are made in heaven.

Vedic astrology is a beautiful subject, and it covers the whole universe. No doubt it is possible to predict the age of person , when he/she would get married through the vedic astrology, but it cannot be generalised and said. Each and every horoscope is unique in itself and has to be studied  meticulously to predict at what age a person is going to get married.There are several factors which needs to be considered to predict the age of person when she/he would get married. Just by analysing the Mahadasa or antradasa alone is not enough. One needs to shadbalas of the planet not only at the time of birth but also the time of occurrence. Transit of planets also needs to be considered. It is an art in itself to predict the exact age. It is too a general question you had posed, though it could be answered , but I feel it would not satsifying not only to you but also many others. I suggest you can pose your question in the reading room giving the precise date of individual to get to know when that person or at what age he would get married.

It may not proper for me to go without answering directly to your question. I had done some research and found out that during the operation of Sade Sathi, if the individual is in a marriageable age, I found invariably  gets into some conjugal relationship, either through wedlock or otherwise. I donot want to generalise that statement too, lest I face strong oppositon to that statement and that could lead some unwanted comments too. Hence I stop with this. In case you wish to know more searching for an answer to your question, I suggest you better read books of B V Raman or B Suryanarayan , Mr Rao, and other leading stalwarts in vedic astrology, which would answer the question you had asked. I donot find anything wrong in your question either, but I feel to precisely answer that queation, one can write a book on it

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Post by mysbcrs » Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:31 am

Not sure whether I will choose (as a hall mark of civilized society)  teen and pre-teen sex and pregnancy over child marriage.


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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:50 am

mysbcrs wrote:Not sure whether I will choose (as a hall mark of civilized society)  teen and pre-teen sex and pregnancy over child marriage.

What it shows is that personal "initiative" and "lust" is stronger then any birth chart. This be in sex, greed, education, divorces or you name it. The western culture build on personal responsibility, so mostly they choose to do it, themselves...the question is how many of the child brides have had the same choice?

Please understand that the western culture are far from perfect.
Please understand that Your culture have many values we in the west have lost.
Please understand this is not a discussion about one culture contra another.

My point is made because there is asked if the Star can tell when we become married....if we can read it out from our birth details, or combination.

If this is possible, then my question was....why is this just happening to the Indian population (and societies with "lower education" without saying India is)

Can it be because of belief, or is it the will of Parents, or the will of the "old man" who want a young child....if so...then this overrun the combination in any chart, and the big work to find out of the right combination is wasted.

Many times when we are VERY focused on one subject, we forget to lift our focus and see what happen around us.
That was my main goal with my post, (and beside this, it is always good to be enlightened about more then the bad west :))

And I promise that this is my last post in Vedic has never been thought as an attack on any of you....only a hope that you should get some impulses outside you own box, and start to evaluate it, after all Thread starter have taken the name Iamlearning!

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Post by mysbcrs » Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:54 am


I neither tookoffence nor meant any in my response. I was just hinting that with the times changing what astro combinations we looked for marriage we should perhaps try and match with any sexual relationship in today's changed circumstances (be it Vedic, Western, Oriental...).

If we do we may be find that incidences of child marriage in one community are the same as the incidences of teen/pre-teen sex in the other.

I however have a different opinion on
The western culture build on personal responsibility, so mostly they choose to do it, themselves...
The hands-off approach on upbringing can be extended to any ridiculous extent. Many child psychologists are rediscovering the merit in "spare the rod and spoil the child" dictum.


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Post by iamlearning » Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:58 pm

To all the members,
I entirely agree to the philosophy of personal responsibility etc. But however hard an individual tries there is some external force that acts upon him. And in this case, as govardhan ji has mentioned there are calculations that can help us in predicting the time of mariage though it cannot be generalised. So if possible lets talk upon that (no offence intended to anyone).

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Post by ConfusedMind » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:37 am

I am not an astrologer, neither do I know much of it. I've heard that birth, marriage and death are the three eternally unpredictable things in life? how is that astrologers can predict it? what is the basis?

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Post by Chandal » Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:27 pm

On the day the earth Brahma creates only 72 shells consciousness. Where did you come from India 1.15 billion people? You astrologers and must know what the illusion of this world and why this world is called illusion?

And the law is above the ancestors of the new law and should not be reviewed, as it leads to the degeneration of the nation. You Americans want to make an appendage of its economy to
drink the juice from the Indian people. So what is profitable for them the decline of fertility, the Americans themselves are underdeveloped nation in the spiritual plane of the lower demonic forces matriarchy, she decided to destroy the spirituality of India. They understand nothing about God, take the same to England. Where is the spirituality, if the queen mother cuts on Jewish law of matriarchy their children, and at the same time, baptizing them in the junk, crushed the Christian church of a narrow mind. I'm talking about the English Protestant Church Protestantism is a sect with a narrow mind and can not fully embrace this religion that society for their passage at the level of Bhakti Yoga / lack of love there is God treats Christianity. Do you have the same religion of knowledge and soul to you given other tasks that your social environment must be addressed. It must first be your astrologers, as they have, a complete lack of understanding of the processes of development of the Soul. There is a consciousness of inherent and left-sided traffic. I'm not surprised that the men under their heel in women, as in the Judeo society, where the mother is a woman and her husband adores her and goes on about. Where in a society ruled by a woman, there is no reason, and that society can put a tombstone at the end of the Age of sanity and the advent of famine and increased mortality .. Feminism is a product of lower matriarchy, it should be avoided in a society where God has laid in the minds of many forms of thought. In the same way and see the fruits of matriarchal influence, as the law of karma at this time on the terrestrial level, should be governed by the Jewish kings of the material mind, but they are beasts of scientific Darwinism, which have a voracious mind. Around the world in spiritual society in families
Least of all having a righteousness of parents born children, who in appearance and mentality like the Jews. That empire collapsed, they rot from within, external factors, only few efforts and to replace one generation comes to other, less spiritual, because the force of law development in the matter came to their turn to finish off this world. When in this world will accumulate dirt and he falls below the middle of the world septenary consciousness, then the law is triggered destruction of the world and elsewhere, there is another world where the soul begins its development in the minds of the plasma, then stone and others of the materialization of energy as a form of thought.
Wherefore it is said in the Vedas that our earthly world should exist 4,320,000,000 years, the world's perception of time. This is a complete cycle of regeneration of the soul in the consciousness of different states of the same material

An associated state of matter at the moment. The longevity of our time for the generation of 1980 devoted an average of 30 years. And on the Spiritual projected on the Apocalypse says that the time will come when the girls will give birth in 10 years. That time has come. Why deprive a generation of joy when it has to develop more applicable to the age of 35-40 years. You look more closely at children. You will see in them already had signs of old age.


I am not an astrologer, neither do I know much of it. I've heard that birth, marriage and death are the three eternally unpredictable things in life? how is that astrologers can predict it? what is the basis?

It can predict, but it needs to be soul who came into this world at the beginning of his creations. The state of matter is also opposed to gain a true knowledge, so
that they can only get from the Holy Spirit has always been so. Secular teacher you this knowledge will not, because of the lack of them from him, but the spiritual man will not, because he knows that only God gives them. You are given a choice, to understand God and you will be in knowledge of birth, spiritual marriage, and death. About microcosm marriage in the horoscope of the easiest to watch in the solarium Moon. It should be variable signification marriage for that year. Of course, if you first God gives accurate knowledge of astrology, you can see and predict the material marriage, the marriage of Spirit and Soul will not let you see ever.
To do this you need to be to have a subtle vibrations of the Soul, then and in astrology, you will reach the heights
Allow to comprehend the mystery of the map of the Spiritual marriage.

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Post by Chandal » Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:02 pm

I now understand why your astrologers and all Indians can not accept the knowledge about the state of the soul in matter. This is your sickness spiritual level, you have closed the secrets of the Soul and God gave you is a science to get rid of this ignorance. The Vedas are taught to know her, but the fate of the code is hard to break. On your forum, I met with such confusion and just this morning I realized the cause of this condition.
Islam can not understand that Jihad is a state of vibration of the Soul, which, through Islam they should know. They're in the dark, generating the vibrations of the Soul sees only the external enemy and a holy war against them. This is a product of the transition level, where the lower seed matriarchy Judaism was thrown on the field right path of development in a much higher social environment to which the Egyptians were the teachers who came from the higher planets to teach ravens and support spirituality. Christianity is accumulating to love, because only through the love coming from the soul, you can stop the mind and get through the golden gates to neprostranstvo and time. Prior to this, each perceives their level of astral plane. Even your saints, not all were given the knowledge to know the soul .. The fact that the Vedas were written for you at the dawn of humanity says that you are as sick disease eclipse of the Soul could not cope with this problem. Your astrologers dogma blindly observe the rules of astrology, but why then accept on faith Ayanamsa Lahiri and Ramana and other leading you on the wrong track in astrology? All this from blemish your soul, that defines the mentality of your society. Time will pass and you will know your soul, and scientists and priests can you tell about its laws of motion in the matter, that you understand their illness. and the people that did not look
With distrust a man explaining the knowledge that they are unable to comprehend the social environment as their state of consciousness.
We have the former Soviet Union this problem does not exist, there once everyone understands only the Jews can not understand, because they are the second step on the ladder of Jacob, the first is the African continent. There God gave to black skin, and you Varga and clan system of government in the same skin color. That's because until then your tribes were black and you are assimilated through a more spiritual seed, as the Egyptians to the Jews their own. God Rama and was the conqueror from the north, which, through knowledge of birth, spiritual marriage, and death could not raise the blood in the spiritual development of your tribes of Kshatriyas. Caste law works differently. There, at every level of development, there are four castes, and one of the primary birth at the world some demigod. The law of caste is well read in the horoscope of birth. Another is the law of Dharma, which is determined by the planet in the first house which was to open the code passage of the soul in this world from the world of water. There's law Spiritual Darwinism who worked primarily in this world when he was still at the level of the True Mind. After 2,700 -25,000 years before the Age of Christ, the world crossed the border into the world of intelligence material, got some money, great desire and sheer confusion of the expanding body of knowledge of the world. Who to this day is deceiving himself and others. But the mind is material has a big ego lies and this is manifested in its aggression, as he can not understand the ego of the truth, as this aspect of his state of mind of the material. From this lack of understanding in society, since all the different levels of development in this world war, taking his laws of survival and struggle. And since no death and no one who would have been beside you in your sevenfold house, then nobody should be afraid, it's just ignorance and the law of karma determines the degree of confusion of mind.

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