Cyclical Parivartana

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Cyclical Parivartana

Post by america.1 » Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:04 am

Traditionally Parivartana Yoga is when Planet A is in the sign of Planet B, and Planet B is in the sign of Planet A. The reason this works, is the dispositors of each planet have an inverse-like connection with each other.  

Now let us take for example 3 planets.  Let us say Planet A is in Planet Bs sign.  Planet B is in Planet Cs sign, Planet C is in Planet As sign.  With the rule of dispositors, all planets would be joined to some degree and influence the way that each other act.  

I'm pretty certain that this idea works to some extent; but the question is to what extent.  Any thoughts?

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Post by Evard » Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:27 am

OK. Neptune Jupiter and Saturn are all local planets in visible space.
Neptune was not a ruling planet though more advanced. Jupiter will:
be a maelstrom about the kind proper and redded with sheer forcei.
The comment forcei was to absolve suffix 'i' and begin proper agree
the forces of alchemical nature are not found unless astrolomy sees
the planet as sheer and then the winds are high storm.. so the mael
will be sent within boundary logical agreement not to harm the M0n.
So Saturn was the planet oppose with race color common white human
yellow skin tone and the worry with planet races will be other than the:
White Color Among Ways Proper Accord Geocentriac Respectin~ Mond.

So what's the horary astrolomy about the role : Neptune Saturn Altar ^.
Did this occlude Jupiter about the ideal comm0n ethic human peace ./. ~

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