Fate and Free Will

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Fate and Free Will

Post by Jo1951 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:54 pm

In this world, the fate we can not change, because they are constantly in the awakened state are in the matter, then a fate already painted in advance, then why do these magical talismans if they are meaningless?
I understand and accept this fate. And here it will instill the faith which you have not already, through the already written in advance of your karma where you do the ring and think that this is what they will prevent a nuisance in life?
So God teaches you to believe, with the carrot and stick. And not just better to accept God and reject unnecessary rituals, and even at this low level magic, and then for himself instead of getting into trouble and more from the consequences of this fate, which refines the use of magical powers?

Culture is the truth, in any form of its manifestation, and ignorance, it presupposes the concept of culture of the mind. (Jo1951)
Last edited by Jo1951 on Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:34 pm

Jo1951 wrote:In this world, the fate we can not change, because they are constantly in the awakened state are in the matter, then a fate already painted in advance, then why do these magical talismans if they are meaningless?
I assume you with Fate mean Predetermination, or what we are supposed to do, or end up in life.

I will copy and paste something I wrote in General discussion, but first will I give you a thought.

If NOTHING can be changed in our Fate, what is then the reason for any discussion? What is reason for any Education? What is reason for job or Money?...Since we can't change our Fate..then there is no reason to pursue anything of the above.... you M U S T reach your fate if you sleep the whole time...or IF you work 24hours a day...since it is our Fate, it can't be changed with such small things as that above.....
If YOUR statement is true, then all legal systems all over the world must be put down, because every law build on the assumption that there is a FREE WILL.

If there is NO FREE WILL, then no one can be judged for their actions!

If you say there is is a TINY BIT of FREE WILL present, then Predestination will collapse because the complexity of 7 billion people, together with all our machinery, buildings, nature, predators, germs, "you name it" will make it impossible to micro control the outcome on a single native, and if you can't control every single one...then you can't control none....you just hit the nail now and then, without that become any proof.

The only Predestination we can agree upon is DEATH!...........and lucky enough...we NEVER know when......if we our-self don't interfere.

If you don't agree, then we must stop calling

Terrorist for terrorist....they only fulfill a Predetermination

A Murderer is only one who fulfill his/her task in life....how can we justify to judge him/her...are we above the Universe?

One who become raped...is only done so, because Universe would like to see it done...not because the rapist would have own satisfaction....how can we judge him or her?

War is not made by Man, but by the universe, because Universe would like to decrease some of our numbers.

Car crash is not because of bad driving...it is the will of the Universe.

A plane that crash, or a ship that sink, is only a result of the Universes plan.

and we can go on....but I assume you can see the picture.......but let us not forget.....all of those who involved had it as predestination by birth.....and other who had other predestination would not suffer in war, terror, hunger,you name it.......it is easy to say.......but not so easy to believe ....for me...

So maybe your "PROOF" about FATE build on your BELIEF, and then YOUR is Belief equal any other BELIEF...A BELIEF and NOT a PROOFF, and by that you shall respect others opinions, and by discussions try to convince them that you are right, which I have tried to do with my understanding of Fate/predetermination.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:57 am

Jo1951 wrote: I've listened to you, and I felt ashamed for you, you are not esoteric astrology and you'll soon be engaged, you asked me questions from the perspective of the material condition of the soul, rather than spiritual or human level of understanding. So how can I talk to you when you I still do not understand, because the mind can not accept the truth, he rejects it, because it lies in its nature.
No, I am NOT an Astrologer, and by that I have very good reason to ask question....to point out weakness....to NOT be blindfolded by a belief....but to rather see the result, and to use the mind for fresh thoughts instead of old Dogmas...so if that is your reason to be ashamed of me, then so be it.
Jo1951 wrote: As you can that be think if you do not force the astral? They control your thoughts, and impose on you in this case, the irrational ravings of being deprived even of his mind.
So, It is NOT You and me that discuss....It is NOT our opinions and belief that is discussed, BUT Rather some Astral forces that control our minds......for what reason?...for what purposes?...if Fate is FIRM, then our discussion has NO impact whatsoever....if the Fate is NOT firm...then maybe our discussion has some value....because then a force can change the outcome....and what force is the STRONGEST one in any Human....His Belief......but since there is NO REAL BELIEF CONFIRMED TO BE THE RIGHT ONE....all beliefs are good as long as they promote own development, and satisfaction. If the belief don't give that, then maybe the Belief aren't the right one for You, and by your FREE WILL you can change, as long as you honor the societies rules.
The stronger our Belief become, the less we are able to evaluate opposite opinions, we are less able to ask questions about own belief, we are blindfolded...and we become the sheep!
Jo1951 wrote:. So how can I talk to you when you I still do not understand, because the mind can not accept the truth, he rejects it, because it lies in its nature.
Since I, and so also You, don't control our own thoughts, but it is done by Astral forces....none of us need to understand or lie to each other....we are only a vessel for Astral games with no WILL of our own!
On the other hand...if our thoughts comes from our own mind...then we must have a will to do it.we must even have a will to write or say it....we must have a will to fight for our belief.....which would not have been necessary with your statement...and that Will is called "Free will" NOT imposed by Astral forces or any God!
Jo1951 wrote: A fool God does not give freedom of choice.
I so Agree, BUT a smart God would do it, and hopefully we can agree that a God must be smarter then You or me.

If we have no Will of our own, then we are nothing but a  SLAVE, Is that what you say ? That we all shall be slaves? What purpose has God with that?
Why have GOD almost destroyed Nature with help of Humans? Why is God hunting Animals to extinction? Why is he putting up trophies over the fireplace? Why did he use the Atomic Bomb? Why did he destroy Chernobyl? Why ...Why....Why???

Since I assume you are one of those who have a very strong belief, I withstand to continue our discussion until the blindfold can be lifted.....I respect your Belief....But I disagree strongly in it!

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Post by Jo1951 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:29 pm

Rhutobello. Here I started to write you back and then began to doubt whether you need to know the truth, because the mind as an organ of deceit diametrically reason (truth), and resent being told the truth .. If you are ready to accept the truth without moral injury. To your mind, can I translate what I wrote and sent to the topic. But I think you will soon have the truth, you have the material mind, which would not look like from any angle a fresh look at the world, will always be only the mind, and the prophets and God Himself to me personally to say that "the mind idiot" because the mind does three-dimensional world and goes as he mentally ill in a madhouse in a circle. This is repeated on the nature of its material terms. And he called his ignorance of fools who degenerates from the error and has already taken on faith in the heart of all its decisions. So maybe a better knowledge of the old prophets. But do not mistake the new lower level coming, because development itself still has the old, because with the old in this world, yet clean it all began development of the higher levels of truth and came to your levels of the mind, or lies.
If you give good will and patience to the truth, I will translate what I wrote and send it to this topic, but I warn you, no offense, because the truth applies to the whole world and all societies, and I bude to explain from the perspective of the truth of who is who, and where his place at the levels of the Soul.

Culture is the truth, in any form of its manifestation, and ignorance, it presupposes the concept of culture of the mind. (Jo1951)
Last edited by Jo1951 on Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:16 pm

Hi Guys,

Please do not issue warnings/personal attacks........... Just Share.:)


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:19 am

RishiRahul wrote:Hi Guys,

Please do not issue warnings/personal attacks........... Just Share.:)


Dear Rishi,

This "fate or free-will which is supreme?" is a very complicated matter that better minds and souls have pondered upon and shared in scriptures, in modern writings and musings, and demonstrated (to me at least!) the verity of two principles: Munday munday mati bhinna and the related one which is Perception defines one's reality!

All human beings, that interact on the dysfunctional communication medium for such deep spiritual matters  further compound and complicate the discussion with our rather poor ability to communicate. Internet messages get hurriedly written and as you know even a missed or misplaced comma can change the entire meaning. For example:

Let us eat, Grandpa!
is very different from
Let us eat Grandpa!

I am not trying to be facetious (well, not entirely!) but you get the point, I am sure!

Emotions too add a lot of murkiness to the already confounded discussion, although once in a while a ray of light does shine through while 'Grandpas and Grandmas' fight! Or perhaps those were not rays of light but simply fireflies that got trapped in the verbal skid-row! So many possibilities, so many perceptions, so many realities! Munday munday mati bhinna.

We divinators are like those observers that are watching the Grand interplay between MAYA and REALITY! A ray of sunshine is what we hope for, but even if it is a fire-fly, let us just capture that moment, because each photon has the potential to light up darkness. Not entire darkness but the darkness that is exactly of the same dimension as the firefly's lighted tail! And if we can manage to collect a lot of fireflies, I am talking very large numbers of photons -- maybe the darkness shall vanish!

I have always thought of that as the analogy that works for practical divinators, including astrologers of all cloths. Even those who use different zodiacs and use their own Kalchakra and epochs that would make others shake their heads in disbelief!

But, to each his own! We are too small to make even a dent on the rigidity of personal beliefs! And this is my personal belief :-) and based on many observations too! On the internet!!

I once suggested that if Jyotish were to accept that FATE is incontrovertible and SIMPLY CANNOT BE CHANGED, then remedies are meaningless for one cannot have their cake and eat it too, at the same time. So one intelligent person piped in saying that even the remedy was a product of fate and he perhaps did have a point!

Arguments can continue till the proverbial cows come home! I think that is why the wise Sage of Dakkhineshwar said, I beleive, "Bisshaashay melayay Hari, Torkay bahu door" (Faith moves mountains! Arguments and debates merely distance us from God!!)

ALL IS GOD! There is no Devil really!! Which does not mean there is no evil or nothing is evil in this Mayapuri of our mundane realm! Many have used a lot of colourful descriptions and imaginative fear-mongering in nubile and vulnerable minds about God and Shaitaan. I think (my perception and belief) that whatever be our fate, we have ONE POWER that is FREE-WILL. We can choose to decide to distance ourselves from God! We do that when we do not accept the truth that ALL IS GOD!

It is the DISTANCE from that belief that some colourfully and threateningly describe and label as Devil, Shaitaan, Antichrist, blah, blah, blah...!

No BEING from the 5th or 6th or 9th dimension or Supra-Astral zone or other even more rarified atmospheres taught me that! Simply common-sense which is the right sense for this Mayapuri realm and it makes SENSE when we look at things with our feet firmly planted on Planet Earth (Ground!). I have not seen any human being who could really FLY, unaided by machines etc -- and birds do not talk to me, nor ashariri atmaas ;-), just cats! (NOT!!) <LOL>

Love, Light, (un)COMMON-SENSE!


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Post by Jo1951 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:46 am

Do you remember the ancient astrologers have worked? Comes to him interested in his fate, the astrologer opens chest and pulls on it already pre-cooked horoscopes? So, as rotating lights, and the influence of birth and codes already drawn up before even a good astrologer, who can accurately determine the time of incarnation on earth of his residence in the square embodied all fates for his entire life, who will come to him for advice and who does not pass away. After coming to know the direction of its development &nbsp;and did not ask about money and his wife with the children, because there was no money then, and thinking it was another, they are not interested in having children. They both were born in large numbers on the purity of their minds and Souls. Your mind has little faith and you, starting from him, as the lowest forms of thinking differently from that and your error increases. If we take America and its fertility. Then, against the background of the total absence of God in the minds of those demons, and falling fertility rates of the society. Indeed, the lower you are in development. the weaker condition of your creativity, and you can not literally as Gods to create their own future and so continue his race, who, under the condition of your soul, and given the fate of a more extensive work. The higher mind, the lower fertility and creativity and higher consciousness clogging accumulated unnecessary junk. And since this process is already predetermined in advance, because a good astrologer can create all the fortune, born to coordinate his city, and what can the one who made the fate of an astrologer? Its possibilities are endless. And the princes of Genesis, this regeneration of the Soul and the whole process of regeneration is God intuitively figured out. After all, you only wish to send themselves to fate, and it creates a higher will their desires, and this world is his dream in a dream, and your mind controls the demon of the image and thought the astral level, its board material way. This is a director, which removes the materialized movie scenario obviously written by God, who makes peace in your image and environment. Then, obeying the highest law of creation, it can not be a feminist, or a Jew who has faith, he simply obeys the written fate and creates it. And what is your opinion and that of misguided scientists who have a mind and do not have the mind of God and faith in the mind and destiny, this is the reason for the individual and refers to the lowest level of mental development, because scientists and higher education is a form of financial development and the fate of the lower carrier beings. After all, God could not allow to destroy the whole world and to deprive matter of sending all the demons of academics, professors and doctors and all have higher detail, but not free education to the fire of inquisition, which he ordered and the fate of those burnt, just in a world that already was higher consciousness and the fate of this creation and the historical period there are other notions of good and evil. that the mind is always adjusts to your own level of torsion dynamics and each born in this world, a new generation, this is a higher percentage of product accumulated dirt world? Because you have so much in astrology, men who have Rh blood factor that shows your membership to the worlds of Hell and the complete absence of God, and from him, and faith and knowledge of Truth. And God does not give the highest knowledge of matter, it only gives them higher, and they are in your actions higher. And your actions. These are the questions and the desire to achieve them. Because resistance to the unfolding of the mind and matter gives rise to a folding motion forward and gives the appearance of the world. and the movement of planets and stars in your mind, your destiny. That's the whole world and mistaken thinking that every individual, "the navel of the earth," which creates itself its own destiny. What is more confident in this individual, so it is more primitive level of thinking and its development, which she did not, and I gave you the example of the birth of the person and show you that think you can not. And the cause of all the God who manifests to you. He was still asleep and does not give you clues that you are in the zodiac "Circle of Animals" is just a herd of cows which are milked and.
To do this, you and gave you the Vedas and laid in the minds of the cow a sacred animal, because Buddhism, for example, religion as a sect of Hinduism, and it is the main direction of development, to wean the demon brothers younger to eat meat, and cannibals with a negative Rh factor blood, to wean the older brother from eating. That consciousness is a cannibal can not be perfect, and he always does on his destiny and eats everything that comes to hand to him, because without animal protein, its material form corresponds to the vibration of his soul, and this damper is animal protein is more advanced creatures. Here we give a distinction of which the animal has not moved away instinct far. From this desire, and there were banks in the world who are hungry and do not deprive them of reasonable power, but because the law of karma always works, that creates the cause of desire, and cause-effect relationships. I've tried not to think, because all of my desires are fulfilled and to materialize, it is God so ordered my life, as well as the fate of other limiting ourselves in everything we just did not have to, because the supreme soul is everything. and if that is the need. It is always immediately manifested as a desire to know how to do, but it's already spelled out in advance of fate, as well as the fact that the leaf of each tree species has its own shape and color.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:16 pm

<<...Do you remember the ancient astrologers have worked? Comes to him interested in his fate, the astrologer opens chest and pulls on it already pre-cooked horoscopes? So, as rotating lights, and the influence of birth and codes already drawn up before even a good astrologer, who can accurately determine the time of incarnation on earth of his residence in the square embodied all fates for his entire life, who will come to him for advice and who does not pass away...>>


But that does not give any astrologer the license (power) to create imaginary data and make a mess of astrology! :-)
And, if fate is so incontrovertible and unchangeable, then what is the point of spending time in divinatory pursuits including astrology? I believe, and you may disagree, that the human being has received the gift from God to be able to think, choose and decide! Most of us do not do so and choose to flow with destiny like pieces of lumber that fell in the river, but I don't think that makes GOD very happy or for that matter nor does that cause satisfaction to the higher beings in the 9th or 99th dimensions!

Makes for a nice paranormal-sounding tale though and a catchy read!! :-)

Regards and once again Thanks for reminding me of Jane Roberts,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:10 am

Rhutobello wrote:
Jo1951 wrote:In this world, the fate we can not change, because they are constantly in the awakened state are in the matter, then a fate already painted in advance, then why do these magical talismans if they are meaningless?
I assume you with Fate mean Predetermination, or what we are supposed to do, or end up in life.

I will copy and paste something I wrote in General discussion, but first will I give you a thought.

If NOTHING can be changed in our Fate, what is then the reason for any discussion? What is reason for any Education? What is reason for job or Money?...Since we can't change our Fate..then there is no reason to pursue anything of the above.... you M U S T reach your fate if you sleep the whole time...or IF you work 24hours a day...since it is our Fate, it can't be changed with such small things as that above.....
If YOUR statement is true, then all legal systems all over the world must be put down, because every law build on the assumption that there is a FREE WILL.

If there is NO FREE WILL, then no one can be judged for their actions!

If you say there is is a TINY BIT of FREE WILL present, then Predestination will collapse because the complexity of 7 billion people, together with all our machinery, buildings, nature, predators, germs, "you name it" will make it impossible to micro control the outcome on a single native, and if you can't control every single one...then you can't control none....you just hit the nail now and then, without that become any proof.

The only Predestination we can agree upon is DEATH!...........and lucky enough...we NEVER know when......if we our-self don't interfere.

If you don't agree, then we must stop calling

Terrorist for terrorist....they only fulfill a Predetermination

A Murderer is only one who fulfill his/her task in life....how can we justify to judge him/her...are we above the Universe?

One who become raped...is only done so, because Universe would like to see it done...not because the rapist would have own satisfaction....how can we judge him or her?

War is not made by Man, but by the universe, because Universe would like to decrease some of our numbers.

Car crash is not because of bad driving...it is the will of the Universe.

A plane that crash, or a ship that sink, is only a result of the Universes plan.

and we can go on....but I assume you can see the picture.......but let us not forget.....all of those who involved had it as predestination by birth.....and other who had other predestination would not suffer in war, terror, hunger,you name it.......it is easy to say.......but not so easy to believe ....for me...

So maybe your "PROOF" about FATE build on your BELIEF, and then YOUR is Belief equal any other BELIEF...A BELIEF and NOT a PROOFF, and by that you shall respect others opinions, and by discussions try to convince them that you are right, which I have tried to do with my understanding of Fate/predetermination.

Dear Astrologers and other forum members,

I am 'sampling' all the good and bad stuff that I missed while I was sent away on a 'working vacation' a few years ago :-)

Much good (and not-so-good!) stuff had been posted here during that period and I am savouring those as and when I can. This response by Senior member/administrator Rhutobello is particularly brilliant in its clarity, its common-sense wisdom and shows clearly the bright intellect that I always admired Rhutobello-ji (as some of us sincrely and affectionately addressed him as; or Grandpa too at times!) as possessing.

He never claimed to be an astrologer or divinator but just by the sheer dint of his common-sense attitude and bright mind, he got to the bottom of things where others might have encountered some doubt or even murkiness.

This one is a brilliant posting that all astrologers/divinators must read and re-read!

Thanks Rhutobello-ji!

Love and Light and Learning,

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:15 am

Yes, this is a brilliant write of Free Will by Grandpa, Rhutobello..... Very Practically said......NECESSITY!

"Necessity'' is like Religion, Law etc.

This, indeed, is a brilliant post; and I hope Grandpa comes up to share more.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:27 am

RishiRahul wrote:Yes, this is a brilliant write of Free Will by Grandpa, Rhutobello..... Very Practically said......NECESSITY!

"Necessity'' is like Religion, Law etc.

This, indeed, is a brilliant post; and I hope Grandpa comes up to share more.

Are you sure that Free-will was at play, Rishi?

Let us just silently observe and let Grandpa speak for himself! If he still chooses or whatever ...!

Love and Light,

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Post by Jo1951 » Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:03 pm

As I can that be you explain that you understand, if you are a native of the code of fate, which is designed for some issues. You have no inherent understanding of truth and questions will always be, because the world is designed to progress towards the truth, and she, individually does not come immediately. When it comes to matters not. But peace can not be immediately obvious to all. Then the lower level near the animal in his understanding of the level of Kali Yuga, as the crown of creation of the Supreme in the process of regeneration of its energy, as the principle of being no longer make sense. And all because of the perception of the mind stupid inferior individuals, whose brains are still unable to even contemplate, and who thinks that he is able to understand God's plan "mind", the most primitive body, standing at the level of illusion.
But you're not alone Rohiniranjan, the whole world, such as you, but they do not ask such questions as you are, because they are further away from you at the level of development and esoteric knowledge, but you are a complete zero in her, and you do early astrology, science, destiny, because your level of faith is low, as they have, and it raises doubts, doubts and raise questions in the world opposing fields, which generate traffic light in your mind. After all, no planets, the movement of energy moves you to the entire development. The cycle is started at the beginning of the great cycle, and he himself is driven. This is a perpetual motion machine of regeneration of God and his principle is the principles of willingness of each of the lower material scientists know perpetual motion, material worlds. To do this you first need to learn continuously until the end of the ten incarnations of Vedas to understand God and to reach it. When you get a new birth and become a man, you gain the knowledge and your questions at this stop. But only you, but the one who gets your current destiny, will get the same questions, who will be my destiny, and look exactly like you and me. That's the whole principle of irreversibility and immutable fate, as a small part of a larger overall mechanism of the Supreme, and it is for single species of animal thinking will not change ever. Your questions and your doubts are part of the overall process of being, and my answer to you, too, is written in advance in the process. I hope you will, when neither be understanding and correct view of things material, because the spiritual understanding will only understand the material. A higher spiritual when you become God, and may give a partial understanding of the Supreme, as Being itself leads to this. But probably not today, it will come?
I wish you dear demon Rohiniranjan understanding of Being, even at the lowest level so that your questions have stopped, because he who has no experience in continuing their fate will always want to reach higher, while at the level of intelligence material.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:19 am

Jo1951 wrote:Hi.
As I can that be you explain that you understand, if you are a native of the code of fate, which is designed for some issues. You have no inherent understanding of truth and questions will always be, because the world is designed to progress towards the truth, and she, individually does not come immediately. When it comes to matters not. But peace can not be immediately obvious to all. Then the lower level near the animal in his understanding of the level of Kali Yuga, as the crown of creation of the Supreme in the process of regeneration of its energy, as the principle of being no longer make sense. And all because of the perception of the mind stupid inferior individuals, whose brains are still unable to even contemplate, and who thinks that he is able to understand God's plan "mind", the most primitive body, standing at the level of illusion.
But you're not alone Rohiniranjan, the whole world, such as you, but they do not ask such questions as you are, because they are further away from you at the level of development and esoteric knowledge, but you are a complete zero in her, and you do early astrology, science, destiny, because your level of faith is low, as they have, and it raises doubts, doubts and raise questions in the world opposing fields, which generate traffic light in your mind. After all, no planets, the movement of energy moves you to the entire development. The cycle is started at the beginning of the great cycle, and he himself is driven. This is a perpetual motion machine of regeneration of God and his principle is the principles of willingness of each of the lower material scientists know perpetual motion, material worlds. To do this you first need to learn continuously until the end of the ten incarnations of Vedas to understand God and to reach it. When you get a new birth and become a man, you gain the knowledge and your questions at this stop. But only you, but the one who gets your current destiny, will get the same questions, who will be my destiny, and look exactly like you and me. That's the whole principle of irreversibility and immutable fate, as a small part of a larger overall mechanism of the Supreme, and it is for single species of animal thinking will not change ever. Your questions and your doubts are part of the overall process of being, and my answer to you, too, is written in advance in the process. I hope you will, when neither be understanding and correct view of things material, because the spiritual understanding will only understand the material. A higher spiritual when you become God, and may give a partial understanding of the Supreme, as Being itself leads to this. But probably not today, it will come?
I wish you dear demon Rohiniranjan understanding of Being, even at the lowest level so that your questions have stopped, because he who has no experience in continuing their fate will always want to reach higher, while at the level of intelligence material.

Such deep angst, frustration and venomous vitriol (or is it vitriolic venom...!) can never originate in any higher dimension! :-)

If Truth and Wisdom (of higher dimensions) even touches our soul and heart fleetingly, then we observe and embrace...

Love, Light, Levity
Prem, Prakaash, Prashanti
Three dimensions without darkness... :-)

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Post by Jo1951 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:33 pm

Your questions and knowledge who want to can withdraw from myself. That's what I told you the truth about you, but you as always on top of primitive perception. the world. and a large ego of its pride.
&nbsp;You can not do harm to the subject, who can not be more advanced in astrology and esoteric wish to communicate? A higher communication, it is silent. And no question, they have a low index level of knowledge of some kind.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:35 am

Jo1951 wrote:Your questions and knowledge who want to can withdraw from myself. That's what I told you the truth about you, but you as always on top of primitive perception. the world. and a large ego of its pride.
 You can not do harm to the subject, who can not be more advanced in astrology and esoteric wish to communicate? A higher communication, it is silent. And no question, they have a low index level of knowledge of some kind.
Dear Jo1951 my friend,

I have no intentions of harming the subject, as you pointed out, nor causing you any anguish and discomfort etc or attaching to you or withdrawing from you and the realm you dwell in and have been talking about! All souls are good, because there is ONLY ONE! :-)

At the same time, I as a puny human being am wary of fishing in a pond that holds waters that are filled with frustration, sadness, megalomania and insanity! For a simple reason, driven by common sense and no special knowledge or advice from God or Angels with whom I claim no direct phone-line connection! :-)

You see, I do not fish in such ponds, because even if I were to catch a fish in such a body of water, will the fish be edible or delectable? Let alone nutritive??

But thank you, once again for reminding me about Jane Roberts!

Love, Light, Peaceful Levity,

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