A tail of four birds of the same feather...(no cats please!)

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A tail of four birds of the same feather...(no cats please!)

Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:35 am

Four parrots!

One was raised by a math professor:
"Tan theta, Tan theta, Cosine...", it went on and on...! Most guests left very quickly!!

Another one was raised by a businessman:
"Make money, make money, Stocks are falling...! Sell, sell, sell!! Guests stayed, just in case...!!!

Next was raised by an ordinary priest, who knew little, only said what little he knew:
Mitthu chanted mantras and in priestinely parrotical manner! Some guest stayed, most left, eventually...!!

The fourth one was raised by a person who was mook! In english they call the silent ones, *dumb*:
The parrot just stared and spoke only 'parrotease!'. The retinue of guests waited expectantly! For someone was speaking ORIGINALLY, and not from borrowed bits and snippets!!

Hence, one must choose their paths, parents, guides and *gurus* wisely! Or they face frustration, or even insanity!!

Haven't we seen that often enough?

Love, Light, Observations!

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Post by Votive » Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:33 am

It appears though that the window of choice opens for a little time. Then it quickly closes the shutter capturing the image as it stands. There are, of course, successive and varied windows but some of the beacons are so well disguised that the temptation to take a shortcut rather strong.

Some say that only the path can be chosen, parents, guides and gurus are unchoosable, if that be the word!


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:01 am


'a posteriori' (after birth) that does indeed seem to how it looks and perhaps for some good cosmic reason; however, I was including the latter three from the "planning" stage! We are treading dangerously into the 'mystical (MISTical?) realm though and many/most of us are squeamish to tread into those waters, as you know!

Why I say that? Partly from what I read, and it 'clicked' somewhere deep inside and my firmly-held belief which grew stronger with long years of 'messing around' with a variety of human experiences, experienced and observed, in a variety of fields including astrology. I do firmly believe that all that is is not a product of randomness or chaos. Though sometimes feels that way. Beliefs cannot be transferred -- Heck, from what I see and have seen, even technical aspects sometimes do not travel easily, from one mind to another ;-)

Why do we meet someone and instantaneously feel a connection? Particularly when we meet an infant? Or what is more important, when an infant meets us! Two strangers, in a mundane sense,  who ARE NOT!

I am a strong advocate, as you know, of the importance of free-will and choosing, you know, but not all of this "choosing' gets done in the lifetime (after the movie begins!). It goes beyond that and also within, for instance when we plan for the future journeys of the soul. Although, most get so wrapped-up and lost in the 'rojmarraha' (dying daily...?) that it all seems so impossible to accomplish!

Karma is not a bus ticket, that is good just for the journey. It is like a monthly bus-token which is dynamic!

Words can only go so far, like a jeep or SUV. Thereafter, when the real climb begins, we must climb out of out power-assisted vehicles and WALK! And WALKING is good for health, as too is TENNIS in case you are getting closer to that wonderful 2nd return of Saturn who came in our birth-package!

Love, Light, Expanding (though not physically! Thank GOD!!)

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Post by Votive » Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:45 am

Yes sir, one has to keep walking.

As Eliot once said,

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time

Though as you rightly observed, once we reach there, probably one will keep evolving!


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:30 pm

Votive wrote:Yes sir, one has to keep walking.

As Eliot once said,

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time

Though as you rightly observed, once we reach there, probably one will keep evolving!

Several such "restore points" exist in the hard disk of the Soul, Votive!
Such as moment of the birth which some call 'reboot epoch'!
Then there is the 'warm reboot', each day when we wake up until standby (when we go to sleep)
Also the Dasa chidra, when dasas change
and shorter 'changing of the guards' (transits)
and myriad minor others -- some of which become major when several are synchronized.

It can be mind-boggling or mind-expanding or simply awe-inspiring.

How does the MAINFRAME (wherever located, probably AKASHA where the recordings exist according to psychics) accommodate the Karma Records (static and dynamic?) of each single one that has been handed the dongle (key)?

Hopefully with error-free execution! Even though the code and algorithm sometimes makes us shake our heads.

Of course though I have faith in Karma being infalliable, and many believe so, how can one ever be absolutely sure, when all but the CURRENT FOLDER of Memories, Dreams and Reflections is all we can access (and quite a few not even that), whereas all other 'pages' of the travelogue-journal of the incarnating *SOUL* remain hidden (folders) to even the beholders whose soul-eyes can sense, and sometimes even see glimpses of BEAUTY!

Love, Light, Computers!


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