The astrological angle to Poor body Image.

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The astrological angle to Poor body Image.

Post by » Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:55 am

The astrological angle to Poor body Image.

Boys suffer poor body image, say teachers
By Katherine Sellgren
BBC News education reporter

Boys increasingly have low self-esteem about their body image, teachers warn.
The Association of Teachers and Lecturers claims the promotion of ideal body images is reducing both boys' and girls' confidence in their own bodies.
Last year, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Body Image recommended all children took part in compulsory body image and self-esteem lessons.
The union will discuss the issue of body image among pupils at its annual conference in Liverpool next week.
In a survey of 693 members across the UK, the union found 78% thought girls suffered low self-esteem and 51% thought boys had low confidence in their body image.
In addition, 59% of staff said that worries about body image made female pupils anxious and 30% said it caused anxiety in male pupils.
Some 55% said that girls were "ultra-sensitive" to comments about their appearance and 27% said boys took comments to heart.
Pressure to achieve the perfect body meant girls were likely to go on a diet, according to 54% of staff and boys were prone to start excessive exercise regimes, said 30% of those surveyed.
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Despite knowing about airbrushing, the girls still feel the need to aspire to unrealistic notions of beauty”
Asked where the pressure came from, 94% of those surveyed said they believed the media, including television, magazines, music videos, adverts and social media was the biggest influence on female pupils and also on male pupils (68%).
Peers of the same sex were also highlighted as a key cause of pressure on female pupils to look good by 83% of respondents and on male pupils by 54%.
A teacher at a secondary academy in Wandsworth, London, said: "I find that boys who are shorter than their peers are extremely sensitive and manifest either disruptive behaviour or are very withdrawn."
One early years teacher in England said: "I work with four to five-year-olds and some say things like, 'I can't eat cheese, it will make me fat!'"
A teacher at a secondary school in Northern Ireland said: "In my year 11 GCSE English class, the girls all openly admitted to feeling pressure about body image and many of the boys confessed to it too, although they said that usually they wouldn't admit to it affecting them.
A head of department at a secondary school in Exeter said: "Digital and social media are a nightmare with 'anonymous' sites that slate students in the most appalling terms on their appearance, personality and anything judge-able."
"Despite knowing about airbrushing, the girls still feel the need to aspire to unrealistic notions of beauty."
'Tremendous pressure'
Association of Teachers and Lecturers general secretary Mary Bousted said: "Young people are under tremendous pressure to have or maintain often unrealistic body images portrayed in the media.
"ATL members report that this not only impacts on female pupils but increasingly leads to low self-esteem, lack of confidence and anxiety in male pupils too.
"With academic and other social pressures, young people already have enough to deal with."
Last November, Central YMCA Qualifications announced plans for a UK qualification in body image.
The award - body image and the relationship to well-being - will cover topics such as body image in the media, self-esteem, diet and exercise and aims to help young people aged 11 to 14 build a more positive body image.
It is hoped the qualification - currently with the exams regulator, Ofqual, for approval - will be rolled out in secondary schools in the UK from next year, possibly as part of PSHE (personal, social and health education) or free study periods.

Referring to the article above  the youngsters feel embarrassed by  the body  features
already endowed with, its their  displeasure with physical  appearance owing to external
influences,Rahu the media communication including cinema and fashion ,the emancipated
look is in vogue doe to Saturn influence of thin lean look and its being carried forward by
Rahu the media , first it used to be curves of Venus and brawn of Mars carried forward by
rahu and the concept of coke bottle figure now its Saturn and rahu with lean thin look.

Rahu the media magnate wanted to promote a long time friend in the lead role so he
created an illusion and had people rubbing their hands in anticipation . Lo behold this friend
with lean tawny looks coarse hairs and knitted eyebrows walks in to announce his arrival
here the rahu with his paraphernalia is ready and eulogies the look style and appearance
,people go crazy and start measuring up to the style god thrust on them and what do they
find that they are ugly or fat. While having set the ball in motion rahu sips on a vintage
wine and mulls over the power he can yield . ... rs-stigma-

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:03 am

Yes lately, rahu (and Svarbhanu the bisected demon's tail!) have become the butt of many miseries that human beings in general and internet in particular (which some insist is a product of lunar nodal confusions) experience. Including the perplexing and less understood and somewhat mysterious disorders and trends etc.

If we were to go by the mythological allegories of the origins of Rahu and Ketu and the divine strategies and other components of the Manthan story, it would seem that these two would turn against the Devas who are taken to represent the benefics planets, but it seems that in actual observation, they seem to afflict human beings more directly, and perhaps not so much the Devas! Or those leaning towards the Satvic end of the range.

I am not stating that this hints or indicates that the good will suffer more directly if let us say KSY operates, but certainly grabs my curiosity!

And, not just the inherently 'benefic' ones but also functional benefics as astrology has hinted at, from time to time. Some keep those in mind, others may disagree...!

Love and Light,


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