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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:22 am

"The importance of the lunar nodes in jyotish, I think, comes from their being the resultants of two most significant motions very central in the scheme of things - that of the earth-sun and of the moon, the two astrological 'lights'. Where the two orbits intersect, a node is created at each crossing. The nodes are the symbolic representations of the two indicators coming together at one of the nodes and separating from each other at the other node. If you visualize the two circular paths as coming from outside and merging and moving in at one node (N) and emerging from inside and separating (S) as they move outwardly then it does make some sense. Rahu may symbolize materialism moving towards spirituality yet not quite leaving the grip on where it came from. Ketu on the other hand is bringing the inner world to the outer through the separation and detachment. Rahu, therefore depicts the state where boundaries will be placed and one reminded of what is truly worth, hence it is of the nature of Saturn, while, Ketu representing the pure energy that lies within moving into a realm that is more 'massive' and gross, hence the symbolic similarity with mars. It takes more energy to bring the energy out of the atom (Ketu) than the implosion generally imposed through karma and destiny that makes one go inside (Rahu). The promise of Ketu, therefore, will take effort on the part of the individual, Rahu will make it happen for you. The negative side of this is that resisting Rahu and not pulling one's weight during Ketu's influence might not be the best strategy to follow. There is a time to flow with nature and other times to utilize one's free-will that human beings were given to exercise. Often, people seem to almost naturally seem to do the opposite (i.e., resist and not flow with Rahu and trying to not show the initiative during Ketu's periods, wrong strategies in both situations).

Anyways, even if we get to the bottom of the primary axioms and spin our wheels till they become red-hot, we would not have achieved much other than personal satisfaction of having figured something out. But it is not necessary because astrology has many such cul-de-sacs and potholes into which one can get stuck and remain stuck. Perhaps there is a higher level of wisdom that comes gradually and things begin to make sense. I have heard accounts where long-term divinators and jyotishis in particular (logical beings that they are!) reach a level where knowledge flows in even without seeking and sifting the information. The horoscope, the mental gymnastics, the math and transit, the dasha matrix and other seventy two and a half things we do in jyotish are really all information, fed into the computer between the ears or perhaps even that is only an I/O interface with the computer being 'elsewhere'. The information then gets processed and knowledge comes forth, in clear or dirty flow, in trickles or torrents.

Dissecting this astro-delineative process is frustrating because much of it exists below one's full awareness. Whether the jyotishi is aware of it or not, acknowledges it or not is another matter. Often people really believe that what they sift through during a reading is all logical and on being asked to explain, they pick out this or that yoga or factor (information) which they are prominently aware of (like remembering vividly the dream you woke up from which might have been one in a chain of many that night) and try to correlate this with the reading (knowledge) but the gap between the information used to derive the knowledge does not describe how the hiatus between incoming information and outgoing knowledge was wholly bridged.

I have stopped worrying about it, because it does not help or hinder the process ..."

The rest of my thought-image exists at:

http://www.boloji.com/index.cfm?md=Cont ... cleID=1069

Love and Light!


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