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Post by anthonywriter2012 » Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:25 pm

Repeated links of publicity of other institutions editted.........

Sage Mahatapa in the Varah Puranas tells us how both the Ashwini kumars manifestedthemselves. The Ashvins or Ashwini Kumaras (Sanskrit:
अिवन  aś vin-, dual aś vinau),in Hindu mythology, are divine twin horsemen in the Rigveda, sons of Saranya (daughterof vishwakarma), a goddess of the clouds and wife of Surya in his form as Vivasvat. TheAshvins are Vedic gods symbolising the shining of sunrise and sunset, appearing in the skybefore the dawn in a golden chariot, bringing treasures to men and averting misfortuneand sickness. The Ashvins are mentioned 376 times in the Rigveda, with 57 hymnsspecifically dedicated to them: 1.3, 1.22, 1.34, 1.46-47, 1.112, 1.116-120 (c.f. Vishpala),1.157-158, 1.180-184, 2.20, 3.58, 4.43-45, 5.73-78, 6.62-63, 7.67-74, 8.5, 8.8-10, 8.22, 8.26,8.35, 8.57, 8.73, 8.85-87, 10.24, 10.39-41, 10.143. The older name of the asterism, found inthe Atharvaveda (AVS 19.7; in the dual) and in Panini(4.3.36), was aśvayúj "harnessing horses". Ashvini Kumaras, the golden armored horse headed twins of ancient Vedic lore,performed many miracles as physicians of the celestial gods.

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