Sade Sati

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Sade Sati

Post by morning.mirage » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:52 pm

How do we judge how severe the period of sade sati would be for a person? What factors do we consider?
I'd like to request people to share their sade sati stories and advice under this thread.

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Re: Sade Sati

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:57 am

morning.mirage wrote:How do we judge how severe the period of sade sati would be for a person? What factors do we consider?
I'd like to request people to share their sade sati stories and advice under this thread.
A beautiful pauranic tale of Riches to Rags and the ascent thereafter is captured in an elegant and ancient sharing about Raja Harishchandra!

ALL astrologers must study that! Robert S. has shared that very nicely in his understanding of Shani-Mahatmaya!

It is ALL about Saturn-blessings, really and after all!

Some get it, at the get-go, while others flounder!

Why this is so?

The farther and further away from the POLE-PLANET in each of our charts we move away from, the JOURNEY stretches that much longer!

WHAT is this POLE-PLANET? How do we identify THAT? And, then, what do we do?

Love, Light, Astrology,


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Re: Sade Sati

Post by ChanDubai » Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:55 pm

I share my sade sati story it was ONE of the great period in my life very good progress in terms of career, learning, growth money etc........



morning.mirage wrote:How do we judge how severe the period of sade sati would be for a person? What factors do we consider?
I'd like to request people to share their sade sati stories and advice under this thread.

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Post by johsonblack » Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:18 am

Sade Sati bad effects are not very much worrying. It is just couple of years  life has a little of tensions in terms of career and other aspects. It is believed that some people during this period excel in their life. The matter of fact is that just go on doing your duties with no hope of returns.
But if the name exists the fact exists.
The ....advertisement links edited.... these days are designing according to astrology.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:45 pm

Astrologers spend days, months, years to learn about the building blocks of the craft of astrology, they painstakingly memorize and examine the strengths and sources of weaknesses, type of planetary motions, the acmes and nadirs and even ashtakavarga and other factors some of which are pretty complicated and see those working in chart analyses as the years accumulate beneath their belt!

Yet something like sade-sathi, mangal dosh, kantak shani, and all those years of effort and building blocks get forgotten and fear grips our hearts which then gets transmitted to the nativity!

Must it really be this way? Can one size fit ALL?

Love and Light,


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Post by ChanDubai » Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:28 pm

Now Narendra Modi is  also going through "Sade Sati" according to his birth data that I have with me !! sources

He is Vrischik Lagna LL Mars and 9L Moon in Lagna

DOB: 17th Sept 1950 TOB: 11:00 AM POB: Vadnagar Gujarat

any comments? I mean predictions not just time passing wordology !!! ?? hahhaha



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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:57 am

When astrology becomes truly sincere and serious, rather than a childish game of quizzes and childish challenges and similar cock-fights that some dunces like to engage in, it would return to its glory! And pearls shall find swans rather than swine.

Until then, jealousy and pettiness shall prevail...! From the anonymity that has evidently plagued Internet Jyotish!!

Love and Light,


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Post by morning.mirage » Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:07 pm

Wow...I didn't realize by thread has reached the 2nd page.
How do we judge the effects of sade saati?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:52 pm

morning.mirage wrote:Wow...I didn't realize by thread has reached the 2nd page.
How do we judge the effects of sade saati?
First thing to find out through information-searching as to how did this term come about first? Evidently, it is not a mainstream jyotish consideration (Parashara, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Satyacharya being the earlier doyens, and then kalidasa, mantreshwar, kalyan verma etc being the later ones, and so on! In fact I heard recently that Mayasur (shwashur of Ravana) and Ravana were the originators of Jyotish as we know it, though the system (Surya samhita, siddhant and Ravan Samhita etc) used was very different and somewhat primitive compared to what we use now, mostly since Jaimini-Parashar etc came on the Jyotish stage, so to say.

No one ever mentioned anything about saturn's grip on the natal moon! In transit!! Saturn stays for ~30 months in a sign and so when it enters the 12th sign from natal moon to when it leaves the 2nd sign from moon (3 signs takes about 7.5 years hence sade-sati, but that is well known so no New material ;-P )

Katve was uncomfortable with that, because moon could be in the 1st degree of a sign, or in the 29th degree of a sign! Obviously a problem can be immediately noticed by keen and erudite prabhus here.

He, therefore suggested that the sadesati influence extends from when saturn was Natal moon minus 45 degrees to when it crossed finally Natal moon +45 degrees! This was more mathematical, just as chalit is as compared to whole sign house system.

But what is so special about 45 degrees? It could coincide with any of the degrees in a given sign and though the 1 and a half sign *angle* makes mathematical sense, but not astrological sense! How can it be connected to the astrological relevance?

Navamsha is an important astrological mainstay and kingpin, some would agree. Navamsha (again commonplace knowledge expected even in astrological neophytes) is a harmonic of 40 degree cycles. Each navamsha is the same as a quarter of a nakshatra or 200 minutes. 12 Navamshas span 2400 minutes which is 40 degrees! When two planets are 40 degrees apart, they are in the same navamsha sign.

Moon could be in the beginning of a navamsha or at the end of a navamsha, and so when shani in transit enters the navamsha in which natal moon is, from the 12th house, it contacts natal moon, then again, and again! Three times it embraces the natal moon during transit.

Some choose to call it GRIP! Others have different perceptions, thus different realities!!

One cannot learn to fix a car right from the get go! Even to become a mechanic, a much clearly laid out pursuit, one needs to spend time and study and learn by personal experience, despite the internet being full of articles and utube videos about how to repair a car (or even diagnose and treat a disease, these days!), and certainly not through just reading a message thread! ;-)

Love and Light and don't take it personally!


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Post by morning.mirage » Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:10 pm

Hi RR, how important do you think the D9 is? How does it function, on a physical level?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:53 am

morning.mirage wrote:Hi RR, how important do you think the D9 is? How does it function, on a physical level?
The answer to that is strongly hinted in the treasure chest known as Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, morning mirage!

In the section where the vimshopaka is described. But perhaps you should read the few chapters before that too. Do so slowly, because like most Jyotish scriptural texts, BPHS is a feast of a lifetime to be savoured gently, and slowly!

If you are serious and sincere, you shall find the answer to the question that is bubbling in your mind, which is a good thing, if you persist!

Love and Light,


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