Earth needs more "Divine Astrologers"

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Earth needs more "Divine Astrologers"

Post by Global_Breeze » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:53 am

I firmly believe that the "universal code of intelligence"(...a/k/a the moon and the stars) will become more open to the general public and that in the very near future, more and more metaphysic subjects will be taken seriously by the mass population in America and elsewhere.  It's time that the veil of fear and ignorance is removed from the skeptics eyes and minds.  Numerology, Astrology are sciences to be used as tools to awaken the dead and create a better life path for those needing help and guidance with issues that concern them. And while I believe that numerology is more accurate than astrology, nonetheless, both sciences should be respected as God's codes for understanding mankind better.

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Earth has "Divine Astrologers"

Post by sravankv » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:28 am

Astrology is merely accurate, and numerology is not more accurate than astrology.

These are just different techniques or calculations used for predictions.

Since masses wont respect this branch of science as a science, and hence the visibility is none.

But still there are Divine Astrologers, who are merely not known and have no interest in popularity, just because they are protecting this science from disrespect.

Somethings cannot be debated, but rather should be believed and experienced.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:26 pm

Not sure I agree with the definition of these two subjects as 'sciences'.
Where's the empirical evidence to support this assumption.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:20 pm

I agree with the professor. :)

I don't like the idea of astrology as a science, but that's a purely personal reasoning.

That and there's no science in astrology beyond figuring out where the planets are, and I guess you could technically refer to that as mathematics.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:32 pm

What makes them divine

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Post by Roism » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:06 pm

Hmmm just because something cannot be quantified into "known science" of human intellect does not necessary mean that we can discount them.

Case in point... known science... has proven that full moon has an impact of the waves in the ocean. Given that human body is mostly liquid there has to be in logical explanation of some impact on the creatures with fluid in them by the planets in space.

Another thing....almost 500+ years ago most of what we call today the Western world thought the world was flat.

Its matter of time when the world will recognize astrology as being a science. Another bit of information...astromony was derived from the ancient practice of astrology

My 2 Cents

Prof. Akers wrote:Not sure I agree with the definition of these two subjects as 'sciences'.
Where's the empirical evidence to support this assumption.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:11 pm

Its matter of time when the world will recognize astrology as being a science.

I doubt it.  There's no scentific formulas for what things mean.  Planets, houses, and signs, can mean many, many many things.  So, how do you pick out what the correct meaning for the reading is?  If you were to use a 'scientific method', you'd fail.  Even then, astrology doesn't have its head together enough.  Everyone disagrees.
Another bit of information...astromony was derived from the ancient practice of astrology
Indeed, you'd have your judicial astrologers (astrologers) and you'd have your natural astrologers (astronomers), but the fact remains they're very different.

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Post by Roism » Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:30 am

Once again you prove my point of reference...just because astrology is not proven to be a science from "western scientist" does not mean its not a science.  So called Western World took Columbus journey to prove the world round but it does not dicount the fact that the world was not round prior to Columbus encounter with American Indians.  

I suggest Sei No Senshi to watch a movie called "Down the Rabbit Hole" lot of what was said by "Rishies" in Ancient India in their search for truth is agreed upon by Scientist today as Quantum Physics.

I rest my point of view

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:50 am

I suggest Roism interpret a natal chart (or any chart) with the view that it is 'science'.  It's intuition, interpretation, and symbolism.  Astrology is no more scientific than tarot cards.  Supposed psychological applications aside.

Nothing scientific about it.

Now, there are some astronomical details I can derive from an astrology chart.  The phase of the Moon, the position of the planets in the sky (I can look at a chart and then point at where in the sky a planet is), the apparent speed of the planet, things like that.  However, I cannot tell you the mass of it, I cannot tell you it's magnitude in the sky, and I cannot tell you what it is made out of.

Saturn on Sol can mean a bunch of different things in astrology and it's up to the astrologer as an interpreter to make it make sense based on the entirety of the chart, but in astronomy all it's showing is that Saturn is behind the Sun.

Astrology is not something you can approach scientifically.  Just because two people are good artists does not mean you're going to find the same or similar positions or aspects in their nativities.

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Post by Roism » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:07 am

Like I said in my last post I rest my case

when you, I and the rest of the world achieve enlightment about the science of astrology, my words Will hold true.

Having said that let me share my personal experience with astrology, I have no point of reference of my birth day,time or for that fact year. But I do believe that the planets influence us somehow.......only because of the fact that people who do do know the three factors have proven this in so many post on vedic astrology on this website......i  like you question the astrological concept but at the same time I take reality of many other to hold my earlier example of moon effecting the waves in the ocean has been proven by scientist to hold true in our present context of planets and what we call the satellites of planets does not mean that their is no science to does however mean there is science to be discovered and not knowing that science does not mean it does not exist.

I do not wish to engage in a pissing contest between you and I....lets give other a chance to put in their two cents before we start discounting each other


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Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:25 am

Like I said in my last post I rest my case
If you 'rested' it, this post would be non-existant.
when you, I and the rest of the world achieve enlightment about the science of astrology, my words Will hold true.
To this, I can only sigh and shake my head.  Color me unenlightened then.
Having said that let me share my personal experience with astrology, I have no point of reference of my birth day,time or for that fact year.
:(  I'm sorry to hear about that.  There are rectification services.  You might want to look into them, maybe it'll help you at least narrow it down.
i  like you question the astrological concept but at the same time I take reality of many other to hold true
I don't understand what you mean by that.  "take reality of many others to hold true"  Just didn't click for me, sorry. my earlier example of moon effecting the waves in the ocean has been proven by scientist to hold true in our present context of planets and what we call the satellites of planets does not mean that their is no science to it....
I'm also unsure of what your point is with this.  However, I do feel a call for an apples/apples comparison.  There is a fundamental difference in the influence of the Moon's gravity over the waters resulting in the ebb and flow of the ocean's tide, and the effects of Pluto (who is quite a ways farther out than Luna and thus exerts no gravity over the Earth) on the world's generations.  I can easily demonstrate the tidal argument by simply letting go of my pencil and watching it drop to the floor.  Pluto's astrological expression amongst generations is a much, much harder detail to demonstrate and in reality, I don't even think it's possible.  I'm starting to think we're getting our wires crossed on the astronomy/astrology difference.  Obviously there's science in the planets, thus we have the branch of science called astronomy, but there is no science in astrology beyond observation and position.
I do not wish to engage in a pissing contest between you and I....lets give other a chance to put in their two cents before we start discounting each other
You know, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but if you didn't want your opinion to be challenged, I don't think you should have responded.  Other people will chime in when they feel it is necessary or they have the want enough to.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:31 am

In the spirit of all the other posts on this board, you are wrong and I am right. Now that I've said that, I'm wrong.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:33 am


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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:36 am


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Simple Answer to the science of Astrology - A contrary

Post by sravankv » Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:20 am

Astronomy is a preliminary part of Astrology.

Astronomy is calculation. Astrology is outcome i.e. prediction of this calculation.

Let us take a simple case study,

Bridges are constructed on basis of science, but why do bridges fall? whos problem is it? science or an engineer?

the simple case applies to astrology as well.

if there is no perfect calculation, you cant to perfect analysis.

how many in the world have perfect astro calculations.

I realize the fact that those who are publicizing it for business with masses donot have the perfect calculation.

I do know the perfect calculation, because i realized this through my analysis.

yes indeed i dont have the proof that this is right calculation.

even i have an answer for this.

this is because of dooms the proofs are kept secret out of reach of everyone, and some are destroyed by the dooms.

but the real fact is that astrology is divine because it is effective when it is respected equal to god.

the problem is that material world does not understand this science, since they dont believe. they need proofs which they will never get if they question with doubt.

you will get the proof if you question with reason rather than doubt.

I am in the same approach, and surely one day or the other i will achieve this proof.


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