Why twins (or more) may turn completly diffrent. FIND OUT!

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Why twins (or more) may turn completly diffrent. FIND OUT!

Post by dheaven » Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:42 pm

i've seen that some ask, what in fact is afterall a very good question...

This is becoause of many reasons as you will see:

1. GOD! (i won't get further into this, as the 'student' grows his understandig of the devine becomes greater)

2. They can't be in the same space in the same time

3. Astrologers keep track of the major bodies and cause of this:
In a split of a second
a. no one calculate the exact influence of a planet according to the position of its natural satelits.
b. 'invisbile bodies': asteroids, meteors etc.
c. relations between planets and stars lets say that saturn is in a perfect alignment with Pollux (not sure if posible, just an exemple) for just 5 seconds, one child benefits from that the other not.
d. nothing else comes to mind

4. Soul karma (triky)

5. Numerology (name)

6. Environment (?)

Astology is not as acurate as some may claim but what makes one a good Astrologer is INTUITION!

Sorry for my bad english.
Last edited by dheaven on Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Crow » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:01 pm

Wow, give that mom a round of applause!  2 babies being pushed in less than one minute.  :smt005  Don't think I could do that.  It does happen I am sure.  What if Numerology was used with Astrology?  Would that help with the differance between the two?  Is that why I see some people who are doing readings ask for the name?  I don't know but I admire those who can.  Also might add enviroment might play a role too.  There is so much that I agree with in my chart, things I may like or dislike. But there are some things that are not really me.  Could my environment have tuned my spirit differently?  Just a thought.  Thanks for sharing.

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Post by dheaven » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:15 pm

yup, your right :)
thanks for the replay

Environment plays also a major role in our life but could be that the enviorment reflects more the stars then it could be a more 'independent' factor? :\

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Post by Youdah » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:24 pm

I have been asked this before.  It isn't just twins, but anyone who is born on the planet at near the same time.  It is easier for an astrologer to saw that someone born in India would have different personality than someone born in Chicago, USA, because this changes the birth chart considerably.  Yet, many things would remain the same, enough that would remain the same could cause someone to ask why they aren't "identical" in many ways?

The same is true of actual twins.  And all that Crow said I agree with.  With computers, it is easy to do charts for every second of the day.  I have done this to make an exact moment in time for the most beneficial timing.  If I walk through the door of a building 6 seconds earlier, a faster moving asteroid can change the encounter.  Some have asked me to do this for a Las Vegas gambling trip so that the moment the dice is thrown would be beneficial, for example.  Very detailed.  Anyway, this holds true for twins, too.  Large differences are seen within seconds, let alone 5-10 minutes apart for twins.

I believe that if an astrologer can not find an explanation in the chart, it is the astrologer who does  not see it.  But, it is not the chart, because the chart is always correct (assuming accurate calculations).  If I calculate a chart using Sidereal instead of Tropical, I find different things.  If I do Houses by Koch house system, I see different things than when doing an equal house system.  So, always the fault is the astrologer, not the chart, if differences are not explained.

(Sorry, I seem incapable of saying anything in less than three paragraphs!)

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Post by dheaven » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:04 pm

hmm does 3 hunts you all over? :))

i have some wierd things with my cell phhone.. i get lots of calls in moments like this...


You get the point :))

I know there is a huge list of things that makes every moment special just wanted to brake down to a more significant list that might help all those who are new to this for a better and greater understanding.

Btw how did the Las Vegas thing worked?
isn't that cheating somewhat cause casinos love only gablers that play fair :))

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Post by daisyjac » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:39 am

could it be that each twin feels more comfortable with different aspects or placements?  one mght more clearly identify with their sun sign while the other feels more comfortable with their moon sign?  or maybe they chose to live out aspects and placements in different ways?

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Post by Youdah » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:52 am

Yes, I also think that there is a choice to live a higher or lower vibration of the energy so the person would act in little different ways.

Yes, often the three's.   :)  :)  :)

(The vegas thing works fairly well.  Not 100%, but enough to win.  Another thread?)

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No twin like the other twin

Post by DAT » Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:10 pm

I am far fom being an expert in Astrology, but i think twins can be more or
less identical but for that little bit of time between eaches departure from the womb, after all, we cant all head for the front door at the same time. HuH! HuH! :smt003 . Plus ya gotta remember the  ASC da DEC and the cusps E.G 1st twin Leo, 2nd twin Virgo. :smt004  Aahite!! Holla back at me.

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Is 2012 the new age deadline?

Post by DAT » Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:24 pm

Are we headed for supreme consciousness raising? I mean the Aquarian age gotta start somtime, Right?
But this could mean REVOLUTION, it could also mean drastic changes in not only how we thimk, but WHAT we think.
I forsee perilous times ahead with a prize at the finish line............a metorphorical finish line, for as the dust settles
we are then urged to create a new future.     DAT

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Post by DAT » Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:48 pm

:smt004 Hi Daisy. I see you a Bull like me. Our URANIAN and SATURN placements aint that far apart possibly Jupitor too. You can be my Astro twin if you like. As regard biological ones, even a minute makes a difference. However; SIAMEESE........(correct my spelling).......I mean thats a whole other debate :smt017  even :smt008 type scenario. The common bioligical thread is still not enough to  declare sameness.
I am new to this wonderfull form so maybe that points been alredy debated. Lemmee Kno'..Aahite!!....    DAT :smt003

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Post by MaggieRose » Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:13 pm

No two people are alike, even twins.  Everyone has different experiences to bring into play also.  One twin may have a wonderful experience at birth, the other not so much.  When you are in delivery with your baby or babies, different people may take care of them even if the doctor is the same.  Two different nurses would be attending each child and so on and so forth from then on.  

It's just not possible for every human to experience everything the same way.

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Post by DAT » Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:56 am

:smt004  Yes, clearly everything is unique, what a wonderful dichotemy of experience. :smt008  This, it seems, would give us ultimate flexibility and freedom in pursiut of our life quests :smt014  That 'no 2 things are alike' cliche rings resoundingly through the ether. Still, there is deception, or misconception :smt017  I mean, supposing your walking down the street, and you run up on 1 of a pair of twins you maybe well aquainted with, and you get thier names wrong. This has been my experience, and for me, the humorous side of nature. :smt031

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Post by dessa » Sat Sep 27, 2008 10:28 pm

dheaven wrote:hmm does 3 hunts you all over? :))

i have some wierd things with my cell phhone.. i get lots of calls in moments like this...



It seems it is not so much 3's that are following you but the 4/8 vibration, if you notice both 13 and 31 equal 4 and total it equals to 8, but the 17 / 17 gives you a double 8 instead of a double 4 and the 20:02 gives you a four again.

seems that you may want to pay attention to the 4 / 8 vibration.

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