quncunx signs ; Gemini quincunx are Capricorn and Scorpio

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quncunx signs ; Gemini quincunx are Capricorn and Scorpio

Post by astrologer50 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:07 pm

Gemini quincunx are Capricorn and Scorpio

Gemini is air and mutable sign. All air signs want to talk and Gemini is real chatterbox, tends to know a little about a lot but not in great depth. Gemini like Libra can really procrastinate and be indecisive and are usually attracted to strong partners who want to make the decisions for the relationship, like Leo or Scorpio. Likes variety, witty and quick and clever with their minds and tongues, but unreliable and very restless.

ALL mutuable signs, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo are restless and I have found the reason. They are all somehow looking for the divine answers to the meaning of life and somehow just think its always around the next corner or out of reach. Some are perpetual students thinking that if they have enough information, they will have all the answers that everyone else wants to know about.

Scorpio, there is nothing restless here but grimly determined and wanting the control and power in any relationship and wont understand their restlessness and need for variety and stimulus and why they don?t like or want to make any decisions. Gemini wont understand for Scorpio need to control everything and possible use sex and method of controlling. You find an awful lot of Gemini in service industry, shops, stores where they don?t have to deal with anyone on a deep and meaningful level (scorpio always wants deep and meaningful but wont get it with Gemini) just superficial. Gemini will probably find the digging and delving rather draining.

Capricorn is cardinal and earth. Capricorns, serious, hardworking ambitious. Care very much about status, achievements and career and what people will think. Practical, excellent with money and hanging onto it longer and harder than the rest of us. Cancer and Capricorn share these traits tight?. Capricorn and Cancer are also the two horders of the zodiac, Cancer hordes for emotional and sentimental reasons, old birthday cards, anniversary cards old photos anything looking back. Capricorns hords for practical reasons, these people have attic or/and garage full of junk just in case the brownies want a pair of curtains cutting up for something. Capricorns always want value for money and expect their purchases to last. Capricorn will always want to structure the life of Gemini and keep them grounded, which is probably what they need. Capricorn and Scorpio at the two least sociable signs. Hence the problem Gemini has to talk and socialise and doesn?t want to want the pennies

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