Derren Brown

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Derren Brown

Post by Grano » Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:18 am

Anybody seen his DVD "Messiah"?

excerpt from his page:

Q&A with Derren on Messiah

Q: How would you describe the programme?
Derren Brown: It's a personal journey for me, quite a dark journey. It's a documentary styled show where I go to America and meet some influential people behind certain belief-systems that people are encouraged to base their lives upon. Two targets are new-age beliefs and mainstream Christianity. Using my techniques and showmanship can I get these people who are responsible for the beliefs of hundreds of thousands of people, to endorse me as being the real thing? I approach these people under different pseudonyms, demonstrating to each of them an ability I have which is somehow proof to them of my abilities in that particular field. I allow them to decide how much they are going to endorse it and embrace it. If at any point they say to me this is some sort of trick I will confess and tell them.

Q: Why have you chosen to make this programme?
DB: I think one of the interesting challenges for me in what I do is to try and raise questions rather than provide the answers. I've found the idea of raising questions much more interesting and powerful than trying to force my opinions on anyone - so with that as a background I feel very strongly that belief-systems that limit us in any way should be questioned. Belief-systems can be very beneficial of course. But when we're being asked to make life-decisions based on the information coming from a psychic, or a preacher, or an author or teacher, then that strikes me as something that is worth checking and really worth looking at. Is that information credible? Where is that information coming from? I think that's something really worth questioning especially when there is a huge potential for fraud and charlatanism.

Q: What would you say to those who may accuse you of mocking genuine belief systems?
DB: The agenda of this show is only to raise questions. People are not mocked or made to look stupid.

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Post by sno » Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:33 pm

I haven't seen the DVD but I've watched his show on TV a few times and my brother went to see him live in London last year.  There's still a big part of me that wonders how staged and set up it all is though ... :(

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