Taurus - Symbol of The Bull

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Taurus - Symbol of The Bull

Post by mahender_mehta » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:22 am

Venus, planet of beauty and pleasure, rules Taurus, which means that by nature, people born with Sun in Taurus are tactile and sensuous, seekers of personal comfort and physical pleasure. By design however, they are pragmatic with an appreciative eye for both monetary value as well as aesthetic beauty. They are lovers of nature and natural things. Their harmony in life is tied to reality and the material world, but sometimes they get carried away with personal acquisitions. When they go too far afield they tend to either accumulate wealth and never use it, or recklessly squander it without improving the quality or enjoyment of their lives. As a result of their addiction to personal pleasure and comfort, Taureans can be very lazy as well as very vulnerable to the unpleasant consequences that invariably result from over indulging in rich food and other physical pleasures. Their natural cautiousness saves them from making mistakes, but it can also prevent them from taking advantage of valuable opportunities.

As the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus represents the second stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. The first thing man uses are his physical senses. What he can see, touch, and physically hold represents the reality of his position. It is why the celestial heritage of Taureans is to conserve physical resources and possessively cling to people whom they regard as their own. Their strongest desire is for personal security. Broken promises or the betrayal of others are threats to this security. Their reaction to such personal affronts is likely to be bitter, and those who inflict such abuses will not be given another chance. Disappointed Taureans can behave in a manner totally against their own best interests. They may completely retreat from the world, or, go in the opposite direction and become promiscuous. Whatever direction is taken, they may end up sacrificing the meaningful, enduring relationships they really need to feel emotionally secure.

Mentally, they are keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following accepted and reliable patterns of experience. Their character is generally dependable, steadfast, prudent, just, firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. Their vices arise from their virtues, going to extremes on occasion,such as sometimes being too slavish to the conventions they admire.

Taureans react to what they experience by assessing its possible worth. That is, before they take physical action, before they sort out their emotional involvement, and before they reason it out intellectually, they ascertain what tangible advantages are to be gained from the experience. What appears too abstract or vague fails to attract more than their passing interest. They need a definite purpose in what they do and in relationships they form. Because they don't want to be unnecessarily burdened, they willingly rid themselves of worn out items, but only if they cannot find any other way to make use of them. They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control. Equally unexpected are their occasional sallies into humor and exhibitions of fun.

Taurus colors are brown, russet, and turquoise. Vulnerable parts of the body are the neck, throat, shoulders, and upper torso. Stiff necks, sore throats, and earaches are common Taurean complaints. The emerald, a variety of the mineral beryl and as costly as a diamond, is the Taurus birthstone. The emerald's rich green color is suitably Taurean since it is the color of money, green pastures, and serenity. The emerald has a six-sided geometric form. Six is the number assigned to Venus which in turn, is the planetary ruler of Taurus. Flowers for Taurus are the rose (red), daisy, lily, and daffodil.

Taurus governs the throat and neck and its subjects need to beware throat infections, goiter and respiratory ailments such as asthma. They are said to be at risk of diseases of the genitals, womb, liver and kidneys, and of abscesses and rheumatism. Because their body type has an inclination to physical laziness, Taureans can be overweight.

Introducing Taurus, is the second sign of the Zodiac. Its the sign is the Bull . It represents a desire for stability in all things, and an overall need for both emotional and material security.

Traditional Groupings As you read though this information you will come across references to the elements and the qualities, and to positive and negative, or masculine and feminine signs.

The first of these groupings, that of the elements, comprises fire, earth, air and water signs. The second, that of the qualities, divides the Zodiac into cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs. The final grouping is made up of positive and negative, or masculine and feminine signs. Taurean Characteristics Taurus, as the first sign of the earth element, is characteristically plodding, reliable, and predictable. Being ruled by Venus, however, it also bestows on its subjects great natural charm, and gives them the reputation of being the best-looking Zodiac sign.Taurus is a sign of the fixed quality, so stubbornness can often be present in its subjects. It is therefore very important for Taureans to learn to keep an open mind. Taurus is also, in the spite of the symbolic Bull, a feminine or negative sign, which has the effect of inclining its subjects to be introverted.The Taurean colors are those governed by the planet Venus: pastel blues, pinks, and greens. Some traditions of Taurus - the sign of good looks and charm but also of possessiveness - do seem linked to that handsome bull who was really a god in disguise.
Symbolism Certain herbs, spices, flowers, trees, gems, metals, and animals have long been associated with particular Zodiac signs. Some associations are simply amusing, while others can be useful.

Flowers Taurus rules the rose, primrose, columbine, daisy, foxglove, poppy, and violet. The reasons for these attributions are lost in the mists of time.

Spices Taurus was said by ancient astrologers to rule all spices. Cloves, in particular, fall under the fineluence of this sign.

Trees Taurean trees include the ash, cypress, vine, almond, fig, apple, and pear.

Herbs Spearmint is only one of the herbs traditionally linked to Taurus. Among the others, arrack was used to cure throat infections and elder root for snake bites.

Metal The Taurean metal is copper, the traditional metal of the planet Venus, which rules this sign.

Gems The magnificent emerald and the moss agate are Taurean gems. Their only obvious association with the sign is through their color, green, which is a Taurean color.

Animals All types of cattle fall under the domination of Taurus.

Profile Taureans like to be sure that they are on firm ground, both psychologically and physically. A conventional approach appeals because they prefer established things that are secure and dependable. They are therefore likely to stand with your feet apart, their hands either in their pockets or grasping some all-important possession, for example, a handbag. They will, on the whole, be inclined to present a conventional image to those around them.

The Body Taureans have a firm, somewhat stocky, but undeniably handsome, frame. Both men and women tend to be broad-shouldered and to have thick necks, echoing the powerful build of the animal of their sign. They are capable of having slim waists, and must constantly strive to keep themselves in good shape. Flab can, all too easily, mar their natural good looks.

The Face Taureans often have hair that falls well over their foreheads. Soft curls are quite common, and baldness is rarely seen. The forehead itself is likely to be rather low, and as you get older, you may find pronounced horizontal lines appearing there. Your eyes are probably deep-set, dark, and penetrating, but a softness is possibly also visible. The Taurean nose is likely to be broad and rather flat, and the chin is rarely pronounced. Any increase in your weight, and this is something that you should be wary of, may therefore lead to you developing a double chin. Your mouth is likely to reflect your purposefulness, but it can also reveal your sensitivity.

Style Taureans will dress in a style conventional for their generation. You may therefore have to be careful that your image does not start to look dated. For women, the looks tends to prettiness: pastel colors and the occasional frill or bow at the neck. The men will sometimes sport an attractively floral or pastel-colored tie, for example to relieve a formal city suit. The naturally broad shoulders of Taureans usually require a minimum of padding.

In General The attractive, warm, and sensual speaking voice that is possessed by many Taureans often enhances their natural good looks. You may have a tendency to move rather slowly and deliberately since, although you are well aware of where you are going, and the way in which you are going to get there, you usually prefer to feel unhurried as you go about your business. Perhaps you should sometimes try speeding up a little, as this might well benefit you both mentally and physically.

Personality Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, is steadfast, stable, and conventional in outlook. It is important that Taureans do not become slaves to a routine, or too set in their ways and immovably stubborn.

At Work Such people will flourish in a steady, well-paid job, complete with the knowledge that a regular paycheck will be their. This will enable theim to plan their finances with great confidence and let you look toward the future in terms of possessions and purchases.

The Overall Picture Taureans are very often passionate people with strong feelings and opinions. Luckily, they usually express their powerful emotional level in a positive way. Like the Taurean bull, however, while they may be slow to anger, once roused their rage is often considerable. They shopuldbBe magnanimous, and learn to rejet resentfulness.

Aspirations Following a regular routine will not worry them. Their organization and money-making skills may help them to start their own business.They shouldn't be afraid of taking occasional risks.

Finance A career in finance may suit money-loving Taureans. They will usually take great care when investing.

Arts & Crafts As an earth sign, Taurean has a strong feeling for natural materials. Taureans enjoy using wood or clay, and a variety of fabrics.

Architecture Taureans have a strong sense of balance and form. They often design buildings that have an affinity with the landscape.

The Wine Trade Most Taureans love win and are discriminating connoisseurs. Some will enjoy making it, either from grapes or from other natural ingredients that come to mind. Restaurant management may appeal.

The Beauty Industry Taureans like working in the luxury trades, perhaps as beauticians. Their love of nature demands that they use goods produced without harming animals.

The Theater Theater work may not provide the security that many Taureans need, but they can be great musicians.

Your Diet As a Taurean, you no doubt love your food. If you have a slow metabolism, you should therefor do what you can to speed it up, perhaps through exercise, to help you fight weight gain. You may need to supplement your diet with sodium sulfate, which helps to eliminate excess water from the body.

Taking Care It should be kept in mind that the planet Venus rules not only the sign Taurus, but also the thyroid gland. If, therefore, you are considerably overweight for no apparent reason, you should think about being tested for possibly thyroid inactivity. The Taurean body area is the throat and neck, so you should take care to sleep with a suitable pillow. You may otherwise find yourself waking up with a stiff neck.

Leisure Each of the Sun signs traditionally suggests spare-time activies, hobbies, and vacation spots. Consider some of these suggestions - they often suit Taurean interests.

Gardening Taurus is an earth sign and has always been associated with gardening, especially the creation of beautiful flower gardens.

Comfortable Hotel Stays Taureans need and enjoy their creature comforts. When they are on vacation, they no doubt like to relax in the luxury of an expensive hotel.

Embroidery Taureans are often patient, with a fondness for detail. Meticulous work such as model-making, craftwork, or embroidery will no doubt fascinate them.

Travel These people hate uncertainty and, having found their ideal vacation in destination, they are likely to return there regularly.

Sport Team sports might be fun when they are young, but these are likely to be replaced by games of skill, like bowling.

Cookery Although this hobby is normally associated with Cancerians, many Taureans enjoy baking cakes and making desserts.

Love When a Taurean is in love, the influence of Venus rules the day. Under these circumstances, they usually express their very best characteristics in a way that cannot fail to impress a loved one. You may, with your overwhelming need for emotional security, find it hard to step into the vast unkown of a new relationship. Taureans need to be very sure of their partners before making any commitment to them. The worst Taurean fault is possessiveness and, when you are in love, this tendency can be quite vehemently expressed. You may find yourself thinking: "You're mine - all mine!" Together with a tendency to cling, this may create a claustrophobic atmosphere that will put many other Sun signs off. Allowing a partner a little more freedom will be much more productive. Taureans are very generous lovers, and your gifts may have a good investment value. Naturally, this means that you are investing in your lover's emotions, in anticipation of a long-lasting friendship; but you are also looking to the future in a more material way. If, by some misfortune, the pair of you should fall upon hard times, the gift could be sold.

As A Lover Sexually, you are likely to be an admirable lover. Every move that you make will be unhurried, and every act of love will be beautifully placed, with consideration for your partner's needs. Joy and passion will combine to the satisfaction of you both. Without a doubt, all Taureans are capable of being exciting lovers, of course, one who can be both protective and caring.

Types of Taurean Lover Sine Taureans can be surprisingly oversensitive. Many of you are nostalgic and may tend to look to the past in a rather sentimental way. This could be a little difficult for a lively, forward-looking partner to cope with. Others of your Sun sign are prone to be more assertive; their passion is intense and fiery. They must take care not to expose a selfish streak that could mar a relationship. There are also those people who express their love in a purel Taurean way, by recognizing every one of the traits that are set out here and by learning to counter any negative possessiveness. Some of you tend to have a flirtatious side to your nature, which lightens Taurean passion. This group tends to be talkative and requires partners with active minds as well as lively bodies.

Home Comfort is the keynote of a Taurean home, with tradition being the backbone of the furnishing and decor. Warm pink or pale blue colors may be predominate. Above all, the atmosphere will be calm and cushioned. Taureans usually have an overall need to feel secure. A typical Taurean home will be beautiful, large and, above all, very comfortable. This may be motivated by a conscious effortto show how comfortably placed its inhabitants are. The perfect Tauraus house will have a yard, and will preferably be located in the country. If this is not possible, then a quiet suburb should suffice juast as easily. When you take time to sit down and relax in your living room, you will want to feel the warmth and the security of a solid, but luxurious and very comfortable armchair. Your choice of furniture is likely to tend toward the conventional, and if this is the case, you will probbaly prefer to choose styles that will not date too easily. Wildly fashionable articles are likely to hold much appeal for you; you will, in gernal want your furniture to be easy on the eye, and very welcoming. It is likely that your furniture will be extremely pretty, perhaps containing soft, delicate shades of pink, blue, and perhaps some very pale green, which are the colors of Venus, the Taurean ruling planet. Decorative Objects

Since most Taureans love flowers, there is a fair chance that you will own plenty of vases in which to put them. Taureans sometimes have a collection of books on gardens or gardening. Alternatively, you might accumulate business magazines (some Taureans enjoy thinking about finance as much as gardening). Soft Furnishings Taureans often obtain terrific pleasure from choosing new drapes and cushions. You will, more than likely, decide upon floral patterns, perhaps in a glazed cotton or shiny satin. Frills often abound in the Taurean home, and there will be a proliferation of sheers to enahance windows, or to block out any uninteresting view outside. These will, however, be kept pulled right back if you have a beautiful flower garden of which you are justifiably proud. You probably prefer thick carpets, and will use beautiful rugs not only to preserve your carpets, but decoratively, in their own right, to ehance the look of your home.

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Post by turnkey » Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:03 pm

i always feel a little strange when i read about my sign and it seems to describe me almost too well...

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Post by astrologer50 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:42 pm

Mentally, they are keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following accepted and reliable patterns of experience

There is far far more to astrology than JUST sun signs. The above statement suggests that if you have your 'mercury' in taurus you may be like this. I have my mercury in taurus and am NOT like this and what if your mercury was in Aries or Gemini???

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