Question about signs showing up in houses

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Question about signs showing up in houses

Post by Kayeli » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:10 am

This is something I've been wanting clarification on for a long time...

My sun sign is Capricorn (birthday Jan. 13th), but when I read descriptions of the typical personalities manifested in different signs, I seem to identify most with Sagittarius. When I finally did my chart last year, I found that Sag is in more than half of my houses. Could that influence my personality? It seems that is never really considered, though it would make sense to me. (I'm obviously an amateur on this subject!!)

If that's not the case, could it be caused by anything else possibly? ...Or is this just wishful thinking? ;)

Your input is appreciated; you would be helping me scratch an itch that's been bugging me for years!!!

<3 Kayeli

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Maybe give you some help

Post by fionawu » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:45 am

you can get some help from tarot card or some palm tarot:

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Re: Maybe give you some help

Post by astrologer50 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:20 pm

fionawu wrote:you can get some help from tarot card or some palm tarot: edited
be warned hon, you are not supposed to promote other websites!!! you risk having your posts removed, deleted or worse...

As far as Cappi goes, yes. Its bit like saying when is a sun sign not a sun sign. When its early or late, cos there is every chance of having something in the sign before or after.

astro website is very popular for free calculations and cafeastrology is great for interpreting what the 10planets mean in the signs and in the houses and lots more. Plus there are Lessons on Astrology here... :smt004

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Post by Pappy1985 » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:07 pm

First of all how can sagittarius be in most of your houses? or do u mean most of your planets being in Sagittarius. &nbsp;If that then of course u will exhibit must characteristics of sagittarius. Each planet a certain part of us. Capricorn is just your sunsign, you could still be on your way there through your rising sign. More detail in your chart is required.

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Post by astrologer50 » Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:23 pm

Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

sounds very much like you have venus and/or mercury is Saggi or even Saggi rising ---

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Post by AriesJupiter » Mon May 10, 2010 7:26 am

If any of your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) are in Sagittarius, then that is probably why you identify with it. Also, do you have Sagittarius rising? The rising sign and the Moon are said to be AS important as the Sun...

Figuring you have lots of planets in Sagittarius, then this is the reason.

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