Synastry- Grand Trines with Asc

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Synastry- Grand Trines with Asc

Post by 4xLeo » Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:24 am

Is the ASC considered when looking at Grand trines?

Are these considered Grand Trines and what do they mean


0 ari asc, 2 sag neptune///// o jupiter leo (my asc my neptune, his jupiter)

0 ari asc///// 2 sag asc, 0 jupiter leo    (my asc, his asc,his jupiter)

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Post by AriesJupiter » Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:33 am

Well, I just typed your question into Google, and according to this website, the answer is yes:

It says angles can be included (Ascendant or Midheaven) & the effect is that it usually focuses the energy on the angle.

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Post by 4xLeo » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:33 pm

Do you know the meaning of these Grand Trines?

Also would True Lilith (true apogee of the moon) and True node, and Chiron  be included in Grand trines?

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Post by AriesJupiter » Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:30 pm

Oops, I accidentally sent my message twice. See below
Last edited by AriesJupiter on Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by AriesJupiter » Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:30 pm

I don't know about Lilith, True Node, or Chiron. My guess would be no, but then again maybe yes, because I know they are talking about how Chiron might become the ruler of Virgo soon, thus making it kind of like a planet. Anyway, I'm sure you can look up the rules for a grand trine on Google, it might take some time of searching, but if you type in "what planets can be included in grand trine" or something like "north node in grand trine?" or "chiron in grand trine?" or "Lilith in grand trine?" maybe something might pop up.
As for your aspects go, my gut interpretations (and based off of what that source said about focusing the energy on the angle) I would say...
Your ascendant + your Neptune + his Jupiter= He gives you luck or opportunites/open doors for your imaginative/artistic self/role/identity/personality
OR, your imaginative/creative/intuitive self/role/identity/personality helps open his doors, or luck/opportunities
I'm not a professional, so don't take these as exact interpretations, see if it rings true... maybe you can tweak it a little in your head if it seems to spark some ideas.
As for the next combo, I can see that there's actually a few different combo's you could play with. The next would be Your ascendant + Your Neptune + His Ascendant. And so forth... So, the quick and easy answer would be, just think about your ascendant as either your physical body or the role you play in the world, or your physical presence/appearance or identity in the world, how you display yourself or define yourself. And then Neptune is of course that dreamy, intuitive, artistic, psychic, spiritual influence. And Jupiter is opportunities, growth, expansion, traveling, new experiences, new cultures, religion, higher education, philosophy, truth-seeking (Sagittarius things) and all around "luck". So, play around with some of those combinations and use your gut. See if you can figure out how some of those feel to you
I'd say there's a wide way to interpret it, so look at those descriptions and see what calls out to you.

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Post by 4xLeo » Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:32 pm

Thanks for your help. Well what you said actually does make sense :)

Since we started talking. I have had a strong need to know "WHY" why everything.. why me, why him, why is this like that.. etc etc....

Well after I met him is when I came to astrogoly because of my strong desire to know why..... Because of this I have seen myself in a different light, in a way so to speak. I have also learned or well started to understand certain things about my self.

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Post by 4xLeo » Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:57 pm

Ok I googled it and funny your post came up...lolololololol. Just thought that was funny...

OMG It brought on more questions now with the same 2 Grand Trines above I see it now is a kite. with my Pluto 0Lib. Which is opposite my 0Aries ASC.

So no adding in pluto, and making it a kite, what does that mean???

So now its Both our ASC,neptune,jupiter, and pluto. and its double changing around the differnt plantes.

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Post by AriesJupiter » Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:07 am

Well, I don't have any experience with kites, really. But, I just looked it up, and I my intuition already kind of gives me a feel for what it's about.
I'd say with Pluto being the opposition, that it either fuels your trine  (him giving you luck or whatever you decided was the case) or it focuses all your luck/Neptunian issues into that arena (Pluto) which is power, transformation, change, etc.
So, either power, transformation, change, & rebirth fuel your guys' luck/Neptune/Asc deal, or else your luck/Asc/Neptune deal leads to transformative experiences for change for the both of you.
Does that make sense? It's like in some way you two should be experiencing death/rebirth, change, transformation... or maybe it has something to do with sex because Pluto rules sex. (you can see if that rings a bell anywhere)
I found this information just from a simple Google search, so if you want to learn more, or make sure you agree, then just look it up. Pretty much all of these astrology aspects are really easy to find through a quick search.
Let me know what you think. That sounds like an interesting aspect to have in synastry. Maybe it will bring about change for either or the both of you.
Last edited by AriesJupiter on Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by AriesJupiter » Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:10 am

Actually though, now that I look at it more, I think since the majority of the planets come from you, I think maybe it all centers around you (your ascendant) since that is opposite to your Pluto. So, your Pluto fuels change to your Neptunian self, with the help of his luck, or opportunities he provides you.
What do you think of that?
OH, just realized something really obvious.
You saying that he spurs you to know "why" makes me think of how his Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius (Jupiter is ruled by Sag.) Sagittarius rules higher learning/education, and philosophy, or life philosophies (where religion comes in). SO, what do you think about that? He must spur your desire to learn about the higher aspects of life, and your Pluto is a driving force for change to you, and actually maybe him too, because you both have Aries ascendants which are opposite to your Libra Pluto.
And your Neptune provides the intuition or psychic influence, or an artistic or emotional, universal loving nature, or adds an element of spirituality. So maybe you are pondering these subjects as well, maybe why you got into astrology because that is a Neptune ruled activity.
See what you can get out of all of this.

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Post by 4xLeo » Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:33 pm

ASC 2Sag Jupiter 0Leo  (this is him)
ASC 0Ari, Neptune 2Sag, Pluto 0 Libra (this is me)

Not sure if it counts but
my DC is also at 0Lib
his DC is at 2Gem

This can be changed around severel different ways. But Always his Jupiter and my ASC and always his Jupiter. His Asc in Sag and My neptune in Sag can be changed around. So one G. Trine has his ASC the other has my Neptune.

Here are some of the aspects we have besides the Grand Trines.

Asc Trine Asc - by 2 degrees
My Asc trine his Jupiter - 0 degrees
His Asc conj my Neptune - 0 degrees
My Neptune trines his Jupiter - 2 degrees
Not sure if I missed something or not......

We also have a ton of True Node and Vertex connections...
His Sun,Mercury,Mars,and IC hit my 12th house (rebirth) stellium??
His Moon,ASC hits my 8th house
My Sun,Moon,Mars,Mercury hit his 9th stellium
my venus and saturn ,IC in his 7th
His Venus in my 10th
Theres a ton more..  These are just the main ones. Oh not to mention Venus Opps Pluto (damn)lol

Short version,
Ok I'll try to make it sorry

As soon as I split with my husband (and I emotional healed, my venus cancer) BAM he was right there. We connected instantly (I have known him for 5 years, but on a aquintance type)  Some of the things he said really hit home, and it kinda seems we have lead sort of the same type of life. Even or kids were born at the same time. (day,year..not sure of actual time)

A month later we were tearing each others clothes off... lol (blushing)..  But at the same time I was confused by him and his actions. He told me he was a Pisces. (yeah I know)  so I thought I never met a Pisces before.... So I just one day googled Pisces and Leo. (yeah again I KNOW I KNOW) Somehow I ended up on Astro Cafe and saw get your Birth Chart. I thought was interesting. So I did. I read it. I was intruiged by it. I kept looking for more. what the aspects meant. I realized wow it was pretty accurate and it helped me see the light of some things. It also explained the why of other things... Every since then I have been struck drawn to astrogoly almost to the point where its become an obession.  I need more answers of why....

Also I just found out Im in Uranus opps Uranus right now, so it makes sense about the rebirth, and transformation as to why.....

Im not sure how it has effected him. I do know he started taking a class, 6 months ago, which is when we connected. Only I dont know what the class is. HE just says you dont wanna know... lol
So Im sure its effecting him in some way. I just dont know how........

So then your descrition sounds pretty accurate :) ........ YES he is one lucky SOB... lol he's sorrounded by luck. His Jupiter is in his 8th house... just an fyi.. I sure could use some of his LUCK   (smilesssssss)

Let me know what you think!!! Sorry its long

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Post by AriesJupiter » Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:38 pm

Interesting! When you were telling your story, I made another connection: His Asc. conjunct your Neptune.. maybe that is why you were confused by him? I don't know, I just know that Neptune can be "confusing" and when it teams up with his ascendant, maybe that makes him APPEAR confusing to you... I don't know though!
Anyway, lucky for you! It sounds like this is good for you! I don't know much else to say, but if my description helped then I'm glad!
This is good practice for me. Now I know I can (kind of!) interpret these kind of things! Lol! Yay! Hehe :)
Well, enjoy your good luck with him! Lol! :)

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Post by 4xLeo » Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:55 am

Yeah Neptune can be confusing.. But in this case I think it makes me in tune with him. But maybe thats the confusing... lol

I pick up his emotions and we can to a sense kinda say something, and the other knows what we mean... Its hard to explain.

I have Neptune in the 8th house so it gives me strong intuition. Also his moon hits my 8th house so maybe thats another reason why I can sense him..

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