The Asteroids

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The Asteroids

Post by Tamaria3 » Sun May 02, 2010 10:52 pm

I saw Eris Astrology on the list, but does this site have programs which calculate the other asteroids (or whatever they really are) currently in use, such as Chiron (most accepted of them), Juno, Vesta, Ceres, Pallas, Lilith, Eros and Psyche? I am extremely interested in this new research and have not seen many sites where you can calculate these. has Chiron, Juno, Vesta, Ceres, and Pallas, but I'm not sure if they've added any more since the last time I perused that site. I got really sick of all their pop-ups and constant sales pitches, but it's a nice site overall.

If anyone knows where to find good information on these celestial forces, please let me know.

I say 'celestial forces' because I am not sure if it is really the asteroids these astrologers are tracking which affect us here on Earth (technically they shouldn't based on size and distance). However, there is definitely some energy field coming from that direction which can possibly be tracked using said celestial body as a reference point. I have delved a bit into the information on how astrologers discovered what Chiron's effect is, and what they do is track events on Earth when the asteroid is prominent, then see if there is a correlation through time. With modern software, they can track its effects far into the past. A lot of astrologers now seem to agree about Chiron being an important force in a natal chart, but there seems to be a lot of disagreement on the others.

Anyway, I would appreciate hearing from anyone with useful information about this topic. Thanks!


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Post by AriesJupiter » Tue May 04, 2010 5:32 am DOES calculate these asteroids! And many, many more!
You just need to click on the "Asteroid name/number list with 14574 names" link... right below the area where you can select Ceres, Pallas, Chiron, etc...
This huge list gives you numbers corresponding to each asteroid, and you just type in the numbers (with commas to separate) in the box provided (below the provided asteroid selection).

Hope this helps :)

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Awesome site

Post by Tamaria3 » Tue May 04, 2010 5:13 pm

Astrodienst, right? Thank you for the tip, AriesJupiter. Hey, I'm an Aries ruled by Jupiter, BTW!  :)

I also found a few more things on this site after looking at the site map. It's amazing how many asteroids are out there which people are coming up with interpretations for. I was looking for glyphs and came across which has a table of glyphs, but still didn't include all of the ones I found astrological interpretations for, like Sedna. I finally found that one too, at the Magi Astrology site, along with Sappho, but it took some digging!

I'm off to study asteroids...


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Post by AriesJupiter » Thu May 06, 2010 2:45 am

Yes, is Astrodienst.

You're an Aries ruled by Jupiter? That must mean you are Ascendant Sagittarius or Pisces? I'm not sure what you're talking about...

I am an Aries, with Jupiter in Aries as well... so my name "Aries Jupiter" is because my Jupiter is literally in Aries. (But I'm also an Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries NN&Mercury conjunct Jupiter) So the name seems fitting :)
Last edited by AriesJupiter on Thu May 06, 2010 2:56 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Ruled by...

Post by Tamaria3 » Fri May 07, 2010 5:37 pm

The Ruler of your Natal Chart is the planet which rules the Sign your Ascendant is in. Any other part of your chart which involves that planet will be intensified, having more bearing on your life than it normally would. So when I say 'ruled by Jupiter' I mean that Sagittarius is my Ascendant. So for me, any aspects to Jupiter will be important. I have an Aquarius Moon (unless you're talking Vedic, then its Capricorn, which makes a lot of sense for me, actually). My Mercury is in Pisces, and that helps me to understand people's feelings and operate from a sense of caring, otherwise I'd be brash and impersonal, too ruled by logic, I suppose.

With a Taurus Ascendant, you would be ruled by Venus, Love, Beauty, Romanticism. Anything in your chart which involves Taurus or Venus will affect you more strongly. For example, you probably like your surroundings to be comfortable and beautiful, and may even feel physically sick if it is not that way, whereas it bothers me a little if the environment is not pleasant, but I can ignore it as long as I have a wall of books and plenty to occupy my mind (Jupiter).

So it sounds like the Planet of Luck (Jupiter), the Planet of Energy (Mars), and the Planet of Pleasure (Venus) are your key motivators. That is a great lineup for success as long as you stick to your goals. Aries has a tendency to start too many things and not see them all the way through, but with Taurean persistence and Jupiterian expansion you can push yourself to the top!

Hey, it's good communicating with you, I hope we have many more discussions in the future! You seem to have an insightful perception and I enjoy your comments.

BTW...I must really like my own Sign...I have two Aries sisters, an Aries daughter, and an Aries for a best friend and lover, heh. A lot of my friends have been Aries as well. Then I find out that many of the people I like the most in the entertainment industry are Aries. It's so weird! You'd think that a dynamic, supposedly egocentric Aries would hate to have people around who can outshine them, LOL! Do you often have the feeling that you're surrounded by Martians? ;)


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Post by AriesJupiter » Sat May 08, 2010 3:56 am

Thank you for your insight about the chart ruler. I don't know how you knew I had Ascendant Taurus, but you were right on!  :smt002 (My Venus is in Pisces, by the way)

I agree with you, I really like Aries, but I rarely meet them! I would love to be surrounded by more... It seems like they are a minority amongst the signs, though! When I do meet one, though, I have a certain respect & understanding for them, I know that they are "not to be messed with"! I don't even try! (not that I would...) But, I really like Aries, because I feel like we are one of the same! I would love to be surrounded by more people who are just like me, and understand my bold Aries nature!!! :)

I would love to keep chatting with you; it seems we've got some things in common with my Sagittarius Moon and your Sag Ascendant. Very nice. Aquarius Moon goes well, as my Sun/Moon midpoint is Aquarius, & my Mars is in Gemini.

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Don't Mess with Aries...Wise Words...

Post by Tamaria3 » Sun May 09, 2010 7:18 pm

Being around so many Aries people has definitely caused me to learn patience! ;) Most of the time, it is wonderful to have such energetic, straight-up, creative people around you, but when you do end up with a disagreement, it can be explosive!

I used to know this couple who I thought had an extremely good relationship (both Aries). For many years, they were great to visit with, and their relationship seemed blessed. But I always wondered what happened when one or the other 'put their foot down' on an issue. I always thought it would be hard for two Aries people to compromise, and it might end up pretty badly. But it seemed they had mastered the art. Eventually, however, it came to tears and violence when the male Aries started getting involved in drugs and partying and she found out. She left, of course, and went on to become successful in an Administrative function (Aries loves being the leader or having control). She was never as much fun after that, however. She lost some of her spark and became much more conservative.

Now I find myself in a relationship with a strong Aries man, and believe me, it is an interesting experience. We have so many things in common, even beyond the personality stuff, that most of the time we are in complete agreement on things and understand where the other is coming from quite well. We finish each other's sentences, that kind of thing. Plus I have a bit of the psychic nature, so he can't hide anything from me (I'm sure that's quite aggravating at times for him). That means we end up dealing with any issues and usually work out any disagreements right away. A lot of the time we discover we were disagreeing about the same thing, but saying it in a way the other didn't understand. It's kinda funny when you're over the hotheaded response. He is far more of an Aries than I am, however. With Mercury in Aries, he has a tendency to say things in an aggressive manner, whereas with my Mercury in Pisces, I try to see the other person's point of view and choose my words a bit more carefully. If I had not learned some patience already, I think we would end up killing each other! ;)

But the rewards are most 'loverly' (from "My Fair Lady," one of my favorite plays/ movies). We connect so well and feel each other's moods, needs, and wants, it is amazing! I am left breathless...

I am glad you found my words to be helpful, and I feel I may have made another Aries friend, albeit long-distance. Where are you from, BTW? I value and treasure all my Aries connections and I think we can help each other. It is always rewarding and interesting. On that note, besides the interest in astrology, what else do you explore for fun? Myself, I'm not  having a lot of fun time these days because this Tarot project is driving me hard. I'm afraid I won't be able to really relax until I've completed it. I like video games, but every time I try to play lately, I feel like I'm wasting valuable moments and end up putting it away shortly thereafter. Chatting with you is a nice break in the midst of the madness, though! :) Thank you.


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Post by AriesJupiter » Mon May 10, 2010 4:32 am

Well I'm not really sure if it's okay to keep personal chatting on a thread, so maybe we should PM.

But I do find it very interesting to hear about all these Aries relationships! I've got Mercury/NN /Jupiter in Aries, too. So I think I might like it!

Take care :)

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Aries Dynamite All the Way!

Post by Tamaria3 » Tue May 11, 2010 5:21 am

So you speak and think like an Aries (Mercury), learn Karmic Lessons from Aries (NN, and was one of your parents an Aries or acted like one?), and your luck comes from Aries (Jupiter)...

It sounds like hanging about with more Rammy types could be good for you, heh. Well, I'll get to the other message in a bit, I've had a lot going on today. C'est la vie...

May all your dealings with Rams be blessed with good humor and not head-butting!


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Post by astrologer50 » Sat May 15, 2010 3:32 pm

astrologyweekly forum has an 'asteriod and fixed stars' forum if your interested :)

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