Is There Really Nothing I Can Do About Astrological Predictions?

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Is There Really Nothing I Can Do About Astrological Predictions?

Post by pageofcups » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:42 am

I read my horoscopes daily. I am at the moment feeling very frustrated with astrology. My family and friends always tell me that astrology is just a self-improvement tool. And horoscopes should not determine what we do/plan to do. But it is there so we can change and improve and be happier.

But to me it seems like something I can not escape from. I will tell you of one example: if my horoscopes tell me to watch what I say and stay positive or I will lose my chance with a man, I will watch what I say to my neighbor (who I am infatuated by) and everything is fine and our friendship goes well. I don't know whether a future with him is possible because I don't know if he feels the same way, but at least I have't said anything to offend them. And I feel as if I have "dodged the horoscope".

But then when I meet another man at a coffee shop unexpectedly (someone who is clearly attracted to me and I have a real chance with), we chat and have a great time, until... I blurt out something completely inappropriate and I never get his number.

It bothers me a lot. I also feel the effects of one day's horoscopes 1-2 days before or after, so I never know if I've "dodged the horoscope" yet.

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Post by thedarkpixie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:16 pm

Horoscopes only go by sun sign so they tend to not be as accurate unless you read your rising sign (and even then, it'd have to be at 0 degrees and still some of it won't match up). Sometimes we can think about it too much though instead of just going with the flow. I love astrology, but sometimes you have to just toss the horoscope and aspects and just let your instincts take over.

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Post by Airgon » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:01 pm

Some Sun sign articles are very complex though if sufficient
space is allowed in the article to add the interpretations of
additional objects like the Moon or Saturn.

The Western approach is often that the astrology view is
the predisposition is defined by the interaction and placement
of the sky but it can be avoided by various remedies such
as moving ones location ( astro-relocation ) or by electing
positive moments to do ones activities ( electional astrology )
and perhaps associating with another person so that
a composite chart is now in effect ( marriage or joining
a group organization or company for example ).

Vedic astrology often uses mantras and precious stones
in various ways to achieve remedies.

If one has an understanding of astrology and how it
refers to oneself then strong positions can be enhanced
( like when to start a career and what career one is best
suited for ) and weakness can be reinforced or even

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Post by Wisenheimer » Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:12 pm

Stop reading your daily horoscope. That is trash. Go get an astrological chart done (preferably by a respected astrologer) and learn who you really are as a person. There is so much more to you than a sun sign. There are 10 planets out there that combine into making you into who you are. You are only reading about 1/10th of who you are as an individual. Of course you will be depressed reading that tripe, I wish it would be banned.

Go get a chart done and learn who you really are.

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Re: Is There Really Nothing I Can Do About Astrological Predictions?

Post by rushan » Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:15 am

pageofcups wrote:I read my horoscopes daily. I am at the moment feeling very frustrated with astrology. My family and friends always tell me that astrology is just a self-improvement tool. And horoscopes should not determine what we do/plan to do. But it is there so we can change and improve and be happier.

But to me it seems like something I can not escape from. I will tell you of one example: if my horoscopes tell me to watch what I say and stay positive or I will lose my chance with a man, I will watch what I say to my neighbor (who I am infatuated by) and everything is fine and our friendship goes well. I don't know whether a future with him is possible because I don't know if he feels the same way, but at least I have't said anything to offend them. And I feel as if I have "dodged the
But then when I meet another man at a coffee shop unexpectedly (someone who is clearly attracted to me and I have a real chance with), we chat and have a great time, until... I blurt out something completely inappropriate and I never get his number.

It bothers me a lot. I also feel the effects of one day's horoscopes 1-2 days before or after, so I never know if I've "dodged the horoscope" yet.
Hi pageofcups,

The horoscope tells about your fate resulted from your previous life's good or bad deeds. But the fate is just a one factor affecting your character and life events. Your present character and deeds can change your present and future. There is nothing certain in this life. Everything changes.  So do your fate.

So I advise you to work hard and try to fulfill your desire. Learning astrology can help you to understand your fate and you can work hard to change your fate.

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Post by Lost_Hope » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:56 am

anything for the mass is a piece of shit,
only anything custom-made is good

astrology is well-known for some reasons

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Post by astrologer50 » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:36 am

What Astrology Can and Can Not Do ... oryou.html ... ostcount=7
Perhaps you should read this thread entitled: astrology predicts meanings, not events ... 546&page=2

In the beginning of Liz Greene's (famous prolific author on astrology), “Astrology for Lover's” book there is a good chapter on What astrology can and can't do.
“Astrology is baffling because it works. So, what in fact is a horoscope?
What it's not is a way of foretelling the future, or of determining whether that tall dark stranger will turn up next week. To put it briefly the horoscope is a map of the psyche of the individual. it's a kind of blueprint, a seed plan, a model of the energies and drives which make up a person. Because it's calculated precisely for time and place, it's unique, unlike the sun sign column. Even identical twins are born at least four minutes apart, and in four minutes the picture has shifted.”

“Astrology can be used to help you in many ways. It can reveal damaging behavioral patterns or forewarn you of upcoming challenges. It can help you pinpoint latent talents you may possess and provide you with specific hints on how to best develop them. Astrology can also point out expansive, rewarding trends that are coming up and assist you in figuring out how to take advantage of them before they fade. Finally, astrology is an excellent means to determine the perfect timing for certain actions.” ... oryou.html

“The beauty of astrology is that it will help you to always be in complete control of your life. Astrology is not fortune telling: but it is a recognition that we have free will. We know we are not controlled by the planets, but the planets do create a certain atmospheres of constriction or ease, that keeps us on our toes.  Alas, you cannot blame the planets and say, for example, Saturn made me do it! The few times I have said this to an audience, most people laugh it does sound funny.” ... oryou.html

“The planets work to help us help ourselves. By applying pressure, planets help us to overcome inertia. At other times, they help us to see unproductive or even self-destructive behavior that we may have never noticed before but that we can fix. Astrologers believe we must be accountable for our actions and to recognize that we do have choices.  The study of astrology will help you sort out all your options and to act at the proper time.” ... oryou.html
To read the full article just click on above link

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