What will 2012 bring for sagittarius?

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What will 2012 bring for sagittarius?

Post by Kate_Oranum » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:42 pm

Can anyone answer me please? I would trust you more here then any newspaper...

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2012 for Sagittarius

Post by tonijo22 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:23 am

I assure you, I am NOT an astrologer. But, I am Sagittarius and I work as a psychic. I can tell  you what I feel for myself as well as other Sag's.

The beginning of the year, the first couple of months, it feels like, you need to make a move of your residence, just made a move or are about to move.  Kind of like an urgency. Partially because, you feel there is change and you want to establish yourself before someone else tries to. Fight or flight response is on overdrive.

The fight or flight response also replies to relationships. If you're not in a relationship, you feel like you are running out of time to be in one.  (':smt017')(whatever that means)

Your need for knowledge is stronger than usual. Your pursuit for freedom and knowledge feels oppressed.

You know you should be focusing on your career at this time. But, all of a sudden, you just don't feel like it. You feel like learning something new that will have it's benefits later. So, maybe it's justifiable to let the career or job search fall by the wayside? Even if, you can in no way afford to do so. On the bright side, it will all work it's way out...it always does. Right?!  (':smt003')

I think things are going to remain like this until May or June. Then things will start to make more sense and you  begin to get back on track. Or get adjusted to the changes you made at the beginning of the year.  

That's all I have for now. I'm not confident on accuracy any longer than 6 months into the future. :smt017

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Post by RasAlgethi » Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:50 pm

Are you seriously saying that for all Sag's the world over they need to move in the first few months this year?

Or you are writing to yourself when you say "you"?


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Post by tonijo22 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:09 am

I'm sorry, Please don't take this the wrong way, But, WTF are you talking about??  What I said, and I will say it again, "The first few months of the new year, Sag will have a sense of urgency. They will have thoughts of moving, may have just moved or are planning on moving." As I said, a sense of urgency. A feeling of discontent. I'm am sorry if you misunderstood me. I did not and I would never say, that all Sag's need to do anything!

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Post by RasAlgethi » Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:02 pm

I don't take it the wrong way at all because what you ask is EXACTLY what I thought when reading your . . . .

The thread is titled 'What Will 2012 Bring for Sagittarius'.  Though it makes sense to assume the OP was referring to herself rather than Sag in general, the way she phrased the question pertains to Sag in general.  Your response to her included "all with the Sun in Sagittarius" or "all Sag's" for short, by saying "I can tell you what I feel for myself as well as other Sag's".

I am NOT in a debate with you, for I learnt a long time ago that when it comes to online discourse it is almost impossible for true communication to occur, as too many people read with a selective filter and can only see what their minds tell them to see.  You've heard of the Illuminati?  Well now you've heard of the Illiterati, those that cannot read.  

LOL, now that is not geared towards you, rather I am saying from experience that I know too many people in this world of confusion can not truly READ objectively as they do not understand the properties of words or that we are the product of our speech and then they are always insulted or upset whenever misunderstanding occurs due to self-importance.

Besides, so far the OP has not replied and I don't have a horse in this race.  I will point out though, that this is a section on Western Astrology, so putting "psychic impressions" into the equation seems to me to be part of the problem of confusion.

To be blunt, however, the original poster asked such a vague question that there is really no intelligent way to answer it as far as I can see.

Any so-called astrology that focuses on Sun-Sign only is doomed for inaccuracy.

But we can always get around that by hedging our bets and phrasing advice like "They will have thoughts of moving, may have just moved or are planning on moving."

Cover all your bases, did ye?  LOL  what about they will have dreams of moving and see a movie where people move and notice the movement of the stars and the skies and the birds and the butterflies?  *wink, wink* Anyways, carry on and have fun, maybe the OP will chime in and offer perspective in this dreadfully quiet board.  

Or is that bored?


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Post by tonijo22 » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:43 pm

If you are looking for a debate. Look in another direction. I am not going to dignify your post with a response. I feel that you are rude and condescending. This Sag is way too tired to play kiddie games. Somehow you still missed the point I was trying to make.

Thanks for reading my post, none the less. You have a nice day!

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