How can Identical Twins have Different Personalities + Other questions

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How can Identical Twins have Different Personalities + Other questions

Post by Javant » Tue May 27, 2008 3:16 pm

I'm quite new to astrology.  But what I don't get is that how people born at the same time and place e.g identical twins can have very different personalities.

I'm also highly sceptical about most of the software on this website that 'assumes' that people born on the same month will have the same make up and profile.

As I understand it 'proper' astrology is based not only on date of birth and star sign but also the time of birth and location ?

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Post by Javant » Sat May 31, 2008 4:36 pm


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Post by RishiRahul » Sat May 31, 2008 7:23 pm

Why the bump? Can living identcal twins be born at the same time?


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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat May 31, 2008 8:26 pm

MAYBE you need to look at numerology   personalities have a direct connection with our names  and  numerology can work along side astrology .this would explain the difference you are seeing ....

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat May 31, 2008 8:34 pm

Better question might be how would...  minutes or even seconds change the aspects of a chart .....

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Post by Javant » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:46 am

Better question might be how would...  minutes or even seconds change the aspects of a chart .....
Ok that's really what I mean. So how does it ?

I understand that the position of the moon, sun and stars changes over a period of time. I would of thought the significance could only be recorded after several minutes or hours ?

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Post by Javant » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:50 pm

Nobody has anything to add then ?

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:43 pm

To answer your question   at examining the charts of these two identical twins  a untrained eye would see no differences  . but one must understand that within any given aspect of a chart  rather it be houses, planets or  signs,there is the element of  multiply -variable  properties .  duality is the key likes forces will oppose each other  .

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:19 pm

Consider the fact that identical twins are never born at the same time/moment.... their personalities can differ.


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Post by Youdah » Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:03 pm

Absolutely!  Within a very few minutes, the ascendant and midheaven could change signs.  This would have a big impact on the personality.  Also, the asteroids and moon nodes could change enough to have different outward personalities.

Yet, assuming that none of these faster moving indicators were present, the charts can be virtually identical and still have different personalities.  This is because nothing in a chart is "written in stone."  A birth chart only tells of the influences and potential.  For example, let's use Neptune as an example.  A strong Neptune in the chart could indicate that the person is very spiritual.  It can also indicate someone who is insane or a substance abuser.  How someone chooses to *use* their potential can change dramatically, person to person.  Another example:  suppose there is a strong Saturn in the chart.  Saturn can mean a life of destitution and restrictions or even incarceration, but it can also mean that someone is stable, serious, and lives by the rules.  Again, it depends on how the person uses their "energy" and potential.

I would argue, though, that the inner life of the person...what he/she thought, felt, believed, etc....would be very similar or "identical" in identical twins.  Slow moving planets are often called "generational planets" because the attitudes and lifestyles are similar depending on your generation.  Teenagers during the 60's and 70s have a much different outlook on life than teenagers in the 90s or 2000's.  

Can twins have very different personalities?  Absolutely!  Can twins be identical as well?  Absolutely!

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Post by rs1179 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:43 am

good question.

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Post by Dreamfaery » Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:01 pm

I understand that this post is quite old but thought I would reply anyway.   I am a twin, and there are differences in both mine and my twins charts. The time of birth can play an enormous factor in this. If I am correct, the ascendant roughly takes about 2 hours to move through each sign?? So, my ascendant is in Taurus and my twin sister who was born before me, her ascendant is in Aries, our Moons are both in Libra but in different Houses, and so is Jupiter (mine is in the 1st house and my twin's is in the 2nd) and Saturn (mine in the 6th house my twins in the 7th house).  Our moon nodes are different, so our karmic path is different also. Our Sun, Mercury and Venus are in same houses. So just going on the ascendant signs, I am more introverted and cautious (Taurus) and she is more outgoing and forward (Aries), therefore on meeting people for the first time you could see how we would both react differently. This is only a tiny bit of information of our charts and just shows how important getting your birth time right is, and also that just in a short space of time as in our birth times things can change in a chart. Of course, other factors are relevant, as the chart is potential that you can work with, but if you choose not to then you would be different from your chart if you were a twin or not.

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:32 pm


Identical twins generally means born nearly at the same time; the date, month, year & place being the same+ they look identical.
If it is the above, and they have different lives, the reasons can be =

(1) Their different environment they live in can have different effect on their thinking.
But again returning to the same (not similar) ENVIRONMENT can bring sharp similar effects, at least in thinking; sometimes destiny.

(2) Maybe the sub sub of their house cusps (vedic bhavamadhya) has the differing says.

(3)The very minor differences in birth time can also spark changes in divisional charts.

(4) Then there are some things (probably beyond known astrology), more of chance, like the given name which sparks nature & time like essence numbers and number transits.
Although I would like to believe that it should be astrology contained, but not yet found

(5) Maybe palmistry: more so physiognomy of certain body parts can differ......... oops... I hope the blood group do not count too////smile///


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Post by Javant » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:29 pm

Nice to know people respond to old threads... :)

Haven't used MB in a while...

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:30 pm

RishiRahul wrote:Hi,

Identical twins generally means born nearly at the same time; the date, month, year & place being the same+ they look identical.
If it is the above, and they have different lives, the reasons can be =

(1) Their different environment they live in can have different effect on their thinking.
But again returning to the same (not similar) ENVIRONMENT can bring sharp similar effects, at least in thinking; sometimes destiny.

(2) Maybe the sub sub of their house cusps (vedic bhavamadhya) has the differing says.

(3)The very minor differences in birth time can also spark changes in divisional charts.

(4) Then there are some things (probably beyond known astrology), more of chance, like the given name which sparks nature & time like essence numbers and number transits.
Although I would like to believe that it should be astrology contained, but not yet found

(5) Maybe palmistry: more so physiognomy of certain body parts can differ......... oops... I hope the blood group do not count too////smile///


I think blood group may be one 'factor' that can be tucked away for I2s! But that still leaves a lot of factors that challenge the astrologer who is often given a dare to defend astrology based on twins! Even identical twins often have several minutes of birthtime difference. The challenge is, *How to ascertain that the stated times were recorded accurately!*

Some go with finer divisions (vargas) but the prevailing Ayanamsha confusion (I mean variations!) create some head-scratching!

In Houk's anthology (36 vedic teachers one from Groundswell Press in the 90s) had an interesting practical utilization of a well-known technique in which the elder I2's 3rd house was studied as ascendant to ascertain the younger sibling's reading and the 11th house of the younger one was used to verify the fate etc of the elder...!

Is this the only way? I do not know but sounds pretty direct and simple, assuming that one of the times was recorded accurately!

Love, Light, Simplicity!

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