Please: a look in at transits in my chart??..

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Please: a look in at transits in my chart??..

Post by hyacinthe » Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:01 am

Thank you for your recent help on my T Nep sq Sat transit Query..

As you recently said, the Sat conj Nep is vey unpleasant(!!!) to experience. Now mine is coming up.  

I've been feeling really unwell and anxiety ridden for a long time already..even
more so since I became acutely aware of how "Orwellian" life is becoming although the general public are so unaware..I can see where things are heading, and it  makes me feel  "unsafe" and scared for my kids future..

I live alone with my youngest (of 5)..never had a career, and am panicking about how to sustain myself in the future..  eg...whether to embark on a 2yr course in Nutrition and get a qualification, but I'm worried how/ whether I'll cope in this astrological "climate" of transits.  

.I'm living in a small town right now, since 2 years ago, when I suddenly had to uproot ..but I feel stuck between a rock/hard place, as moving again will only be possible if I get rid of all my possessions incl. our 3 cats and can't cope with that..
On the other hand I feel isolated here... Will I have a nervous break down and everything fall apart.. and ...fate decides (eek!)
Thanks for reading this, I guess you can see it all in the transits!!

I'm not sure what I'm asking, but ANY validation or  comments at all would be gratefully received!

( always wondered about my Mars in Pisces bucket handle - the significance, and also my T square - these must be my areas of weakness)
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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:59 pm

As t saturn is ruler of MC and is transiting 7uth house this has more to do with one to one relationships. You are one year older than myself but our Neptune are same degree. Now like all transits they simply act as background influences until the make a mathamatical aspect to a natal planet or angle. Now transits 'set off' whatever planet aspects they touch. So now we have to look at your Neptune's aspects.

Neptune square Uranus is simply generational and then a wide orb conjunction with mercury and this may go on a while,, as it transits over mercury/neptune midpoint and then mercury.This would be a good time to study, do some research. You may feel like communicating less, become more grounded, practical

I notice T Uranus is currently opposite natal venus, this could spark a new romance or interest in health matters, daily routines
Also T Pluto is squaring natal venus to and again this is quite a long transit. So its going through the 9th house of higher education and rules the 8th house of joint finances, bringing these into focus. So as natal venus is well aspected I doubt this will cause too much problems, just perhaps a little more tension, excitement (uranus) and possible power struggles in romance/finances.

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