Configuration Help

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Configuration Help

Post by LadyRelm2 » Tue May 31, 2011 4:05 am

I have recently started to learn how to interpret natal charts.  I'm reading a couple of books and am slowly starting to understand.  however, I was looking over my natal chart and see a box in my chart.  When I look under the major configurations, I don't see any explanation for this box.  I was wondering it the box is a designation for something?  or is it nothing?

The box occurs between:

Sun (In Gemini)
Moon (In Virgo)
Neptune (In Sagittarius)
Jupiter (In Pisces)

Sun is square to Moon
Sun is square to Jupiter
Sun is in opposition to Neptune

Neptune is square to Moon
Neptune is square to Jupiter
Neptune is in opposition to Sun

So, In essence, I have to right triangles that sit on top of each other to make a perfect square, but there is only ONE opposition through the center - sun to neptune.

Does this type of square hold any special meaning?

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Post by psychoticblades » Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:43 pm

I don't think that type of square holds any special meaning, just a normal one. However, it does sound rare, so that may be why you can't find much on that type of square.

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Post by Airgon » Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:59 pm

Look up pattern aspects or "mystic rectangle" on google
loads of information :)

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Post by LadyRelm2 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:16 am

So you think this would be indicative of a Mystic Rectangle?  When I'm looking at the chart, it looks almost identical to a Grand Cross only with one set of oppositions, instead of two.

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Post by Airgon » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:08 am

If you post your chart or the natal information we can
get a look at the exact configuration involved :) some
configurations sound the same and differences are
only clear with observation :)

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Post by LadyRelm2 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:33 am


Here you go.  See below.  Thanks for looking!  


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Post by LadyRelm2 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:21 am

btw, if anyone else wants to give their interpretation of my chart, I'm all ears!! Reading someone else's interpretation of my chart helps me to determine if my own attempts are close to the mark or not.  Interpretations seem to be difficult for me because there are so many different possible meanings to signs/planets that I'm not really quite sure if I am feeling out the correct one, kwim?

While I am waiting on Airgon (or anyone else!) to help me understand the meaning (or lack thereof) of the square which is the topic of this post, I am currently trying to discern the interpretation of the T-Square in my chart that is between Mars (in Cancer), Uranus (in Libra), and Venus (in Ares).  I've gathered that the focal element is Water, mode is Cardinal and that these two things mean that the energy (from Cancer) is directed toward the expression of my emotional identity.  That's as far as I've gotten....  Does that sound correct?

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Post by LadyRelm2 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:52 am

Okay, here is my "assessment" of the T-square above  (Note - I copied some of the Cardinal info from another site):

T-Square between Mars (in Cancer), Uranus (in Libra), and Venus (in Ares):
Focal Planet – Mars
Focal Element – Water (emotional and spiritual)
Mode – Cardinal
The Cardinal T-Square is concerned with the question of identity.

The sign of the focal planet will indicate where the point of focus and integration will be:
Aries = individual identity; Cancer = emotional identity; Libra = social identity;

Planets in Cardinal signs have impulsiveness as a trait of this configuration. Waiting is not something they do well. They are natural born leaders because of this inability to wait for someone else to take the gavel.

The Cardinal quality is prone to lots of action but whether or not that action is productive is another question because often the impulsivity wastes energy. The focal planet will lend insight to where the focus of activity might be the best potential of success.   Mars in the 8th house may indicate an emotional or spiritual strength or endurance.

Needed Balancing energy – practicality in earthly or material matters (Cardinal Earth in 2nd house)

Stress from:
Uranus in the 11th house (Libra):  Motivations, goals, or aspirations in community or group matters

Venus in the 5th house (Ares):  love life and passions

Well, so how did I do????  Am I close or did I miss it by a mile????

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Post by Lost_Hope » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:57 am

square usually is a bad relationship
while trine usually is a good relationship

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Post by LadyRelm2 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:05 pm

So should I look at this as two trines ??? OR should I look at it as a square?

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Re: Configuration Help

Post by astrologer50 » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:18 pm

LadyRelm2 wrote:I have recently started to learn how to interpret natal charts.  I'm reading a couple of books and am slowly starting to understand.  however, I was looking over my natal chart and see a box in my chart.  When I look under the major configurations, I don't see any explanation for this box.  I was wondering it the box is a designation for something?  or is it nothing?

Does this type of square hold any special meaning?
this box iscalled an *aspect grid* and is VERY important has a free 'personal portrait' interpretation of a natal chart in the free horoscope section, you simply put the cursor on a planet and it brings a pop up box to explain what it means to have a planet in that house and any other aspects it has to natal planets. plus a six month free transit report in 'short report' Robert Hand gives a valuable in depth explanation of transits here –

Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

Remember back to your school days an opposition is 180', square 90', trine 120', and sextile 60' Now challenged aspects are conj (depending on the planets, cos some like each other and some really don't) squares and oppositions. Easy aspects are conj (if the planets get along) eg: Jupiter conj Moon, sextile and trine. Quincunx is inbetween (depending on the planets) causes health strains and unresolved or hard to balance planets/energies.

Natal chart aspects ... ology.html ... erence.htm ... x/category:

planets in houses
Houses/signs are like the backdrop of a stage/theatre, planets in houses behave like actors on a stage, the *aspects* show how these planets/actor behave in a house

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configuration help

Post by LadyRelm2 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:25 am


sorry if I was isn't the aspect grid that I was referring to....

The "box" I was referring to which I need help interpreting is the box in my natal chart between Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune.  Neptune & Sun are on AC & DC respectively.  Together with Moon & Jupiter, there is a box in my chart.  It looks rather peculiar and I can't seem to find an interpretation for it.

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Re: Configuration Help

Post by astrologer50 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:00 pm

LadyRelm2 wrote:I have recently started to learn how to interpret natal charts.  I'm reading a couple of books and am slowly starting to understand.  however, I was looking over my natal chart and see a box in my chart.  When I look under the major configurations, I don't see any explanation for this box.  I was wondering it the box is a designation for something?  or is it nothing?

The box occurs between:

Sun (In Gemini)
Moon (In Virgo)
Neptune (In Sagittarius)
Jupiter (In Pisces)

Sun is square to Moon
Sun is square to Jupiter
Sun is in opposition to Neptune

Neptune is square to Moon
Neptune is square to Jupiter
Neptune is in opposition to Sun

So, In essence, I have to right triangles that sit on top of each other to make a perfect square, but there is only ONE opposition through the center - sun to neptune.

Does this type of square hold any special meaning?
You are explaining a Grand Square. Why not use google search for tribes learn astrology aspect configurations.

These aspects are the *meat on the bones* of astrology and well worth researching. you can always PM me for more info.


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Re: configuration help

Post by astrologer50 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:06 pm

LadyRelm2 wrote:astrologer50,

sorry if I was isn't the aspect grid that I was referring to....

The "box" I was referring to which I need help interpreting is the box in my natal chart between Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune.  Neptune & Sun are on AC & DC respectively.  Together with Moon & Jupiter, there is a box in my chart.  It looks rather peculiar and I can't seem to find an interpretation for it.
and what do you think the links were for. RESEARCH for ASPECTS. How hard can it be to click on a link???

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