How come that our relationship works?

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How come that our relationship works?

Post by meow_bi » Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:12 pm

Me and my boyfriend are together for 2 years. I'm born on 23rd of Feb. 1976 in Zagreb at 6:50 AM, Croatia; and he is born on 5th of Sept. 1978 in Chennai, India ( probably between 5 and 6 AM, but he's not 100% sure). Although, we're coming from very different traditions we get along with each other much better that any of us did with anybody else ever before. In our relationship we had ups and downs like everybody else, but those downs were very rare and they were never so big that we couldn't solve the problem within few hours. He's not just my boyfriend, but my best friend, and I'm the same to him. From the first moment we're honest to each other, not hiding anything, not even the things that might hurt other person. Even people around us think that we're probably the most romantic couple within 1000 miles. The thing that is confusing me is that doesn't matter which reading and comparation of a charts we do ( western, vedic, Chinese...) it always comes out that our relationship is suppose to be passionate, but with no understanding, no tolerance, and all the other bad stuff. Something that can not last. Even now when I made compability test with MB software, our compability was 40, and mark is "BAD". Is it possible that the charts were wrong? :smt017

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:43 pm

Well...don't take any reading that serious, it's life that tells the truth.

When I read your post I thought on my own relationship.....I have been married for 42 year...and we both are still very happy with each others company.
I have also taken the reading true the software and it says we aren't good for each other :)

The most important thing is how both of you threat the other part. You seems to have started the best way in becoming friends and partners, so jump over all such readings, stay true to each other and enjoy life and you will also have a Golden Marriage :)

Good luck :)

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Post by astrobhadauria » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:53 pm

You both are from nature,not from simple world!
After reading your comments,there are nothing in the chart reading or in the astrology etc.We say in Hindi-ishk hua Gadhi se to Hoor Kyaa cheege hai,it best lokokti in the Hindi chart matching with laila-Manjanu,Shree-Fahraat,and also my marrige completed without chart matching,when i was only 14 years old.Ideas of Rhutobello are same as mine.
God bless you!!! and live long.

Dee Boneham
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Post by Dee Boneham » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:08 pm

I and the man I love are supposedly not suited according to all the software/websites Ihave visited. However Linda Goodmans book on Love Signs is really good as she no relationship cant work but points out where you might have to work at it!!!! It depends on how much you want it to work aswell I suppose.....

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Post by tabbicatc » Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:57 am

It is possible that your relationship formed when there were powerful progression or transit contacts between each other's charts. That would explain why you instantly felt drawn to each other and intimate enough to be honest about everything. The foundation you've built with honesty and friendship could now carry you through many decades of enjoying the company of someone you know exactly what to expect of.
Good luck!

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its good news

Post by priyajapal143 » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:54 am


I read your comment. Always remember astrology and horoscopes never tell you your irreversible future. It is you who make your destiny and life work out for you. It is really good to year that you two are carrying on so well!

Wishing you both all the best!

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