Astrology software

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Astrology software

Post by phoenix1392 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:59 am

What is the best software for astrology? I noticed that some well know astrologers use software from Astrolab. Is one software better than another? Also, is there a course, book or website that tends to be more helpful or more accurate in helping people learn more about understanding and interpreting astrology? Thanks for you help.

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Post by Omjit_23 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:38 am

Why don't you try mysticboard's software?
I am sure it will also meet up to your expectation.

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Best Astrology Software

Post by StarGazerSteve » Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:31 pm

I have several professional astrology programs.  I have written my own software, as well.  But I confess, I am surprised that top end programs like Solar Fire 6.0 and Kepler 7 still do not have the 'must have' professional features of Winstar Plus 2.05.

For over 20 years I have been using one version or another of astrology software from Matrix Software.  Matrix's current flagship program "Winstar Plus" is still the only program I recommend to students and professionals alike.  In my opinion Winstar Plus beats the competition in three very important areas:

First: Given Winstar Plus' price tag of $299 you would expect the program to be able to produce every possible astrology chart, in current use by novice's and professional astrologers.  But better than that, Winstar Plus can reproduce every chart option or feature (literally hundreds of chart wheels,  graphic research options, customized ephemeris, database research reports, and astrocartography maps) beautifully on your computer screen, without ever needing print out anything  --  ever!

Second: Unlike other similarly-priced astrology programs, Winstar's menus are results-driven, keeping all client charts displayed right on the very first screen, allowing you to browse the charts as though you had already printed them out. You do not need to go thru layers of menu after menu (as with Kepler) just to get an onscreen view of any client's chart.  This intuitive visuals-driven approach to every client's charts is much more than ideal, it is essential for every busy professional astrologer who works live with paying clients, on the phone or via internet audio video, anxiously waiting for your astrological insights.  Everything you need is right there on the very first screen of the program.  I know of no other program that does this as well as Winstar Plus.

And thirdly: Winstar Plus is the only program that I know of which allows you to view multiple charts within your database, by detaching each into its own window, side by side, right on your PC's screen.  This feature is exactly what is needed when working with clients who are asking about multiple issues (like several relationships, or multiple Horary questions, or multiple relocation options, etc.).  You have the option of producing multiple chart techniques and present every chart you create right on the screen, side by side in resizable windows on your pc screen.  To my knowledge, no other astrology program can let you do this instantly and right on your pc screen.

Every chart you can display on the screen can be cut and pasted to an email, other document, or delivered right to your web site.  This gets your clients' chart into their hands, quickly  --  usually even while the client is still on the phone in consultation with you.

Sure other astrology programs have different graphic options, and each approaches client data in their own way, and maybe Winstar 2.0 is ready for an update to include the option of creating and entire website dedicated to an individuals charting needs.   But, comparing astrology software based upon features needed for working with clients in person, by phone or via the internet, Winstar Plus remains the fastest, simpliest and best-looking professional astrology program around.

Winstar Plus does have chart interpretation text options available for a price; but, that option remains both unnecessarily expensive, and most times unwanted by many astrologers (myself included).  

Matrix Software catalog also offers other programs (like Tarot software) for the expanding interest of new age lifecoaches.

Until some other software company can match and surpass Winstar Plus' wide variety of essential features, I will continue recommending that program over similarly-priced alternatives.

Steve Zephyr
Marina, California, USA

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