Question on past life and astrology

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Question on past life and astrology

Post by justknow » Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:09 pm

Just a general question (which I know may not have a general answer!) - but -

I'm certain that I've known my husband before, and oddly I don't think I was on good terms with him then either.  But if someone could tell me where to start, I would like to try to figure this out!

Thanks for any help/suggestions.

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Post by MyEulogy90 » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:53 am

would that even be possible to find out? (assuming we did have past lives of course)

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Sei no Senshi
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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:16 am

Interesting question.  Luckily, there is a branch of astrology for this, appropriately dubbed Kharmic astrology that does crazy things with crazy placements in your chart I don't necessarily go with (i.e. The Nodes).  I don't know how to do Kharmic astrology.

Though, I'm sure any connection with either Node is supposedly kharmic in function.

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Post by justknow » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:38 pm

Yes, I'm quite certain that I once read about this somewhere in a book many years ago - just don't remember where.  Maybe someone will come along and jar my memory.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:34 pm

There are several texts on kharmic astrology.

I ran a search over on and got...216 results.  So, there's a lot out there.  Just gotta find the good stuff.

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Re: Question on past life and astrology

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:10 am

[quote="justknow"]Just a general question (which I know may not have a general answer!) - but -

I'm certain that I've known my husband before, and oddly I don't think I was on good terms with him then either.  But if someone could tell me where to start, I would like to try to figure this out!

Thanks for any help/suggestions.[/quote]

Dear {Justknow},

It is easy to see such patterns and indications in charts. The problem one runs into is when one tries to prove that what they are seeing are actually due to actual past life experiences. If astrology could give specific details such as names and addresses then it would be easy to verify if the said individuals actually existed in the past. Even psychics generally cannot give such details.

Sometimes an astrologer can 'tune-into' a chart and give in a cold reading situation insights that strike a chord in the client but even that is not really proof that there was some past-life connection at play.

I hope I am not discouraging you from pursuing what you feel in your bones.

On an aside astrology, particularly the indian form (jyotish) is very heavily into the philosophy of Karma (that is the correct spelling!) which basically believes in rebirths and between linkages between birthtimes created due to desires and actions. A similar adage in The Holy Bible says: "As ye sow so shalt thou reap" or something similar.

However karma and karmic connections are not simple and really no one knows for sure how it operates. Conjectures and some well thought out frameworks may exist though.

You may wish to read up a recently posted message on a related topic: ... 497#144497

Thanks for your attention,


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Karmic astrology

Post by cdo » Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:34 am

Can't remember where but i ran across an astrology web-site recently that dealt a bit with this topic . Try doing an on-line search for karmic astrology newsletters , forum , etc . If its about astrology its out there somewhere.

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Post by justknow » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:05 am

Thank you for taking the time  :)   I know that I long ago read the information I seek, but too long - the cobwebs have moved in!

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Post by justknow » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:11 am

It really is funny - we both know it.  We tease each other all of the time, as we've only actually "known" each other for 4 years, yet it seems like we've known each other for eons.  

Sometimes he jokingly says "Didn't I kill you once already?"  The funny thing is, I think he may have!  Or visa versa....either way, I don't think we were necessarily on good terms then if you know what I mean.  

We met at a gas pump of all places....what are the "chances" of that happening?

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Found it!

Post by justknow » Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:49 am

For anyone else who is interested, I believe I did find what I was looking for:

"Certain aspects between charts may indicate psychological or spiritual work that needs to be done (or for those who believe in it, past life karma that has to be dealt with in this lifetime). These aspects appear in relationships that have a fated feeling to them. The relationship usually results in growth through the process of changing negative life patterns or beliefs. Karmic aspects do not indicate compatibility. In fact, the relationship could be very brief, only long enough to confront the repetition of a negative pattern and to make a decision about it. The idea of "soulmates" is very prevalent in astrology, and karmic aspects are often used as indicators of whether someone might be your soulmate. Whether or not soulmates exist or have karmic ties to us, having a lot of karmic aspects to another person does not make them your soulmate. It does not even make them necessarily likeable. But it does create a magnetic attraction (not necessarily a romantic one). Aspects that are considered karmic include:

Conjunctions (or possibly parallels) from one person's personal planet to the other's Saturn, Nodes or Chiron. Some astrologers only use the South Node as it indicates the past whereas the North Node indicates the future, however both nodes lend a fated feeling to the relationship. Trines and oppositions to Saturn or Chiron may be considered as well, but conjunctions are more significant.
Conjunctions (or parallels) between the Moon and Pluto or Neptune (some also consider Uranus)
Conjunctions or oppositions from one person's personal planet or Ascendant to the other's vertex
Conjunctions from personal planets to the IC "

(credit to

Thank you also, Rohiniranjan for the thread reference - I am afraid that I am totally unfamiliar with many of the terms they are using, but still an interesting thread!  :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:51 am

[quote="justknow"]It really is funny - we both know it.  We tease each other all of the time, as we've only actually "known" each other for 4 years, yet it seems like we've known each other for eons.  

Sometimes he jokingly says "Didn't I kill you once already?"  The funny thing is, I think he may have!  Or visa versa....either way, I don't think we were necessarily on good terms then if you know what I mean.  

We met at a gas pump of all places....what are the "chances" of that happening?[/quote]

The chances would depend on many things to be considered before we go in the Redfieldian/Celestine Prophecy "we met not by chance but as part of a cosmic plan!" mode/illusion (in some cases!):
How much you two drive daily
How often you fill gas
How much gas you fill each time (with current gas prices we may not fill the tank completely each time!)
Whether you drive a hybrid or a gasguzzling 8 cylinder Hummer

IT is sweet when the universe opens up momentarily and we from different times indeed meet!
But let us not begin to be deluded into believing that that is some kind of birthright!
As New Age Messiahs have been planting in our guillible brains for the last twenty years if not longer!

It may be an illusion that we (the package as we know ourselves as) leave this world at death in our entirety and come back in our wholeness! Perhaps we should experience a paradigm shift there and begin to realize that while the WHOLE remains constant, the fragments and aliquots mingle and mix in all kinds of permutations and combinations!

Yes there are dominant genes and genetic patterns (for the scientists who are reading our exchanges) but Mother Nature has also injected into our perceptual reality the truth of recessive genetic patterns!

Let us not make up our minds finally even before we catch that *monkey* and enslave or at least understand it/ourselves!


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Re: Found it!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:35 am

Thank you also, Rohiniranjan for the thread reference - I am afraid that I am totally unfamiliar with many of the terms they are using, but still an interesting thread!  :)[/quote]

You are welcome! Without that extremely brief but crucial entry in my life of tropical astrology, I may have never found my love in this lifetime: Jyotish!



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Re: Found it!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:24 am

Just to separate the reference in this posting by you <<justknow>>, you mention about the concept of "soulmates" being something known to astrology from what astrology (eastern) labels such interactions ...

This concept of soulmates in a spiritual positive sense by many Gurus on the NewAge scene in the early 90s and late 80s, particularly Richard Bach of the Jonathan Livingston Seagull fame and the bridges forever novel afterwards and several more -- while very soothing and positive and growth-promoting (for the soul, if not for the dualistic expression, of the Soul, that most of us are or seem to appear!

The concept in jyotish or perhaps hindu philosophy is not so cushy, warm and so on! The concept is of rinanubandhan about which many have written. Essentially, it talks about a "spiritual debt" and nothing more! Once the debt is paid, once the mortgage paper is retrieved what happens to it in modern societies? The paper that held us in servitude of the banks and mortgagers is BURNED off. Hence the celebratory ritual of "burning the mortgage papers!"

There is no reason why something similar must not be done with the eastern Rinanubandhan-mortgage that in modern times has emerged again as the "soul-mate" catch-word!

I hope I am not disturbing or even trashing this 'spiritual' party but I do not see this *soul-mate* concept as anything positive other than the challenges it poses that make us grow as spirits or perhaps even as worldly beings! It is serious business and not party material, in other words.

The reason I am being a bit cynical and precautionary is because I have seen these concepts being abused during the last couple of decades or three and those drawn to this fuzzy, warm and 'nourishing' concept as ultimately ending up abused -- in body and soul. And for some interesting reason, as the calendar year comes to its cyclical end, there is an increase in the lowering of the guard!! By the Spirit that lives within us...

No finger pointing at specific ones or even in general but just sharing some precautionary notes! Things that I feel need to be said, such as: Caveat Emptor!!


[quote="justknow"]For anyone else who is interested, I believe I did find what I was looking for:

"Certain aspects between charts may indicate psychological or spiritual work that needs to be done (or for those who believe in it, past life karma that has to be dealt with in this lifetime). These aspects appear in relationships that have a fated feeling to them. The relationship usually results in growth through the process of changing negative life patterns or beliefs. Karmic aspects do not indicate compatibility. In fact, the relationship could be very brief, only long enough to confront the repetition of a negative pattern and to make a decision about it. The idea of "soulmates" is very prevalent in astrology, and karmic aspects are often used as indicators of whether someone might be your soulmate. Whether or not soulmates exist or have karmic ties to us, having a lot of karmic aspects to another person does not make them your soulmate. It does not even make them necessarily likeable. But it does create a magnetic attraction (not necessarily a romantic one). Aspects that are considered karmic include:

Conjunctions (or possibly parallels) from one person's personal planet to the other's Saturn, Nodes or Chiron. Some astrologers only use the South Node as it indicates the past whereas the North Node indicates the future, however both nodes lend a fated feeling to the relationship. Trines and oppositions to Saturn or Chiron may be considered as well, but conjunctions are more significant.
Conjunctions (or parallels) between the Moon and Pluto or Neptune (some also consider Uranus)
Conjunctions or oppositions from one person's personal planet or Ascendant to the other's vertex
Conjunctions from personal planets to the IC "

(credit to

Thank you also, Rohiniranjan for the thread reference - I am afraid that I am totally unfamiliar with many of the terms they are using, but still an interesting thread!  :)[/quote]

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Post by justknow » Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:14 am

I'm not sure if by "warm fuzzy" feeling is in reference to me or the piece I included from, but either way it's not what I actually intended.

Merely, there is some tension between us and I have a vague feeling that I know what it is, though it has not yet become totally clear to me as of yet, though I'm fairly certain that it will.

I do not follow eastern astrology at all, and only western astrology when I feel a need to help clarify something. &nbsp;Usually I do not need it.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:22 am

As the caterpillar in the Alice in Wonderland cartoon movie said while belching clouds of smoke, "WHOO R OOO?"

Knowing already that my general messages tend to rub one or more individuals the wrong way even when not directed at them, I generally include a disclaimer in my postings indicating that my posting is general and not aimed at a specific individual on this board or elsewhere :-)

Maybe you missed it or maybe you needed to respond and say what you did. For which we all are thankful. Good sharing!!


[quote="justknow"]I'm not sure if by "warm fuzzy" feeling is in reference to me or the piece I included from, but either way it's not what I actually intended.

Merely, there is some tension between us and I have a vague feeling that I know what it is, though it has not yet become totally clear to me as of yet, though I'm fairly certain that it will.

I do not follow eastern astrology at all, and only western astrology when I feel a need to help clarify something.  Usually I do not need it.[/quote]

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