HYPNOSIS ~ tid bits

Learn and understand about Hypnosis. How it works, how to practice it etc.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:41 pm

The amazing benefits of a Hypnobabies Birth:

   * Relaxed Mom and Dad throughout pregnancy, labor and birth. Both parents participate in the Hypnosis and Fear Release sessions, providing them with a sense of calm and confidence.
   * Shorter labors due to lack of resistance in the birthing muscles.
   * Fewer complications and interventions, as the body and mind stay completely relaxed during labor. Posterior and Breech babies can be turned with hypnosis as well.
   * Fewer drugs or no drugs at all, means less risk of harmful side effects for mother and baby.
   * Elimination of the Fear/Tension/Pain Syndrome. CDs and scripts are used in labor to effect post-hypnotic suggestions for elimination of discomfort and relaxation.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:42 pm

Hypnobabies Success Stories!

Hypnobaby Aurora Lynn's birth:

Hi everyone, I used the Hypnobabies Home Study course and my birthing day went very well! My pressure waves started January 26th (2006) around 9:00 pm, so I was able to sleep through most of the night. I got up at about 3:45 am and kept moving and changing positions until we left for the hospital. My pressure waves were about 3 minutes apart and we arrived at the hospital at 7:31 am I was 4+ cm and at +1 station.

2 1/2 hours later, about 10:00 am, I was 8+ cm. My pressure waves were 90 seconds apart and lasting just as long. 45 minutes later I was 9+ cm so my OB broke my water so that I would complete faster.

Within five minutes of doing so I was pushing! Aurora Lynn was born at 11:36 am, just 4 hours and 5 minutes after our hospital arrival. Completely natural and almost pain free.

The only time I felt any pain was the last push to get her head out! I did not have to use and of my CDs as just having my husband by my side kept me very relaxed. It was the most wonderful experience of my life!!!!

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:43 pm

How is Hypnobabies different from other Childbirth Hypnosis programs?

In Hypnobabies, objectives are to help our pregnant couples bond with their baby in utero, teach you how to stay healthy and low-risk and be an excellent consumer, trust in your body, mind and baby, as well as become self-reliant and confident about birthing your own way; unmedicated, safely and in comfort.
It overcomes negative belief systems and programming, get you in touch with your own beautiful pregnant body, guide you through your own excellent birth experience and give you skills that you will use for the rest of your life.
Birth Partners are brought into the preparation process and have their own hypnotic relaxation cues, as well as a special role to play as they await the birth of the precious newborn with  Hypno-mom.
Sincereal medical hypnosis techniques are used, addressing the mind, body, and spirit of both Mother and Baby, success rate is wonderful and very gratifying.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:43 pm

Self Hypnosis Though TherHapy For Ease Of Natural Childbirth  

Expecting pregnant women, desiring natural childbirth with no complications, can begin practicing the moment they know their delivery due date to relax their body.

And the closer you get to your delivery due date, the more times a day you practice this exercise.  
It works controlling any part of your body causing discomfort, to take control and instantly relax that part of your body while in labor.  
That is why it is important to practice.  
Your mind knows how to process these simple messages putting you in control for instant relief.

I practice hand writing cursive long hand speaking each word out loud in the order it appears.  I take a deep breath filling my lungs with air as full as I can.  I nourish myself with serenity.  My eyes are soft eyes, with defocused vision, relaxed and at ease.  I exhale letting more air out, really huffing air to empty my lungs

I take another deep breath filling my lungs deeper than before.  I hold my breath and examine the molecules in my lungs.  I eagerly take nourishment and joy into the cells of my body absorbing the energy restoring life force.  I exhale and let go.

Breathing deeply restores my life force balancing body functions.  I can take all that I need from the air that I breathe every time I inhale.  And when I exhale, I let go.  I am safe.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:43 pm

A Positive Thinker's Thoughts Allowing The Flow of Life Force

Science shows us when we take a picture of the physical body's aura, when a person is focused on positive thoughts the aura is within healthy color bands, greens, blues, indigo and violet.  
Areas that show as white as this page indicate areas of restriction.
Faith healers detect these areas as seeming to have increased density in the aura, like an invisible bubble balloon pack, outside the physical body's aura.  
Focus on positive aspects about looking for appreciation holds a person in a STATE OF JOY in a feeling worthy bubble.  
Their two-way physical journey ticket every day reads,
"Deliver me to Worthy Street in the JOY STATE."

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:44 pm

Breathing Patterns Are Restricted By Thought Patterns...  

Shallow breathing holds us in a place of resistance creating tension in the body.

Deep breathing is a big part of our well being kinesthetically tuning into relaxing the entire body, sending nourishment to all our cells.  
Deep breathing changes blood chemistry strengthening the immune system.  

Breathing is like plugging into a thought stream; a pure stream of energy that carries vitality to each cell.  
And so the more we practice deep breathing the more we thrive.

Deep Breathing Patterns Offer Relief...  

Deep breathing is a big part of our well being which is why hypnosis works so effectively for everyone.  
Breathing creates the current that carries vitality to all the body cells.  
The more we are breathing deeply, the more we are thriving in our now.  We breathe automatically.  
The conscious mind does not prompt us to breathe.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:44 pm

We Can Self Prompt To Breathe Deeply...

Make a dot on a piece of paper
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied...
or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  
Repeat cycles as needed.

I breathe with ease.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:45 pm

Practice Self Therapy With 3 Deep Breaths...

Make a dot on a piece of paper
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied...
or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  
Repeat cycles as needed.

I am going to take three deep breaths and program on the third deep breath I will feel calm and relaxed, renewed, refreshed and revitalized.

I can inhale taking in more air, hold my breath allowing my body to assimilate all that I need from the air, and exhale releasing all tension and toxins from my body.

Breathing deeply is a natural part of my alignment process.  Exhaling deeply is part of my releasing tension naturally.

I inhale taking all that I need easily assimilating new experiences and ideas.  I am in control.

When I exhale on my third deep breath, I will feel, happy, satisfied until my next scheduled meal, fresh, relaxed, in control choosing positive aspects, satisfied I am an aligned being with total clarity of mind, clarity of vision, keen hearing, hearing and eyesight improve every time I repeat this exercise.

I am capable of perceptive awareness for all that is going on around me, totally aligned with my well being.  I can function at this relaxed level of my mind where I easily let go, smile and easily laugh at myself, choosing to feel good.

Nothing is more important than repeating this exercise often choosing to feel happy each time I take three deep breaths.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:47 pm

Self Therapy To Overcome Anxiety Attacks...  

Anxiety is focus giving attention to distrusting the flow and normal processes of life.
Anxiety is always about illusion giving too much attention to unnecessary details of low priority.  It may feel like this is really important, we have an indicator telling us how we are feeling drained, beaten, overwhelmed.  So becoming an instant trusting, bright eyed bushy tailed cheer leader may take a few steps to change those thoughts.  
The key is to practice daily, when not needed, forming new life supporting patterns and let go of past limitations.  
Sound tricky?  It isn't.  It's simple and easy which is why hypnosis works differently for everyone and can work now too.

Make a dot on a piece of paper
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied...
or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  
Repeat cycles as needed.

5  .  5  .  5  =  I love and approve of myself.

4  .  4  .  4  =  I trust the process of life.  

3  .  3  .  3  =  My intent today (date) ___ is to be safe.

2  .  2  .  2  =  I flow with life force.

1  .  1  .  1  =  I breathe deeply taking in more air and hold my breath.  The air contains all that I need, life force, rejuvenation, renewal, each molecule of air sparkles with unlimited source energy.  I assimilate all that I need, and exhale releasing tension and toxins.  I let more air out.

With each breath I take I go deeper into than I've ever gone before.

I am relaxed.  I am in control.  I aligned with well being.

Look at how aligned I am.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:48 pm

Self Hypnosis Methods To "Hypnotize Myself"  

Since many persons are dominant sensing, there are four ways to give yourself Formula Techniques for Self Hypnosis.  
Those who are auditory learners might do best recording messages and playing them back at a convenient time.  
Those who are under a lot of pressure from anxiety and worries might do best using a mental trigger to block out distractions such as using a candle, a ringed focus target, or a mirror.

1. Self Recorded Suggestions using a tape recorder and play back.

2. Memorize and Repeat the Signal messages using mental triggers.
         * Stare at a candle and hold your hands over your ears and repeat the affirmations out loud.
         * Focus on a ringed red dot, or red dot for 17 seconds and then hold your hands over your eyes and repeat the affirmations.  (do not use a red dot if you are experiencing any discomfort such as a cold or pain, use a green dot)  
         * Stare into a mirror into the dark of the eye, relaxed eyelids, defocused vision, soft eyes and repeat the affirmations out loud.
3. For Instant Self Hypnosis, Hand Write Cursive Long Hand speaking each word out loud as you copy it.   (letters are symbols, the mind knows how to process the symbols, speaking out loud is adding sound to the visual process)
4. Eyes Closed, Hold Both Hands Over the Eyes, Visualize Suggestions, like a mini virtual reality, where we get in, feel good, and get out.  Imagine what an ideal place of relaxations smells like, feels like, what are the sounds and how is it possible to explore walking about.  (imagination rules what ever is being felt)

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:49 pm

Create A Mini Virtual Reality Ideal Place of Relaxation
This is creating a type of mental laboratory where you give yourself the freedom to relax and free the mind from the constant overwhelming chatter causing anxiety and other temporary discomfort.  
Play with this imaginary mental laboratory where anything is possible.  
Get in... feel good... and get out.  Repeat often.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:50 pm

Create A Mini Virtual Reality Garden of Possibilities

This exercise will require you to search for a scenic picture you really like.  
Choose a place you might like to visit.

Begin by using a candle or ringed red target.  
Stare at the red dot for 17 seconds and breathe deeply.  
Now focus on the picture.  
Search out all the details that can be found in the picture.  
Take as long as needed.

Now close the eyes and pretend to step into the picture.  
Imagine where to place the foot, swinging it forward, shifting weight, and what that feels like.  
Push into the picture, swinging the other foot taking another step into the picture.  
Now explore the picture as if it is reality.  Look at the feet.  
Then look around to both sides, turn and look behind.  Let the mind make it up.  
Choose a direction to walk or float along.  What is there?  What details details come to mind.

Even if it feels like a fantasy, making up the picture, pay attention to the details.  
Be free, play with the benefits of free imagination.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:50 pm

To Begin Hypnotizing Myself

Make a dot on some piece of paper
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied...
or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  
Repeat cycles as needed.

Breathe in...  I am deeply in hypnosis now, and from this moment forward I have the power to hypnotize myself.  
All I have to do is sit or lie, close my eyes and repeat three times to myself.

Breathe in...  Breathe out... I am asleep in hypnosis.

Breathe in...  Breathe out... I am asleep in hypnosis.

Breathe in...  Breathe out... I am asleep in hypnosis.

And I will easily be fast asleep in the hypnotic trance.  
At the same time, I will be alert and able to easily give myself any suggestion I desire.

When I wish to wake up, i count from 1 to 5 and I will instantly awaken, feeling refreshed, and renewed.

1 + 2 + 3 at the count of 5 I will feel awake and renewed, 4 + 5 I am awake, feeling refreshed and renewed.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:51 pm

Go On A Word Diet, Prepare A Mental Banquet

Avoid television, radio, and other forms of warning systems until able to maintain a positive self fulfilled space.

Most advertising is challenging us to feel bad enough to take action.
Our intent is to be in control, not responding to what others want us to do.  
Use the self improvement exercise which can be presented to the subconscious by talking to yourself.

The idea is to expand personal awareness to appreciate the freedom to say, THIS IS FOR ME.  
It is okay to say and believe, THIS IS FOR ME!  Get out of the way of holding yourself back from having it all.  
Exercises like this repeated daily aid learning to speak and think a new self dialog.

Make a Dot on a piece of paper.
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied... or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

I have decided to feed my subconscious a Relaxation Recipe, rich in warm energies.  
My body is the oven I cook with, directing balancing alignment on all levels.  
I can hand write cursive long hand speaking each word out loud as I copy it

I deliberately inhale and yawn.  Breathe out.  I let go.

I inhale and yawn.  Breathe out.  All is well.

Breathe in... big yawn.  Yawning releases tension from my body.  
I focus my attention on appreciating how relaxed I can feel.  
Relaxation is pleasant and satisfying.  
I relax my eyelids, defocused vision, my eyes are half closed, soft eyes.  
I am relaxing my eyes.  What I think becomes my reality.  I command my mental faculties to relax.  
I command my body to relax and I feel just fine.

Now I thing about my left big toe and sense a tingling warmth.  
I now think about my right big toe and sense a tingling warm sensation.  
I expand this warmth sending mental energy to my big toes when I breathe out to my big toes.

Now I think about my left foot and my other toes of my left foot tingling with wonderful warmth.  
Soon my entire left foot is tingling with a warm sensation.

Now I think about my right foot and my other toes of my right foot tingling with wonderful warmth.  
Soon my entire right foot is tingling with a warm sensation.

I now breath to my body and the tingling warm sensation flows from feet to my calves.  
I feel my calves receiving warmth from my feet.  I breathe moving the energy and warmth flows up to my knees.  
My knees are warm and relaxing.  My knees are warm and relaxed.  My thighs are warm and relaxing.
My thighs are warm and relaxed.

A tingling warmth flows from the soles of my feet into my abdomen.  
My abdomen is relaxing internally and externally.  The tingling warm sensation flows into my chest.  
My chest is relaxing externally and internally.  My chest and abdomen are relaxed.

The warmth flows into my shoulders, all the way to the fingers of my left hand.  
My left hand is tingling with a warm sensation.  Warmth flows to the tips of my right hand.  
I feel a tingling warm sensation all the way to the tips of my right hand.  My right and left hands are relaxed.

I Breathe to my body from the soles of my feet to my throat.  
My throat is tingling with a warm sensation, relaxing my throat.  My throat is relaxed.

I breathe to my jaw and my jaw relaxed.  
I breathe warmth to my face, my chin, my lips, my nose, my eyes, and my forehead are relaxed with a tingling warm sensation.  I breathe and my entire body internally and externally is aglow with energy and tingling warm sensations.

I am relaxed.  I am focused.  I am in control.  
With each breath I take, I am more relaxed that ever before, more focused, more in control, feeling warm and conformable.  
I place both hands over my ears and I imagine taking a sip of appreciation.  How does that taste?

Now I imagine taking a long drink of JOY.  How does that feel?

I mix with giggles and smiles, and nibble small bites of wonder.
The main course is beauty and wholeness in all colors of the light spectrum.  Some is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.  
I inhale this meal of lightness and send it to feed every cell in my body.

I ask you is my subconscious enjoying this meal.  There's an untouched picture of happiness.  
I pour it over my head soaking up every drop of happiness, feeding up happy thoughts.

I assimilate all that I need, and eliminate poisons and toxins that I do not need.  I am safe.

When I wish I count from one to five and I will be instantly awake, feeling refreshed, delighted with such a wonderful banquet giving my mind food for thought.

I am renewed.  All is well.  All is well.  I am well.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:56 pm

Non Smoker's Self Dialog

Breathe in... I am now a non smoker.  Breathe out...
I will remain a non smoker for the rest of my life.  
Breathe in... my absolute reality is...
Breathe out... refreshed, revitalized and renewed.  
I breathe with ease as a nonsmoker for the rest of my life.

Make a dot on a paper
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied... or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

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