All about Taureans!

Humour and games! A laugh a day keeps the doctor away. A little something to waste your time on and relax.

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All about Taureans!

Post by m_b_mahapatra » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:39 pm

A big HALLO to all you beautiful people out there! Howz life treating you? I am here to share some of my views regarding the sunsign Taurus!
     I believe that Taureans are much misread n misundersood as materialistic people who are hard-headed! The fact however is that they are people who have an ocean of emotions underneath a very cool exterior; they only reveal this to their loved ones! They are ones who feel very deeply about things! They are unbelievably romantic, passionate n devoted to their beloved! Once a committment is made it is kept even in the most impossible of situations! They just don't give up, be it in any! Marriage is sacred to Taureans! They never leave anyone in the lurch, n unfortunately they are the ones who are betrayed! They have a very simple n undying faith in GOD and his ways!  
     Taureans are interested in money not because they greedy and hankering for it, but beacause money is a source of security n they usually want to save for a rainy day!
     Career-wise they do best in any position where qualities of trust, loyalty,committment  n dedication are concerned. They have a prosperous future in the following fields: Banking, Insurance, Administration, Commerce, Music, The performing arts, Horticulture, The healing arts, Spiritualism, Philosophy, Perfume industry, Any business, Tourism, Hospitality, Cooking, Interior designing, Architecture and Counseling.
     Thats it for now guys! I hope you agree to what I have mentioned above! Do let me know if you feel that this is true n correct! Do feel free to share any of your opinion(s)!
     OK THEN!  BYE FOR NOW!   :)

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