pls read my palm

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pls read my palm

Post by dush » Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:04 pm


Can you please read my palm, my name is dush from sri lanka. ... 0017tp.jpg



Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:19 am

Dear Dush,

May I know whether you are a male or female and your age and which is your right hand and your left hand. Also what would you like to know.

Pravin Kumar :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

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Post by dush » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:45 am

hi pravin

I ama 27 year old female. i would like to know about future prospectus of my career,health and studies and wealth...etc...general reading...


p.s. 1st image is my left palm and 2nd one is right one

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Dush's Hand Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:09 pm

Dear Dush,

What you said is your left hand I think is your right hand. Please confirm it. Whether you are right handed or left handed.

Anyway I will go by the images and interpret it accordingly. The one image with the thumb on the right side has a head line which denotes you are impulsive to the extreme and the strong thumb shows you to be head strong too. The apollo finger is the straightest and the middle phalange is prominent so it shows your character revolves around Apollo Finger hence a person who is jolly by nature and an all rounder in the sense that you have knowledge of everything little little but appear to others as if you are expert in everything. You believe in fair dealing with others. The lowest phalange of apollo finger is thick showing love for acting and dresses, and the lowest phalange of mercury is slightly thick and long too and shows love for earning money. The heart line is little above than normal and hence a person who loves to come straight to the point with the area of the four mounts above the heart line being reduced. The line going up from the Head line at the age 34/35 shows you will suddenly earn lots of money from that period onwards as the desire to earn will be great at that period. You will definitely go abroad and settle down and you will die in the foreign country. Now you should be a student of mathematical science but having creativity as your base i.e. you could be in computers designing or maybe in inventing new things i.e. create new things.

You are a health conscious person and also you have a line of sympathy a person desirious of helping others. The thumb is erect and hence the will power is strong. The angle of sympathy denoted by the thumb is almost 90 degrees and a person who desires independence and will brook no opposition. The fate line coming from the Mount of Moon side denotes that either your husband will influence you greatly or you could be a public favourite. I would go with the former. You must have had some problems when between the age of 18 to 22 as your fate line is absent at that age.

I will post you the other part of your reading later on. Just reconfirm again your right and left hand as I think you have got it wrong. Also inform whether you are right handed or left handed.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt003 :smt006 :)

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Post by dush » Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:13 pm

Hi Pravin

Firstly thank you for the prompt reply and do apologize for the mixed up.I am right handed and my first image is on my right palm.anyway you are soo right about my character, i am a jolly good girl and my husband complains all the time that i have a big head. I dont back down easily when we start to argue.

at the moment i have done a career change from switching to IT from finance.I have just finished a it course and will be looking in to jobs soon. Just wanted to know was it a right move for me in future terms? eventhough my husband is a great help for me,i always like to be independent and get annoyed easily if he attempts to over do it.

Yes, i am sympethetic person and i do enjoy helping others. Thanks again for such a accurate report,You are so good at this.

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Dush's Hand Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:26 pm

Dear Dush,

Probably you married at the age of 22/23 and from that year onwards everything has been good for you. Your Husbands influence on you is excellent and he must have lots of adjusting nature to be able to absorb the fire within you. You are so independent and determined and full of energy and once you take a decision you cannot change it. After 22 you must have found your financial position better and better. As for Chance from Finance to IT at this age I cannot tell as there does not seem to be any drastic change in your hand. You like good food and can cook well too. Your Sun Line starts at 22 and goes up to 42 and from there there is another line going up from the branch of head line towards Mount of Saturn and hence an addition in your earning capacity i.e. another source of income is indicated and my feeling tells me then the riches and wealth will flow in your Bank account faster. Was it a love marriage? As the independent Line of Head suggests that you would listen to no one but yourself. Also there is another indication over the Heart Line but this is not clear.

Anyway your choice of Husband is the best you could have done in your life. Normally any girl with a independent Line of Head and a strong thumb is bound to have problems with her husband and in certain cases it has resulted in divocrce but not so in your case. You love independence and freedom and enjoy doing things your way and you will not suffer much loss in your life although the independent head line curving downwards suggests that you are too impulsive and care more for your instinct than practical reasoning. Even from the age of 32/33 you will earn lots of money as the branch or fork of the head line is going upwards.

When young you were a very practical person and realised the value of money and not so impulsive and head strong. In fact more of a Bania Like person who understood the value of money. Definitely you will study as you are good at it and the changes in your right hand as compared to your left hand is that at least you enjoy the creative side of your life and are more artistic and have good imagination as compared to when you were young.

Did you have any injury to your brain when 11/12. Your interest in studies picked up after you crossed 18 although when young too you were an intelligent student.

Your Health is perfect now and I believe you are Health Conscious too.

Awaiting your feed Back.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

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Post by dush » Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:02 pm

Hi Pravin

I got married at 25, was a love marriage.guess i got lucky...after few broken relationship i have found the right paterner.I left my home country for higher studies for age of 19 and yes i found my first job at the age of 22 .i do love to cook and hunt for good restaurents.

i always trust my own instincts more than anything and so far nothing bad has happend.Since i was a kid , had a desire to earn good money and have a good life.talking about creative side, i do write poems and short stories in my free time. I was not a very outstanding student when i was at school,but as you said did the higher studies well after 18. i cannot reacall any injury at the age of 11/ 12.

Now i am in to computer software side and hoping to bulid a career on that. soo are you telling i will be rich at age of 32/34? -:) -:) looking forward for that........I am thanking you again for your time and energy spent on this analysis, you have done a great job.


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hand reading

Post by bssrinivasan » Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:36 pm

please see my assessment and send your feedback.

General Characteristics:The hand indicates great versatility of ideas.At times you will be full of inspiration and extremely practical and logical.You will descend from the most imaginative idea to the most practical.You can discuss any subject with great ease.What is required is the continuity of purpose.

The hand is the useful and practical type;it deals with logic,reason,method, science and such matters.The hand combines practicality and imagination with inspiration.You can be good as a writer,musician ,painter and such careers.

Above average intellect is indicated.There is a tendency towards selfishness.You have a tendency to accumulate money.Splendid energy,self confidence,promptness of action and readiness of thought are indicated.This is a development away from the original hasty,self-confident, impatient temperament.

There is sheer independence of spirit.You will not brook any opposition and will be aggressive in manner and bearing.In all your dealings logic appears predominant.Independence of thought,independence of circumstances and independence of action are indicated.

Perception,love of reading,prudence,and business qualities are indicated.Love is of highest type with pride and worship of ideal is indicated along with true,honest nature and enthusiasm.Though the mind craves for fame and distinction and there is lot of intellect to back it,will power and continuity of purpose are not enough to support it.

By nature you are cahngeable in moods,easily offended and touchy over little things.Though the hand shows tendency to master occult sciences,it has not been developed.

Life:Good health with a long life is indicated.

Career:There appears a tendency to do too many things.If you can channel energies to a particular career,you will be highly successful.There are four careers indicated.

1.The first career with lots of ambition and power starts early in life.This is subject to the caprice and fancy of others.There is a fading of this career at about 28 years though it continues till 50 years.

2.There is a second career starting at about 28 years but is thwarted by some blunder or serious error of judgement at 35 years.

3.Another career starts at 35 years and lasts till 55 years and will be halted by your affections.

4.The fourth career,probably a business, will be successful after 55 years.
Wealth is also indicated late in life because of these efforts.

Travel:You will travel widely and definitely settle and die in a country away from the place of birth.

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Post by dush » Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:11 pm

hi Srinivasan

Thanks for the assesment. I would like to know my second career,will i be sucessfull financially? Looks like i will be changing career until the old age
:-) How about my marriage? will it last long?


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career and marriage

Post by bssrinivasan » Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:32 pm

The line of wealth is faintly marked and hence you will definitely make sufficient money but lot of wealth can be expected after 55 years.

You are true and honest in your affections and hence you will have a successful and long happy married life.


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