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<<<<<<<<YOU GOTA READ THIS>>>>>>>

Post by happi » Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:08 am

i made this post becasue im sure there are many people when they got palm read then they decide to change the events that suppose to occurs in life. and please tell us if you were able to change those events or no. les say ur palm says u will have one two or even 3 marriages. were u able to change that. les say u suppose to get divorce but were u able to change that. i hope there are some people out there who would have proven that lines on the palm are only made by what ever we think or what ever action we take. if we decide those things to go differently then does these lines either dispear, wanish etc or remain the same on the palm.

thnx if any one reply.....

because this could give some hopeless people some hope..

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:45 am

I think since we all have the free will, most of what is read will change over time.....if not...well then our path had to be laid in stone and we was nothing more then Robots.

A reading used right can be good.....but if asked to often and used to control ones life it is bad.

In my opinion is one that have great belief in Readings and ask often for such(of any sort), a person that have little self confidence.
He/she will wait for what the Reading tells shall happen or try to lead their events toward such thing.
If they get the Reading that say they shall me married 3 times....well when a problem then arise....they don't solve it...because of the Reading they might divorce at once since this is said in their chart.

Sadly there is a lot of persons who have such great belief in Readings and this makes a great "responsibility" on the Reader.
He/she shall be careful to make to specific prediction and more lead the seeker on a broader path, you shall be a confident reader to do specific readings on a forum like this.

I will also say that doing readings for children for Parents who strongly believe in them can be very dangerous and should be avoid.....again my opinion :)

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Post by temoor » Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:49 pm

Hello Happi

Your question is very genuin. I would try to answer it &nbsp;with the help of my experience. Our hand
just reflect our thinking. It shows your behaviour about life. Everything and everysign is changeable. Your hand
just show that if you will have the same behaviour in future it leads you to thes particular events shown by your
hand if you change your behaviour about life the signs on the hand will automatically changed. Now i try to
explain this concept with the help of my own experience.

I had a broken "Fate Line". Which had broken from many &nbsp;points. This was showing the very terrible conditions about my fate in the future. This was because "I was studying at my college at that time but just for time passing not for &nbsp;studying". &nbsp;I failed in my &nbsp;first year at college due to my behaviour about my study and life.
My hand was also predicting at that time that if i have the same behaviour about my life then my fate will not good in my future. After failing in first year i &nbsp;thought to work hard &nbsp;and I did . I show a great result in my next year of college. And it is very interesting that my fate line has totally change. Now it has not a single break points.

This is because i have changed my behaviour and thinking about my life &nbsp;and education.

I hope this will help you a lot.

Best Regard to you and anyone who read this message

Bye Bye

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palmistry readings

Post by bssrinivasan » Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:13 pm


let us not turn this forum against palmistry &nbsp;by focussing on wrong predictions by palmists .we have two hands.all the nerve endings on the hand are directly connected to the brain.so our thinking changes the lines.it has been found that the left hand indicates the traits we are born with and the right the modifications we have made to the original character.

brain has four compartments-logic,emotion,planning and intuition.normally in men logic and planning are predominant while emotions and intuition are more prominent in women.if you develop your intuition faculty,same will be reflected on the hand.that may be your future or destiny.

that is how many predictions by some palmists or astrologers come &nbsp;true as their intuition is very strong.you can also develop this intuition. but you rarely get a hundred percent accuracy in predictions.

palmistry is very accurate in indicating your nature,attitudes and health problems if any.so use it for these things and as for as future is concerned,let it remain a mystery.do not miss the present worrying about your future or the past.forget the past,enjoy the present and plan for your future.

happy palmistry!

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Post by temoor » Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:21 pm

I do agree with you "Bssrinivasan".

I have already told &nbsp;these same things.
Hand shows that if you continue your current behaviour or attitude about your life, then your
future &nbsp;could be predicted with a great accuracy. But if any one changes his/her attitude, surely
his/her future will also be changed.
Hand just shows the tendency to do something, it doesn't show that the things can never be changed.
If anybody will change his/her attitude his/her future will be changed.

I will be waiting for more disscussions on the same topic or any topic else.


Bye Bye till next time

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Post by Kavita12345 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:46 am

My personal view...which i have experienced very deeply...being a spiritual person, having done alot of sadhanas and remedies..etc.....that you cannot change fate!!!!!! Freewill is a questionable thing.....since i feel the very need to exercise our "freewill" is something that's also written out in destiny. If an event like marriage, death, or something big like that is supposed to happen, one cannot under any circumstance change that!!!!! The simple act of "surrendering to God" is infact something that's written in chart. I am a great believer of God...i consider Him my best friend..but i have learned time and again, that one cannot alter fate...u reap wot u sow...and unfortunately we are all here to pay for our sins in previous births. You cannot escape karma. Even praying to God...or meditating....all that is infact written out in a person's chart. But as talented as the best astrologers/palmists are, no one can predict &nbsp;every single minute of a person's life....so everything i say sounds very condescending. But it's true. I believe every single minute in our lives are written out. If we make a decision to change something, you can bet it is a package and parcel of destiny's hand. Freewill is there....perhaps ppl with huge egos can practice a bigger amount of such a thing...but again, i believe that's also written out &nbsp;by destiny.
&nbsp;Hope this mail doesn't depress anyone :)

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Post by alice2072 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:43 am

This is a very interesting thread. I love reading about everybody's views.

This is a great place to tell you a story about my Mother.
She had her palm read after her 1st child, and was told that she will have 4 children during her life time.
Then she got pregnant with her 2nd (me), and decided there was no way she was going to have more children, so she arranged to have her tubes tied (having more kids just horrified her).
She went back and had her palm read again about 2 years later by the same person, and her lines had changed to read that she will have 3.
Well, 3 never happened of course, but even after 30+ years of having her 2nd, her palm still reads 3

I suppose you can control SOME things in your life with the help of todays medicine, but some things are just the way they are and can't be changed.
If your fate is to die by an alien ship crashing into your house while on the toilet, then it will happen. There's no way you can control these things. It's all in your fate.
That's my view anyway

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Change of Fate

Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:32 pm

Ashnaji and Aliceji,

If you have 4 children in your hand it only means you have the capacity to bear them. You maynot like to have even one then it is your choice. But changing of fate there are various opinions and it is a lengthy discussion. My Guru said once only Gurus and Sadgurus have the powers of changing your fate and they can wipe out all your Sins but they do not so in most cases as they are sure the disciple will be able to do so by himself. They have powers to bring you back to life from Death within a certain period of death i.e. 90 minutes.

Now coming to reality it is always best to bear and wipe out all your Sins by penance so that you have a Clean Slate when you leave this world and get Moksh.

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Post by Kavita12345 » Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:05 am

&nbsp;Thanks for sharing ur views Alice and Pravinji. Yes due to advances in technology and science, we are able to "alter our fate"..but then again, whose to say that that wasn't written out too...:) There are many instances where fate intervened....as they say...like when a guy who was supposed to get on a plane on 9/11 and didn't.....or the way that we meet ppl who change our lives.
For instance, &nbsp;a single phone call has completely changed my life...now if i hadn't made that phone call, would that person not have been in my life...would we have met some way or another...etc etc. So i firmly believe every minute is written out.
&nbsp;Let me give you another instance. Other day, i was looking thru astrology forums...and read this guy's message thread. I had no idea who he was or why i felt the urgency in talkin to him..but i messaged him..and turns out that he would have taken an attempt on his life....he was depressed due to personal problems....i told him abt Sai Charitra(book)...just some suggestions to help him....and that very day, the book arrived at his doorstep by someone who went to Shirdi. He had never even heard of the book...:) You can say that was arranged by God, or freewill on my part...but i feel in my heart, that our meeting was to happen...even for a simple thing like reading a book that might help him. There are no coincidences :)
&nbsp;As for having a Guru, yes Guru is essential in reaching spiritual heights..but i doubt that anyone can erase our sins...even God himself doesn't break his own rules......God is an eternal witness....He intervenes in very rare cases, where the person's merits grants them grace....which is &nbsp; also written in chart for that person. But since no one is that proficient in astrology, so as to pin-point with such detail, one never knows wot will happen next. As for surrendering to Guru, that is also written out by destiny.
&nbsp;Over ten years ago, i became a devotee of Sai Baba....with his numerous miracles happening daily in my life, i could not avoid further this man who was very obviously, always with me. Now i can say that it was me who investigated further abt him...finding out who he is..wot he is....but He himself says that no one becomes his devotee just like that. It is written out that i would go to him at this time, and life will seem to have completely changed...but i know now that every single event has happened at His will...and His will is our destiny. And Thy will will be done!!
I hope i have not confused anyone further.

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Changing one's Destiny

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:26 am


I believe what you have written but then there are rarerest of rare cases where the fate is altered by HIM. If you had lived with Satya Sai Baba you would have known those rarerest of rare cases too. It is because I have lived with such Saints in their Ashrams, House and they have also stayed with our Family that I have felt their powers so closely.

If you do not believe that you can change your self and rise very high up in HIS life a person would not try.

One boy who is the son of my Friend came to our place with his wife for all check up as they could not get a child for 6 years after marriage. In his horoscope it is clearly written he will get a girl child, even his Dad (my friend ) says he has received Curse from some lady that he will get 8 Grand Daughters. Other two brothers have &nbsp;3 girl child. Now I took him to my Guru in May end about 8 years back. After performing his usual Pooja he said you will get a child but only a girl child as it is there in his destiny. He said there was a very slight problem in the girl but negligible and she will bear a child. After all the tests done all the Doctors came to the same conclusion.

Now within a month this girl became pregnant. In the end of January next year (she was then 6/7 months pregnant) this boy's Grand Father who was then 92 and a very religious person reading Ramayana Daily told his children " Tonight I am going " . He died that very night. Within a week of his Death I had a talk with my Guru and my Guru informed me that there is going to be a miracle in that family. I could understand what he meant. The girl was blessed with a Male Boy on a day when there was lightning and darkness in the end of March. They say that it was as if Lord Krishna was born again (because of the lightning at the time of Krishna's Birth) and the son's face resembles that of his Great Grand Dad who died in the month of January. Now this was not written in the fate but in the rarerest of rare cases what happened was like this: My Friend was yearning for a Grand Son. His father being very religious felt the  pain of his son. So he wanted to reward him with a Son and so left this world and came back as a male child. Since then another daughter in law also had a male child as she was due the very next month. They now believe that the new male child is the Great Great Grand Dad as the face resembles that person.

HE will never cross HIS devotees and when HIS devotees ask HIM something HE will HIMSELF go wrong but see that his devotees are Happy.

There are so many other instances but I written the above which I have observed myself and followed it carefully.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by Kavita12345 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:27 am

&nbsp;I respect all u say and yes i also believe in miracles...as numerous miracles happen daily at my own home. But u mentioned that the person's horoscope said that he/she will have only female child...but whose to say that if looked deeper, perhaps the chart also says divine intervention would bring them a male child....:) See my only point is that no one can truly predict the future...and wot happens and does not happen can be looked at from many angles....but in my personal oppinion, i honestly feel destiny has the upper hand in everything...even our loving God himself will not interfere with fate...and that we are operating on freewill maybe abt 2% of the time.
There are ppl who "all of a sudden" become spiritual..and reach heights...and then there are those that try to go higher in spirituality for years but don't.
Such things are also written out in chart. It is not to say that one should not try to go higher up....we should all try and do our best in everything and leave the fruits of our actions to God. That is wot is written in the holy books. God wants us to do our best and surrender the fruits to Him....leaving Him to decide it's fate. That is why God emphasizes on not being too attached to things and it's results, becus fate has the upper hand. Infact God Himself wants us to undergo the karmas so as to get deliverence and liberation. He wants us to go back to Him. So let fate take it's course.
&nbsp;Am myself am hoping for God's mercy....i hope and pray...but again, i have no expectations...becus i know Destiny will take it's course. &nbsp;As for seeing His devotees happy, well, that's a thing of perception. He can keep giving and giving to his devotees, but true happiness doesn't lie in worldy things...and that's wot he wants us to get. Afterall, Sai often says, "i will keep giving and giving, untill you are willing to give Me what i want".
I've learned this very quickly in life. Anyway hope you understand now wot i mean.

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Post by kardoid » Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:58 am

I do honestly belive that life is written out... No matter how u try to change faith at the end you will end up with what is ment for you. &nbsp;

The thing i dont understand is when u die and you go to pass judgment why must they look at your book of life to see all you did &nbsp;if it was written out, so then it must mean that even before your born god already knows that you are going to heaven or Hell..o &nbsp;:smt003 .. &nbsp;Then in that case it must mean that it is not written out, but thats what confuses me. I want to belive one thing but then the other kind of defeats that thought

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Post by Kavita12345 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:49 am

Kardoidji, wat ur talkin abt is a matter of religion. In Hinduism we don't believe in heaven or hell..infact heaven and hell are here on earth. My mother's Christian so i know they believe in such a thing. I am not for or against any religion...but i do find the karmic theory to be accurate.
&nbsp;Hope this helps.

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Gotta to read this

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:27 am


You are firm in belief and that is very good. I do not deny what you say is wrong, in fact 99.9% it is right but then as "Guru's and Sadguru's say: That the Lord HIMSELF WILL SEE THAT HIS DEVOTEES ARE RIGHT AND HE IS WRONG IF A TIMECOMES" . If your Guru promises you something and it is not their in your Fate even HE agrees to change his ruling as after all Devotees of God are First.

If you have read or even heard of Mahabharat Lord Krishna said he would not fight in the battlefield but upon the request of Arjuna he had to break his promise and help him out. There will be many such instances though they are absolutely rare.

My Sadguru said that he who serves his parents is the person who is served by the Lord himself. Remember Shravankumar in Ramayana. That was the example given by my Sadguru. One person had severe Brain Haemorrage and had absolutely no Hope. He survived and is living happily with absolutely no lacking of intellect and there is no indication whatsoever in his hand nor in his horoscope of what had happened. There are many such instances but again you are welcome to your opinion which is again at 99.9% right.

That .1% is reserved for those special who rise up so high that HE has to grant them something special.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by Kavita12345 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:19 pm

Yes Pravinji,
&nbsp;A mother cannot keep refusing her child....and if one keeps asking with pure heart, God does give. U know well that i live in that hope. So ur right there.
I've just witnessed so many true devotees goin thru hell...it's excruciating. I love my Sai....but i know well he will not always intervene. There's a lady on a popular sai site...she's the administrator at the site and always was helping someone or another with their problems. She had an only daughter , abt 16 yrs old whom she talked abt so fondly on the site. &nbsp;She would share stories of how Baba had promised to take care of his daughter and always blesses her.
One day, few months back,this lady wrote abt the story of a lady who lost her only child, and she stood near Baba's feet and begged to have her child back....and Baba did indeed bring her back to life. Now shockingly, that very morning the lady wrote that very story, her only daughter passed away due to electrical shock. She also sat near Baba's idol feet begging to have her child back...but wot's done is done and now we don't know wot's happened to her.
Her only child is dead....she's wondering abt Baba's promise to take care of her child.
&nbsp;It's tragic and i've seen many such cases. It is indeed true that true devotees suffer the most. I consider Baba my best friend, he's been with me always...but i know well, &nbsp;very well infact, that his true role is to transform ppl and be a witness. He sees not only our present, but our past and our future. He remains at equilibrium due to this fact....he knows when we are suffering, it is due to wot we have imposed on others in the past.
So changing fate is indeed a rare instance.
&nbsp;Thank you for ur wisdom.

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