new palmprints for anyone interested

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new palmprints for anyone interested

Post by Andy » Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:20 pm


I recently registred but I've been reading up on the various posts in the palmistry forum for some time. Lots of interesting threads here. I've put up some palmprints of my own at

Would be great to get some interpretation/comments on the shots.

Regards =)

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Post by swetha » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:16 pm

hello Andy,
i am sure u will get a reading. y dont u post on other forums and interact with members till then. have a good time.

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Reading of your hand.

Post by bssrinivasan » Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:32 pm

Here is my assessment of your hand.As you are already knowledgeable in palmistry,please let me know whether it tallies with your reading and what are the differences.

Square hand with square fingers: The hand denotes love of method,logic,reason ,respect for authority and law ,and conformity to conventionality and custom. It shows an undemonstrative and more or less unemotional nature;it will follow life’s beaten track with dogged stubbornness and and tenacity of purpose and pay homage to the practical side of life.

The hand indicates that you are orderly,punctual and precise in manner more from conformity with custom and habit. You respect authority, love discipline, have a place for everything and everything is kept in its place, not only in your household, but in your brains.

You respect law and order , and are a slave to custom, but are determined in opposition;you prefer reason to instinct,peace to war and are methodical in work and in are endowed with great perseverance,but are religion you will not go to extremes;you prefer substance to show,and dogma to ideas.

The long fingers indicate a greater development of mentality.though the hand submits everything to scientific examination,will not be influenced by prejudice,but will proceed cautiously and thoroughly to logical conclusions.

The short finger of Jupiter shows lack of aggression and dislike of responsibility.

The mount of luna appears prominent.It gives imaginative faculties,the emotional ,artistic temperament,romance,idealism,poetry,change of scenery,and travel.You love new in everything.

The sloping head line is contrary to the type of hand and shows greater development of the imaginative faculties but with a practical foundation.

The line of head tightly connected with that of life ,and low down in the hand shows utter want of self-confidence.You suffer from extreme sensitiveness and the slightest thing will wound and cause grief to you.

Line of Heart:rising between first and second fingers gives a calm but deeper nature in matters of love.You rest between the idealism given by Jupiter and the passionate ardour given by Saturn.Yo will be quieter and more subdued in your passions.

Line of life:indicates a long life.There will be some danger to life at about 65 years but as it is covered up by another branch of life line no harm is indicated.In the early part of life also any danger to your life has been prevented by a parallel line of life.You will travel abroad at 55 and probably stay for sometime in another country.

Girdle of venus:is present on the left hand indicating a original nature changeable in moods,easily offended and touchy over little things.It also denotes a highly strung ,nervous temperament with a touch of the line is absent in the right hand you have been able to overcome these characteristics.

Career:The career starts late in life ,around 28 years.A change of career is indicated around 35 the fate line is not clearly marked at this stage,you have to work hard for success.

Marriage:is indicted between 28 and 35 years.

All the best.


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Re: Reading of your hand.

Post by Andy » Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:59 pm

Thank you so much for taking time to give me this reading, much appreciated. I'm amazed how much I identify with the character specific things you've pointed out.
bssrinivasan wrote:hi,
Here is my assessment of your hand.As you are already knowledgeable in palmistry,please let me know whether it tallies with your reading and what are the differences.
I'm afraid I can't comment much on this, as I'm not nearly experienced enough. I'm reading up on it, and following discussions, but besides being able to point out some mere basics, my knowledge is limmited.
bssrinivasan wrote:
The hand indicates that you are orderly,punctual and precise in manner more from conformity with custom and habit. You respect authority, love discipline, have a place for everything and everything is kept in its place, not only in your household, but in your brains.
I can really identify with this, as its been a characteristic of my personality for as long as I can remember.
bssrinivasan wrote:
The line of head tightly connected with that of life ,and low down in the hand shows utter want of self-confidence.You suffer from extreme sensitiveness and the slightest thing will wound and cause grief to you.
Again, I'm amazed how accurate your reading is. My sensitive nature have made me refrain from stuff I perhaps should have experienced and dared to go for. I have a tendency to overanalyze matters before I act, and also tend to have a hard time putting things behind me. I'm very sensitive and aware of other peoples reactions.
bssrinivasan wrote:
Girdle of venus:is present on the left hand indicating a original nature changeable in moods,easily offended and touchy over little things.It also denotes a highly strung ,nervous temperament with a touch of the line is absent in the right hand you have been able to overcome these characteristics.
To some degree I'm still characterized by a strung, nervous temperament, but true to your intepretation, this was more prominent in earlier years of my life. I have a tendecy to come off as cold and shut in around people that I don't know well, as a result. In reality this is merely a cover to protect myselfe.
bssrinivasan wrote:
Career:The career starts late in life ,around 28 years.A change of career is indicated around 35 the fate line is not clearly marked at this stage,you have to work hard for success.
28 years would make sense, as its aproximently a year after my eduaction is done. I belive in other things in life than a succsessfull career, and I suppose this priority is reflected in the less than clearly marked fate line, and might indicate my perspective on the matter wont change.

Nothing in your reading stands out as wrong or off target to me, I've tried to point out the parts of it I found the most interesting. Thank you again for your time. I will stick around so I can keep up with other readings you might do.


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