Palm Reading Request

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Palm Reading Request

Post by suhreel » Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:06 pm

I would really love and appreciate any readings any of you out there might be able to give me.

I have been trying to read my own palms but as a novice I'm having trouble determining what all of the different lines and patterns really are.  I'm not sure if I have any double lines, what to consider a break, a chained line... I'm just too inexperienced to even tell difference!

I'm a right handed 26 year old who is still unsure about most all aspects of my life.  I would especially like to hear about anything you can find regarding my health, career, love, general purpose - pretty much anything.  I am also curious about what my fate line shows but an not sure which one it is.  

If I'm correct, I believe all of my fingerprints are looped, with the exception of the left index finger, which looks to me like a 'tented arch'.  I have additional scans and copies of my palms including both sides so I could provide those if they might be of help also.

My right (dominant) hand:

My left hand:

Thank you all so much for taking the time to look at this!

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Post by suhreel » Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:50 am

I hope you guys don't forget about me!  I don't know why my post isn't showing up with attachments, but I'm definitely gonna keep checking back so hopefully I'll hear from someone!!!


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your hand

Post by bssrinivasan » Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:41 pm


you have a hand with common sense,practicality,logic,method and order.

you have lots of energy and self confidence bordering on rashness.sleep over things before taking decisions.

you are likely to go abroad and settle down there around 35 years.

sametime your present career which is influenced by your relatives will see a change.the second career is strongly influenced by another person,may be your wife.if you are not already married you will marry around that age.your career will be highly powerful and famous with lots of fame and name.

your intellect shows lot of stress  right now probably because of your ambition and drive to achieve something in life.calm your mind and you will definitely succeed.

best wishes.

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Post by suhreel » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:47 pm

Wow!!!  Thank you so much for taking the time to look at that for me, srinivasan!!  I really appreciate you providing all that information.  

You are totally accurate about my current career being strongly influenced by my relatives.  I started out working in the business I am in right now (real estate) because a couple of different relatives are very successfully in that business so for years I began working for them which is what prompted me to start (very hesitantly) following my current career path. The accuracy there was surprising for me - because my relatives are the absolute only reason I would have ever started getting involved with Real Estate at all.. BIG WOW from me on that.

I am a female, so I am thinking my second career may end up being strongly influenced by my husband.  I am not currently married, though I do have a serious boyfriend that I have been dating for several years.  I am so intrigued that my second career shows to be famous and highly powerful!!!  That's really exciting, though I will admit that a part of me feels comfortable and not completely surprised by this idea.  Of course a part of me has grown up wishing for fame and if you can see anything else regarding what line of work I may become famous for... I would be most curious about that!  I do find in my own life more and more people seem to be attracted/drawn to me on a different level than I see with my peers.  My online profiles usually get many more hits than other people I see... and when I go to stores and things people remember and recognize me very easily.  One time when doing errands with a good friend of mine... he told me 'Wow!  you're like a local celebrity!' because everytime I go somewhere with him no matter where, I'll see somebody I know or have employees remember me and talk to me alot.  Also, my mother said she had some person tell her when I was a very young child that I would be very famous, rich and powerful... I can't remember if it was a psychic of a palmist but to hear it again has really been wonderful and I am excited to find out how that turns out.  If I do become famous I'd love to have you for my personal (and super pampered) personal palmist, hehehe.  Definitely let me know if you see anything else in that regard!

I do think my intellect is very stressed right now, so that also seemed right on.  I am driven and ambitious, and if you combine that with just trying to take care of myself, and trying to take care for and worry about family and other people is rough.  It's good to hear this is temporary and sounds like it will pay off for me also.  I most certainly would like to think that I do have pretty good common sense, practicality, logic, method and order.  I know for sure that I have lots of energy and overall... self confidence too...boarding on rashness for sure at times!  My boyfriend agreed as well (haha) so I will definitely try to be sure I take it easy and sleep things over before acting rash.

Everything you said seemed to fit very well into my current person and life circumstances and thank you again for being so kind as to read my palm.  It really warmed my heart in ways I can't even explain and your generosity has blessed me very much!  

Oh and if I may ask one more question from you - does it show anything important about my health?  Do I show in good health and is my life long?

Thanks so much ♥

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your queries

Post by bssrinivasan » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:15 pm


your health will be good and you have a long life.

regarding career,you will do very well where logic and common sense are required such as business or science.

enjoy the present and do not worry about are the type who will make your own destiny.forget about palmistry and astrology.decide what you want to do and take prompt positive action.

best wishes.

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:40 pm

Dear Friend,

Are you male or female and from which city/country are you. On hearing from you I shall do the reading. Your fate line is the one starting low down inside of the life line in the left hand and in the right hand it takes the place of life line for a stretch.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by suhreel » Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:55 pm

I am female, and I am located in Denver, Colorado USA.  Thanks for explaining the location of the fate line, that's the one I thought it was.  Interesting about taking the place of the right life line.  I am looking forward to hearing back on your reading - let me know if you have any other questions!
Thank you!

Also, thank you very much for your follow up as well, srinvasan!

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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:09 am

Dear Suhreel,

I was just looking at your Palm to give a reading and to understand why the difference in your right hand about the fate line as compared to the left hand. If found the following: In your left palm your head line gets bifurcated and goes towards the Mount of Moon and you become highly creative and your imagination was very good when young. This is your basic subconscious nature. Also the Mount of Moon is bulging out in the middle mount of moon. The problem is that Upper Mount of Mars does not bulge out and hence you, though a hard worker, when faced with problems do not fight back as well as one should do.

Physically you are quite strong inwardly as in the left hand there is double line of life but in the right hand it is not clear. There are various changes in your fate line in the right palm and where ever the line coming from the Mount of Moon side if it cuts your fate line then there would be clash of interest but I am not sure if this line coming from the Mount of Moon cuts your fate line. You are definitely in the business of your relatives or they are backing you and they give you inspiration. In fact in their company you have gained more confidence and become very practical. Since your line of health/liver is disturbed it shows problems with either Stomach or Liver off and on. Having double line of health also confirms that you would be interested in exercises to keep you body trim and fit.

You will definitely travel and go abroad too but you are too ambitious as indicated by your Jupiter Finger which is long and the high setting of your head line and further a branch of your life line also goes upward initially towards Mount of Jupiter. I would say you lead from the front. Your heart line in the right palm also starts lower down from the edge of the Saturn Finger thus showing more determination to succeed in Self Owned Work/Business. Changes in Fate Line at 28/29 where it gets bifucated shows division of business and this goes on for 3 years approximately and there are other two fate lines coming up and hence lot of major changes round the corner.

You are a woman but have a man's hand and so no soft corner for others or no soft approach in your life. You give it everything and you are full of energy and work hard to climb the ladder of success which you will do but just take care of your eating habits.

Over all you will have a very peacefully and successful ending to your life as indicated by the Sun Lines on the Mount of Apollo and your children/life will be well settled in old age.

Pravin Kumar

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