Request to the moderators to ban user Dhurva7

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Manish Kukreja
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Request to the moderators to ban user Dhurva7

Post by Manish Kukreja » Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:50 pm

Respected Moderators,

I have been a silent lurker on this interesting blog for a a few months now, and the sole purpose of my registration is utter outrage against the garbage that this user Dhruva7 has been posting on this MB.

How can the moderators turn a blind eye to someone who shows utter insensitivity in predicting parental deaths of curious teenage boys ? For a long time now, I have seen this user post spew such venom that may not only demoralize and destroy the lives of young kids but is also needless to say unacceptable even on a mesage board.

It is my sincere plea that this user be banned permanantly.

Manish Kukreja.

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Re: Request to the moderators to ban user Dhurva7

Post by happi » Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:17 pm

i don't think he should be baned, i know people cannot take the prediction which they don't like to hear about, but you gotta accept that he is only trying to help you. he even predicted my uncle death and also told me its health related, now we now that it could happen and i will inform my uncle to take care of his health which ever could cause the problems. am sorry but we all have to accept that Dhurva7 is only trying to save you from the problem which we could face, otherwise whats the point of having a reading if we just want to hear the good stuff.

i request the moderators not to ban him just because he have done the reading to help other's and if you think that he is driving you crazy then ignore his reading and look at what other palmist have to say. you don't even have to believe in single word if he ever tell you anything.

i understand that we all love our parents and no one wants to hear about their parent's death, but if this is done to solve the problems or health related, then i don't think its bad as we think it is. its good to know things before they could take place.

please do not ban him just because of this reason.

thank you
Manish Kukreja wrote:Respected Moderators,

I have been a silent lurker on this interesting blog for a a few months now, and the sole purpose of my registration is utter outrage against the garbage that this user Dhruva7 has been posting on this MB.

How can the moderators turn a blind eye to someone who shows utter insensitivity in predicting parental deaths of curious teenage boys ? For a long time now, I have seen this user post spew such venom that may not only demoralize and destroy the lives of young kids but is also needless to say unacceptable even on a mesage board.

It is my sincere plea that this user be banned permanantly.

Manish Kukreja.

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Post by dhruva7 » Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:13 pm

And one more think , do you really think i give any value to this mystic board ? I have my own personal life and my life is not just constraint to this mystic board lol ?

In my personal life ppl come to show their palm to me and i do same with them like i do here , and i dont earn from this place , i even dont care any such a person whos name is something like
Manish Kukreja . . . . .
Better you ward off and i know such ppl like you who have no good life and they willing and begging to god to get a really good life . . .
I do help here to ppl to tell them the fact of life , if i am telling that someone may die whats wrong in that you moron ? If i will not tell than who will tell that ? If my truth can save his father's life than why should i not do ? So you want me to lie and not to tell him to take care of his fathers health . . . . Oh my gosh i never seen such a low cost person in my whole life. . . Please you should your life where there is no rays of  sun i meant somewhere in dark. . .
I have recently predicted bout my friends mothers death , he didnt give attention on my prediction when i had predicted now his mother is no more in this world. Even many times i told him to go for doctor but he was worryless. . . .
Just get life

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Post by dhruva7 » Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:37 pm

And you said garbage prediction gosh do you really no a b c or just only you are educated to write this word "garbage" in your whole life of education . . .

And whatever i predict i predict with confidence not just general prediction . You will take whole life to get close to my level that i achieved in few years. . . .
Just please live your happy , imaginary life that you have seen in your fairy dreams . . . Thanks for giving me chance to be poet lol

Manish Kukreja
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Post by Manish Kukreja » Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:54 pm

dhruva7 wrote:And one more think , do you really think i give any value to this mystic board ? I have my own personal life and my life is not just constraint to this mystic board lol ?

In my personal life ppl come to show their palm to me and i do same with them like i do here , and i dont earn from this place , i even dont care any such a person whos name is something like
Manish Kukreja . . . . .
Better you ward off and i know such ppl like you who have no good life and they willing and begging to god to get a really good life . . .
I do help here to ppl to tell them the fact of life , if i am telling that someone may die whats wrong in that you moron ? If i will not tell than who will tell that ? If my truth can save his father's life than why should i not do ? So you want me to lie and not to tell him to take care of his fathers health . . . . Oh my gosh i never seen such a low cost person in my whole life. . . Please you should your life where there is no rays of  sun i meant somewhere in dark. . .
I have recently predicted bout my friends mothers death , he didnt give attention on my prediction when i had predicted now his mother is no more in this world. Even many times i told him to go for doctor but he was worryless. . . .
Just get life

You uneducated pretender, you are barely able to string together half a sentence without grammatical errors, so what the eff are you on about ?

Astrology /Palmistry is a noble and sacred art / profession. Ethical aspects matter a great deal - but that is something an unschooled illiterate like you will never grasp.

Most people who seek astrologers and palmists do so, when there are problems and issues in life. No one wants to hear about a death in the family like you so brashly and remorselessly talk about. Even if there is such an indication , it needs to be conveyed diplomatically but strongly. But how can an ignorant like you know what diplomacy means ? And God forbid even if demise/death has very indications, what the EFF can your predictions do to prevent that ? Is it going to avert destiny ? No, you moron , it can't.

Your arrogance and pride stinks as much as your illiteracy and ignorance.
No one - ABSOLUTELY no one in history who has had so much arrogance has done anything right. So there go your silly idiotic predicitons.

If you know a abit about Indian mythology RAVANA was the most powerful creature on planet for centuries who thought he has invincible but his own immense pride  resulted in his utter destruction. And how do you compare to him - you are only an internet  macchhar. So shove your arrogance and pride up your backside and don't ruin lives with your silly predictions.

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Post by happi » Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:57 pm

go little easy on these  fellas dhruva bhai, if they prefer sweet reading then go ahead give them that, only some people like the taste of bitter reading. like i said what is the point of reading if we hide the truth, hiding the truth is not going to change the events that will occurs. that is why its better to tell the truth and you have more chances of avoiding the things that could occurs in life. i myself want to live short life and actually want to die in early age due to the fact that life is only good when you are happy. i sometime pray to god that please give me short life but he actually made my life line longer. in reality death shall come to everyone and no one could run away from it. if dhruva bhai have predicted something related to death then i dont think he is doing anything wrong, he is giving you heads up to make changes to avoid death. am sure he gave you the reason behind death, then you have a choices of ignore it, accept it or change it.

try to understand Manish ji if he have predicted something even bad for you, there is a reason for that and its not to disturb your mind, he did that for your own benefits which could change your life.

i looked at this lady palm and i could tell she will have heart attack around her current age and she did have that just last week and again she will another heart attack which could take her life away. i told her and said that this could take her life away if she dont do anything about it now. she shall have heart attack in 3 years from now on and she got those 3 years to change anything. she start taking her medicine and she seems to be taking good care of herself now.

i hope you could understand

dhruva7 wrote:And one more think , do you really think i give any value to this mystic board ? I have my own personal life and my life is not just constraint to this mystic board lol ?

In my personal life ppl come to show their palm to me and i do same with them like i do here , and i dont earn from this place , i even dont care any such a person whos name is something like
Manish Kukreja . . . . .
Better you ward off and i know such ppl like you who have no good life and they willing and begging to god to get a really good life . . .
I do help here to ppl to tell them the fact of life , if i am telling that someone may die whats wrong in that you moron ? If i will not tell than who will tell that ? If my truth can save his father's life than why should i not do ? So you want me to lie and not to tell him to take care of his fathers health . . . . Oh my gosh i never seen such a low cost person in my whole life. . . Please you should your life where there is no rays of  sun i meant somewhere in dark. . .
I have recently predicted bout my friends mothers death , he didnt give attention on my prediction when i had predicted now his mother is no more in this world. Even many times i told him to go for doctor but he was worryless. . . .
Just get life

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Post by dhruva7 » Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:26 pm

If i have pride and ego than i love it as i deserve it . .  you dont have it because you dont have anything in you to have pride on it . . .  
You even dont know about me , you will take time to get my height lol

As i said you better live your great gloomy life where sun does not shine.  This world is not the place for the ppl like you . So stay away  

You are saying that palmistry and astrology is  sacred art that should be told in diplomatically but even you dont know the abc of this palmistry world .
You are here to read only prediction , many great astrologers come to me to show their palms to me because my palmistry predictions are better than their astrology , and even i charge for that prediction .

Better i should not argue with you as you have just only hard english words and good grammer to show your fake values here but here i am not to give my english test as i am respected and valued for my good palmistry and my creative fashion designs .
Best way is not to argue with you as you are just trying to get attention via your useless posts you can even get more chances to get fame just you need to touch my sacred feet rofl

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:34 am


You now have started it again. I told you quite sometime back to dilute your readings. Truth is told in so many pleasant ways that rude ways. You are only 25 now and do you know how much truth hurts. Someday you are going to meet someone who will tell you some truth about you and then you will really know how truth hurts. All those who come to get their palms read are Patients of some type and want to hear what is in store for them. Death can be told pleasantly by just telling that person to take precautions during a certain period of time on whatever ailment that person is going to get. How can you very sure of Death when the greatest palmist are still finding it difficult to predict Death?

I told my cousin sister about my maternal uncle,  when he was 80 and whose palm I saw, that he may have a very difficult period crossing 82. She understood. We could not do anything. He has become a greater liability since 82 and is now 94 and most certain to Die as he is on Ventilator. Another person's palm was read by some other palmist and he was told he would die two years later. I read it and said that he would survive. No use frightening him. What happened? He did die two years later but was happy till the last moment.

Remember when you tell the truth you also come into contact with people who are going to tell you the same type of truth and imagine your horror if you had some disease and went to a Doctor of your type and he happened to say you have very little chance of survival. You can never imagine how you will feel then for you may never have come across people who have been at the receiving end of such news. Doctors are trained to dilute the state of the patient even if Death is certain.

What do you know of Happi? Look at his palm 3 years back  in this forum and see whether he would have been alive and happy now. He knows it himself and he still is there and living happily when he was supposed to have almost committed Suicide or Trapped in a Divorce Case. Just check up his palms. Happi knows it very well. Then why is he now living normally? Can you explain through his palms. Palm reading or for that matter any Science requires maturity and a way of explaining things.

Remember what you give to the Society comes back to you automatically. Give love you get love and whatever you give will come back to you and that is the day you will rise much higher and become matured not before that.

Even the greatest palmist have difficulty proving marriage, how many children and whether boy or girl and so many other questions. Go to other forums where there are only palmist who discuss the latest research and still you will find them lacking in so many things which they admit and try to find a way out though their knowledge is vast.

Before you know it you are going to kill someone on this forum or destroy his/her life through depression and then how you will feel. One boy from Pakistan, genuinely brilliant palmist at the age of 22 would read palms which amazed most of us. By his own admission he would sit up whole night to read palms and analyze them and give predictions. Why in the night because net was much cheaper at that time. One day he happened to read the palm of an Indian living in Canada. Although the reading was correct he put it in a way which was a little crude/offensive or frightened that person no end. This boy then wrote to me what to do as he felt so ashamed and sorry. I asked him to apologise to that person. He did so and again sat up another night and made the same prediction in a much sweeter way. If you want I can search out that reading and give it to you. This person from Canada got so relieved and happy. Only the change of the method of reading the same matter brought tremendous relief to that person. Since that day this boy has stopped reading palms out of some guilt or pain hidden deep inside. No amount of my persuasion has helped.
God forbid you may not face that situation. Another palmist just told a labourer that you married at the wrong age. The labourer went and killed his wife and surrendered to the Police and is now behind bars.

Well as you please.

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Post by dhruva7 » Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:02 am

Well but its not with me , my predictions are always true .

I remember the time when 3 years ago i had predicted the death of my friends father , he had taken it lightly as at that time his father was healthy , just when my prediction time reached , my friend got to know his father having cancer and he is in last stage . . . Now his father is no more in this world.
Another case , i saw my friends mother's palm i silently told to my friend to take care of her health , within three months she will die , again my friend thought it cant happen , even i forced him many time to not take it lightly its very important , now her mother is no more in this world.
What you ppl think i didnt feel the pain when i predicted it ?
And about girl or boy birth , i was always correct on this matter my predictions were always hundred percent correct. . . .
I do predict only those thing on which i am hundred percent sure. I try to save the life , if i wont say it aggressively no one give attention on that things . .
And sorry to say i dont want to be the part of that research and i dont want to confuse myself , i have my own research and inventions in this field , many many ppl come to me to get advice and i satisfy them . . .
My knowledge is not theoretical , or fully based on books. . .
Here ppl just use astrology to predict daily life predictions based on their birthchart , but i can predict just using the palm for daily, weekly or monthly  predictions ,
You can say its my pride or ego  but untill my predictions does not prove wrong i will enjoy my pride and ego

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hello everyone

Post by happi » Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:15 am

I think we should all stop this thread from continuing as it looks like it will end in arguments. Please pravin uncle jee and dhruva bhai jee, we should stop arguments and start looking at people palm to help them.

all the palmist are here to support the one who needs them and god bless all the palmist to help the other through this free service, so please stop fighting over these things.

thank you

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Post by Unfallen » Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:17 am

I don't know dhurva but I am against censorship.  I choose to say away from the topic of death in readings and for the most part I prefer to stay away from health for a number of reasons.  I have more friends ask me about topics that correlate to the aforementioned topics than clients but it's hard for either of them.  The reason I choose to stay away from them is because even when I feel bad health my personal bias wants to look for the most positive outcome.  In the cases where there are no positive choices or paths to take, I just can't tell someone like that because if they are clueless about what's upcoming it almost feels like I am cursing them.  I'd never do such a thing, but it is my own personal guilt from doing such a thing.

I haven't read any of dhurva's post but he seems like a run-of-the-mill troll.  I could be wrong.  He simply could do a legitimate job and enjoy the shock factor part that can come with it. I can tell the guy has his own demons to deal with and takes way too much amusement in the strife and suffering of others.  I prefer not to read in public environments because it can either make the reader want to show off or make the reader shy and restricted or it can even lead the client to embarrassment.  Even if it's free I don't see a point to it other than practice or to build confidence.

The people saying he should lie or sugarcoat the truth are guilty of just as much as he is.  The way you see it he wants people to know the truth and feel hopeless about it.  The way people who sugarcoat without offering resolutions simply allow their friends and clients to be blindsided by the truth.

It's up to each client and each reader to make their own decision about this guy.  If you censor him then we might as well all start acting like book-burning, quick-to-lynch Catholics did during the reformation or like the narrow-eyed Protestants did during the witch hunts.

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Post by V03 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:34 pm

It is very sad that such a brilliant talent like Dhruva is getting abused and being discouraged.

I don't think life is a bed of roses. I also think when someone predicts death, it should NOT  be taken as definate death. In my opinion it should be taken as a really really bad phase with a chance of death.

And a warning such as what is given must be used to take every precaution to prevent any disaster.

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Post by dhruva7 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:02 pm

Well i dont bother such things dude. . .
I know what i am , i know i am best just couple of ppl cant diminish , or discourage my palmistry knowledge. They will take ages to get close to my knowledge.
And one thing more i predict with confidence not just like" it can /may happen " i say it will happen ". . .
My confidence level is always great just simple palmists cant even challenge my knowledge. If they have guts to challenge come lets see how good you are than me

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:13 pm

Have been on Holiday for the last 14 days, that is why I haven't interfered before now.

I will point dhruva7 to my earlier post, about the way he do predictions, and his reply that he should try to improve his way to post readings and answer.

I can see that his Ego still is greater then his Ability to evaluate what he says, AND THAT IN ITSELF COUNT AGAINST EVERYTHING HE PREDICT, because his EGO stand in the way for the evaluation.

I give the last warning, if you don't manage to smooth out your postings, then we don't need your services anymore, and we need to ask you to leave.

It might be a good thing for you after all, with your great experience in Palmistry, I am sure you must be able to get a Professorship in Palmistry, or you might use your time to write books, so other Palmist can take a share in your Great knowledge.

In order to avoid to much banging on this subject, I close this thread!


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