Unusual line

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Unusual line

Post by kunjan_shah10 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:46 pm

I am a 23 year old male. I have literally all my lines connected to each other some way or the other but there is one line in both my hands which is unusual.

My head line has a fork and the lower branch again divides into a fork near luna mount. There is a line which starts from the upper branch of the main fork and goes to meet the heart line near jupiter-saturn mounts in right hand and cuts through a curved heart line and forks under saturn mount in left hand.

I hope I gave a clear picture of my query line to you. Can you please tell me the name or effect of this line on my relationships as well as its overall significance?


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:10 am

Dear kunjan_shah10,

Please post your palm prints.

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:07 pm

Hi Sir,

These are my palm prints.

Left hand
110109-123430.jpg (55.68 KiB) Viewed 5250 times
Right hand
110109-123526.jpg (46.23 KiB) Viewed 5250 times

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Post by great-palmist » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:16 am

in palm none of the line is unusual. Its just all depends upon how you red it. Just you need to know basic of palmistry you can get result easily. Your head line is just got branches this is not unusual or any mystic line.  According to your palm you are very intellectual person sometimes very practicall sometimes very imaginative. You are also romantic and want to get love of the person you love but you have selfish attitude and confused about everything, all your confusion is harmful for you as your fate line will also not help you get out of it, you should be more open in the matter of love about your feeling, i know you can express your feeling independently but confused about your partner that wards you off from being close to your partner. Sometimes you are so romantic someties so harsh. Anyway career wise art , communication ,  and economic can be your favourite subject.
Best quality about you is you can do anything but you will have to decide what actually you want to do .

Your life will be good once you are out of confusion about relation, career , and love

Best wishes

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:21 am

Moved to the palm reading forum,

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:27 am

Thanks. I am very confused about love and career and yes art is something I love but I am a therapist and currently planning to do research. I know a lot about horoscopes but less about palmistry.

I'm afraid a little as I've had a bad relationship where i gave all the input and found that the love I expect wasn't there from the other side. You are very true about my decision making. I am a little restless which I need to control sometimes.

Will I be good as a teacher, a therapist or as a researcher?

Thanks again. really appreciate it.

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Post by great-palmist » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:55 am

well palmistry and astrology is almost same just you need to know how to use them

And according to your palm you can be good teacher, also you can do great analysis work, but just you need to concentrate only on one thing and you will be better than other.

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:21 pm

Thanks a lot great_palmist. I am a master's student in USA and currently working on a research project. Your advise surely helps.


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Post by solisill » Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:28 am


First of all i just want to say that the pictures you have posted simply allow a person to see the lines on your hand.  However, if you or anyone on this site thinks that any type of analysis can be made solely from glancing at the lines than that is not correct.  A certain line has a different meaning depending on what kind of hand it is on.  One only needs to read a Cheiro book to see this highlighted over and over again, and since Cheiro had quite a great deal of experience on reading hands i think he had some inkling of what he was talking about.  

That being said, i find the fork in your head line interesting, and i have seen it on many hands.  Yet, to be quite honest i really dont know what to make of it.  There seems to be an island on your line of fate very early on, thus i would say that there may have been a period of scandal in your past, and since the island hasn't disappeared that energy still persists to some degree or other.  You have a very strong line of fate, which normally belongs to career oriented individuals who are born into very career oriented families.  It is also interesting to me that you are a therapist, now i don't know if this can be attributed to your line of heart or your line of head, maybe both.  Your line of heart has seen tremendous improvement from right hand to left hand, thus i would say you have consciously been working towards improving your emotions and relations with others.  It is still hard to see the full heart line on your right hand, but it looks much improved from the left hand.  

I find your life line interesting also because it seems to fade at the end, do you not feel closely connected to your roots?  Or maybe there is some other pattern in your home or family life which you think could reflect why that is.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:16 am

Dear kunjan_shah10,

You have not mentioned whether you are right handed or left handed? Anyway you are an overemotional person. The line that you describe as rare is the second heart line. I actually thought this line to be rising from the Upper Mars and going upwards towards Jupitor Mount but you have mentioned about your emotions and how you did not get love in return from this girl so it really means your are overemotional and do not know whom to trust in love or personal matters. You need to practise meditation or listen to soulful music or do your Yogasans. There are many other ways you can control your emotions.

Please confirm about the emotional part or if it is not so then the reading changes drastically. Such palms are seen best personally.

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:30 am

Hi Solisill,

Actually I posted this thread to ask about the line so I did it in the palmistry forum. But now it has been moved to the reading forum because of the replies I got.

In fact, I have posted about 8 photos of my hand in the reading forum under "Can you read this palm?" and it was for reading purpose.

About my lifeline...it fades but what you can't see in the picture is that it continues a fair bit and it has two strands. I don't know what to make of it.

My family dad's family has 2 doctors and 2 engineers which pushed me a lot towards medicine. I am currently in a foreign country and I love my family but I want to stay away from the culture I grew in. I believe in goodness and I strongly object against the things which don't have a logic like in the religions we have in India. But I do believe in god. I like it my way but humanity and science win for me against religious views and rigidity of the society. That's my brain if it is similar to people with such a line....

I personally love research and unknown things like astrology and astronomy.. the occult science etc.. I have 'Rahu' and 'Mars' in my 8th house in Pisces speaking of horoscope if you can connect it with my head line.

I've had a bad relationship which my friends know but not the family and it was between 19 to 22... This taught me many lessons and I'm trying to improve upon it which is perfectly right from you. that girl is still my friend but I'm not in contact with her... we are connected by a common group if that attaches to the energy you are talking about.

My fate line has an island and beneath that there is another shape  which I'm confused to call an island or a triangle but it looks kind of '8' combined to the island clearly visible here.

I have only one fear....that is about my love life... I'm fearful in falling love again but I prefer love over arranged... can you give me advise looking at my palm... Should I be more confident? or should give up on that option?

Thanks a ton!

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:49 am

Dear Pravinji,

I am a right handed person. And I can easily make out that my hand have many different lines in fact the thing that amazed me is, I am in a foreign country. My left hand if being the destiny hand, has only two small lines on the percussion in lower moon mount and a huge curvy line in my right hand that comes below the percussion and connects to the health line. One more line from moon goes to the fate line. I wonder if it is the reason of my voyage.

One of my friends told me that I have two small lines coming from the first wrist line and going towards the moon mount which are responsible for my foreign travel.

I will consider sparing time for meditation. I am very emotional but my biggest problem is that I get restless and take hasty decisions which is what I have learnt in last few years.

I was a very shy person but have opened a lot in last 3-4 years and I have only one problem which is the fear of approaching someone...maybe my indecision is due to a double heart line. What else does it suggest being in this position?


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Post by great-palmist » Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:11 am

who said not are having double heart line ?

Ppl with double heart line is having different attitude not like you ? Your emotional nature is not because of double heart line its because of your head line , people withou double heart line is always into erotic dreams, they are always thinking about sex , jolly but good with heart. . . .

And infact you are not emotional you are actually confused relating to your emotion , with other fact of your life , sometimes you see you want to get love , sometimes you even have doubt on your friends too , you actually dont know whom to trust or whom to not ,
Sometimes you may feel your partner is good for you sometimes you are filled with anger about your partner , sometimes you are so sacrificing sometimes so selfish this is the actual you . . .

Please forgive me but i really feel i am true on my fact .

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:13 am

Dear Great_Palmist,

I am confused right now because there is indecision in this thread. I personally would say that when I feel I'm in love I give my everything to make it work and so I gave away 4 and a half years of my life after one relationship waiting for one 'I love you' from the other side and yes I do get confused about things but I can't figure it out just as you people that.. "Is it heart over mind or mind over heart?"

On one note, you are right that I get stuck into indecision about people and that is because I think what they would be thinking and according to that I try to act which is the mistake I make and then I feel that I was trying to make someone happy instead they get angry or hurt by me which wasn't the intention. So this is my story.. I don't know which one of you is right because some of it is true on both sides....

I have always searched for balance in all matters and I do believe that I have learnt from my mistakes.

I have one big weakness, I can't hurt anyone....

I have learnt that I need to be selfish sometimes.

Everyone around me is not able to understand both sides of the coin... Believe me, I have one of the most powerful head lines when it comes to understanding a conflict. I don't know much about palmistry but I am deep into philosophy,psychology and analysis. I love that. This is my head line's influence for sure....

I am not offended by anyone here and I apologize if I am being rude.. I'm just trying to figure out my path in relationships because i like to love and being loved and cherish those relationships....And I'm confused about my love life....

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Post by great-palmist » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:28 am

well i am very straight forward person in the matter of fact . . .
Exactly i have seen this type of line 5 years ago in my friends palm , he devoted , sacrificed everything for his girlfriend , even he didnt care about money and her relationship with his girlfriend lasted for 6 years but at the end she dumped him , and he lost his rhythm of life and got addicted to some kind of drugs etc, at that time i was new in palmistry , but i observed his life to know more about palmistry and learn it by learning man's behaviour from palm , and exactly he is having lines like you. But it was his one face of love and in other way he was so cruel , very confused about friends, family life . He was also interested in astrology , art , psychology , philosophy but it was good for nothing as he was confused about his career. I always found his analysis was very great regarding person and judging his mentality. But he never had any good friend , a good lover . Lost in his own thought. Somehow my sister is having same head line intelligent but confused.
They become selfish because they are confused about everything they have.
You should simply avoid your confusion never try to think about many thoughts or to work on many things

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