Unusual line

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:05 am

All that being said... I'm grateful that I could find this forum and you could look at my hand... I'll keep it in mind... I don't know other aspects of your friend's system but one thing that keeps me going is my family and my friends... And believe me, maybe there is a line in my hand that keeps telling me that you can try again but never cause pain to your loved ones....

As far as I know...many aspects of our lives and hand prints are same but no two hands are identical and so I have to hope....

"Everything happens for a reason and whatever happens it is for good..."
that is my belief...

Thanks a lot.... I mean it!!!

God bless...

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:07 pm

[quote="great-palmist"]who said not are having double heart line ?

Ppl with double heart line is having different attitude not like you ? Your emotional nature is not because of double heart line its because of your head line , people withou double heart line is always into erotic dreams, they are always thinking about sex , jolly but good with heart. . . .

And infact you are not emotional you are actually confused relating to your emotion , with other fact of your life , sometimes you see you want to get love , sometimes you even have doubt on your friends too , you actually dont know whom to trust or whom to not ,
Sometimes you may feel your partner is good for you sometimes you are filled with anger about your partner , sometimes you are so sacrificing sometimes so selfish this is the actual you . . .

Please forgive me but i really feel i am true on my fact .[/quote]

Dear GP,

Do you love with your head or heart. Love emotions relationship are all matters of heart and mind has very little play in it. Double heart line or low set heart line or a defective heart line will all have problems with emotions and his problem is only in relationship, love and personal relationship. Even what you describe is a matter of heart and not mind. Heart Line is low set and this is also a problem with heart where the person does not whom to trust. He has no problems with his mentality.

As for double heart line denoting other things we are not discussing that and he is not denying it and I need not go into that but any defect of heart line will make him act the way he is doing.

Mr.Kunjan Shah,

When you read the replies just apply yourself to the same for you are seeking to an answer to your question which was "What is this Weird Line and how does it affect your relationship" Your confusion is more about your personal relationship than your career.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by great-palmist » Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:59 pm

respected pravin  sir

well i am still on my fact and its all depend upon when his head line will come into action , i know emotions is seen by heart but controlled by head line , but only heart line is not responsible for the personality , or on matter of affection , head line should be equally considered. . . .

Why someone is lucky in love why some are unlucky . the reason is how you handle your relation with your mentality . . . . I have found ppl with straight headlines are mostly successful in handling love and emotion easily than sloping head . Also ppl with forked head lines are sometimes so emotional and sometimes very strong and cruel on decisions. . . .

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:08 pm

With due respect to both of you,

I like to think a lot and if I implement the reading here upon my life or thoughts..... I do believe it is a second heart line. Because I am still attached to my ideals and don't do drugs or something like that. That being said, even when I have a thought of doing something crazy like that, I think of my parents and family....and that reminds me that I'm not the kind of person that would hurt them for no reason.

For my question...the answer from pravinji is straight to the point. For GP, I know your friend had a fall-out but look at my palm in this thread... "Can you read this palm?".... And look at the whole hand as there are 6-7 pictures...  Your friend could not get over the relationship and did wrong things that hurt his friends and family....but I have put this behind me for almost months.... She is getting engaged and I was the first one to be informed as a friend and we are still friends with no hard feelings.... Like it didnt work so what???

Did your friend do the same?

Thanks both of you.... I just liked your reply(GP) because you don't want someone else to make the mistake your friend made....

I won't discuss these things further because it is inappropriate to sway from the main question too much...

:)  :)  :)

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Post by great-palmist » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:45 am

kunjan only difference between you and he is that you are submissive in love but he was having more sloping line even passing away from mount of moon that shows extrem sensitivity but its not in your case. But as you will grow with age line may start falling more down toward moon. So you need to be aware on it. Because i dont follow any since of palmistry i just follow the importance of planets on palm.
I think palmistry is not just science its above than it. So dont connect it with science .

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:56 am

Dear GP,
I totally understand your point and speaking of planets... I have venus in my 5th house in sagittarius opposite moon in Gemini and no aspect on venus which is sandwitched between Saturn and Sun in 4th and 6th house respectively. So, I know about my vulnerability in love matters as I am bound to get at least one heartbreak which I tried to resist a lot but couldn't. The thing that makes me understand is the aspect of Mars (8th house pisces with Rahu) on moon. I know it's a bad thing but there is Jupiter also in Pisces which is in its own nakshatra and I firmly believe that Jupiter is my saviour from the worries that are inflicted by these planets.

I have been trying to connect your and pravinji's predictions from the palm with these horoscopic facts and I think my line runs upto the Jupiter mount instead of stoping at the heart line especially in the left palm which according to me has an influence from Jupiter (Pardon my knowledge of palmistry).....

The whole question from me was out of curiosity but I think I've learn a lot and can improve upon the outcomes.


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Post by great-palmist » Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:21 am

well look i always cross check if palm prediction is matching with astrology or not, and my predictions are 99% matching with horoscope  when done in real life . Thats why some times palmistry is useful in birth time rectification .

If you want to learn palmistry learn astrology first

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Post by kunjan_shah10 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:41 am

Absolutely right.


You're a good reader Sir....Don't stop doing it....


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Post by great-palmist » Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:01 am

yeah thanks buddy :)

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