Will someone provide feedback on my accuracy if I give someone a reading?

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Will someone provide feedback on my accuracy if I give someone a reading?

Post by faar23 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:24 pm

I have read and obtained a few books on this subject but so far I have only been looking at my family's and friends' palms, but I know them well, so I don't know if my reading on them is based on what I actually see in the lines or whether its based on me knowing them well in other words I don't know if my reading is biased. So it would be very very helpful if someone here would provide feedback on my reading.

Thank you

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Post by bluez » Fri May 25, 2012 4:37 pm

Please give reeading for my friend, passt and future. Will give feedback on past prediction. Tell regarding career, relationships etc.
Here are her palm photos, she is currently 32 yrs old.



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Post by RishiRahul » Fri May 25, 2012 5:07 pm

Moved to palmistry reading forum,

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Post by nooner7 » Sat May 26, 2012 5:53 am


Pravin Kumar
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Re: Will someone provide feedback on my accuracy if I give someone a reading?

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun May 27, 2012 9:23 am

Dear Friend,

Just keep on reading palms, confidence will grow, mistakes will help you to correct them and be humble at all times. You will get your own confirmations. I got mine the same way.
faar23 wrote:I have read and obtained a few books on this subject but so far I have only been looking at my family's and friends' palms, but I know them well, so I don't know if my reading on them is based on what I actually see in the lines or whether its based on me knowing them well in other words I don't know if my reading is biased. So it would be very very helpful if someone here would provide feedback on my reading.

Thank you

God Bless You.

Pravin Kumar

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thank you!!!

Post by faar23 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:05 am

thank you once again bluez. i will take a look at these tonight and hopefully by the end of this week, i will have something...credible to say and thank you Pravin Kumar sir, really appreciate the encouragement! :)

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Post by faar23 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:51 am

okay so this took long and I am not done yet, but so far I think your friend is someone who has a lot of determination and a somewhat strong will and can be counted on to take charge when needed. Your friend also seems to be very sensitive by nature, but is also practical at the same time, so the imagination is there, but it doesn't rule their actions. It also looks like that your friend is not very outspoken and is probably not very good with words, but can express their thoughts better in writing, but that doesn't mean your friend is very shy, just a little shy by nature. I don't see anything related to brain health that should cause worry, so no chance of a brain disease developing in old age, thats good!. Maybe weakness of the eyes, but that won't get worse either with age. Ok so you say your friend is 32 and in their late 30's, you friend will go through something unpleasant, not physically hurtful, just an unpleasant experience...I can't tell what it is, I just see something in the late 30's, but your friend will be able to deal with it. I also see something big happening to your friend in her late 50's or early 60's, something that will leave a mark on the rest of her life, but its nothing bad, it's just something significant. I also see something significant in the late 40's, but I am not very confident about that though. So...don't worry about that.

and now i have a question, I think the relationship between her parents, not with her, but them with each other was good or mostly good because they both thought alike...am I right? Can you ask your friend that, I know it doesn't relate to her specifically but i just want to know to see if I can read well.
and I made these "predictions" based on your friend being right handed, if your friend isn't right handed then i am probably very off.

Anyways how did I do? Any feedback will be greatly welcome and of course I am not done, I will post more as I read them more closely and look at other parts of the hand


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Post by mustafab » Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:11 am

could you please give a brief reading for my palm as well..
here is the post where i have attatched my palm images.
http://mysticboard.org/pa ... ading.html


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Post by faar23 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:42 pm

sure I will be very happy to do that, and you can provide me feedback about whether i was correct or not about whats happened to you. if i am then i guess you can take my readings seriously if i am way off then take them with a grain of salt :)

btw our hands look somewhat similar...

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Post by mustafab » Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:24 pm

yes i will surely give you feedback.. :)
thank you..

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Post by faar23 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:39 am

ok awesome i will try my very best to have something by the end of this week

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Post by mustafab » Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:23 am

thank-you...looking forward to it..

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Post by faar23 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:25 am

ok so as promised I do have something for you, I didn't have the time to look at all the lines. I have just looked at a few lines thoroughly, but if you like then I will finish up the rest by the end of next Sunday…hopefully. Keep in mind I may not be very accurate because I am a beginner, so if there is anything that seems worrying...I wouldn't worry too much about it :) and also I might be inaccurate in gauging your personality because I couldn't see your fingers and your wrists and your nails! yes they do play some part. Btw I am terrible with the dates and stuff so most of the time I will be saying early 30’s or mid 40’s or late something, so for more accuracy on this, you should probably consult someone…who has done this for a long time and knows how to look at dates more accurately than I do. in fact you should do that for all the dates

ok so lets start...i am sooo nervous lol

ok so from your head line:
it seems that you are self confident, have independent thought and can think quickly and are not moody. Basically, you have a good head on your shoulders with a great strength of mind and you are very practical…meaning…there is deductive and realistic reasoning, not too wild an imagination. You also seem to have a lot of determination and will power and can accomplish a lot if you work at it. You also seem to be processing excellent memory and stamina. overall I would say you are very smart!

It also seems that you also have a ton of energy! Which needs to be directed somewhere. You seem to want a purpose, without purpose you may feel unfulfilled. So this is where your determination comes in. you can direct your untiring energy if you are determined to get something. This will be good for you. Are you interested in public movement? Meaning…in politics or not just politics but in also being a leader? It seems that you might be and this could give your life purpose.

Your head line is also very long so that means that you have a high mental aptitude and a tremendous foresight of a practical nature. So you can be a planner, financier, director or executive so again leader of a sort in the future if you desire to be. Or on the other hand you can be a lawyer or an advocate...but I will need to see your fingers to see if you can become a good lawyer because you will need a lot of speaking power. Remember how I said we have similar hands, well we do, but I would make a terrible lawyer and leader, because I am not a very great talker. But anyways for now, you will do well in a position where you are leading people, instead of working under them.

A good thing is that in your life I don’t see any unusual or intense stress, or anything that may cause you to adopt a different perspective on life. Usually people change their way of thinking when under strain, so I don’t see too much strain in your life.

I also noted that in your early to mid 20’s, you will do something good using your intellectual powers which may be very beneficial and may bring you a lot of advantages and prestige. I can’t tell you what it is, because I don’t know ☺…but if there is something that you want to do right now, something that requires you to use your mind you should go for it, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea. The reason I say it MAY bring you advantages and not WILL bring you advantages is because the line is kind of faint, which just means that you are in charge of what happens right now. If you decide to keep living your life as it is, then it wont have any significant affect on your life, but if you decide to do something using your mind and your intellectual abilities then it wont be disastrous either. So a good time right now to do something big or to follow a dream if you happen to have one which involves intelligence.

I also noted that somewhere in your 30’s something profound will happen and it will leave a mark on your life and will change you as a person. The profound thing seems to be related to your love life (not strictly romantic, it could be related to any type of affections we have in our lives). So whatever happens will be somewhat troubling to you at the time, but you will be logical about it and in the end you will be absolutely fine. This is nothing to worry about, its just part of growing up, you have to deal with difficulties related to people you love, but the important thing to note here is that you are going to be okay. You will work it out!

Ok now from your life line:
Your life line seems good, long, and…deep, but I would advise that you take better care of your health, no there is no sickness that you should be worried about for the near future just overall try to stay healthy!

I also noted both from your head line and your life line that you may have a bit of a temper, or you may have had a temper in your youth, but I am happy to say that, this wont always be the case. You will improve but like before take care of your mental health too, not just for your sake because you don’t want to develop hyper tension and have high blood pressure and etc when you are old but also because in anger we often say very bad things to others…and that’s never good.

Ok so I see a bunch of significant things in your life, but again I am not great with the dates, so you should recheck those with someone. Anyways so once again your life line seems to suggest ambition and determination and an urge to rise in life was there from the very beginning. So once more you will do well in a leading position.

I see that in your early to mid 20’s you will put a lot of effort into something but it may not reach a successful end due to some mental error in judgement. This is actually relating to your studies, more so than anything else. So if you are in school right now, I would advise you to not give up, even though it may at times feel pointless...or just your heart is not in it. So again this is where your unending energy and determination comes in. try to channel them both into school among other things and you will do great! This doesn’t much relate to what I said earlier that right now (meaninf your 20's) is a good time to try something you have always wanted to which could lead to advantages and prestige, even though the dates coincide, this is related more to school than to anything else.

I also see that somewhere in your 30’s or early 40’s you will try to once again do something good for our life. This will involve gaining something important in terms of material or property or land…basically you will try to acquire tangible assets to have material stability and to increase your income or status…so this could be a number of things like buying a house for example, but someone you love may interfere and this will affect the outcome. It will cause heartache ☹ So like I said before that in your 30’s something profound related to love will leave a mark in your life…so now you can get a better idea of how that loved one might affect you and in what ways. But I will say it again this is part of growing up, and yes dealing with loved ones and their wishes for you and your wishes for yourself is often a cause of conflict and is often painful, but it happens to everyone. I wont lie, it seems you will have quite a lot of heart ache and your relationship will experience trouble after the event takes place, but remember you will be ok!

Again once more I see in your life line that in your mid to late 20’s, you will put in extra effort and this time it will be beneficial. This time you will break away from your career or from people or from circumstances or whatever that’s holding you down and you will try to make your own destiny and you may be very successful…so yes this does relate to my earlier statement that now (meaning the 20’s) is a good time to try something new that you have wanted to. Another thing is that you will also attempt something similar again in your life in your mid to late 50’s…but of course it wont be the exact same thing because with age and life things will change so it will be an effort in a similar effect and it will also yield positive results…this is far into the future so for now don’t worry about it

Lastly I see that in your late 50’s to early 60’s there will be some illness, which will be serious but it wont be fatal…so what this means is you MAY have to go to the hospital and if you do go then you will cause your friends and family to worry and all but you will be fine. Its nothing fatal, just a heads up that you will get sick so take care of your health and don’t worry, everyone has to go to the hospital or the doctor in old age ☺ so nothing to lose sleep over.

And that is all I have. I know I only looked at 2 lines but it took 2 or 3 hours to do each line. This is hard work, so if I am correct about your personality and stuff and you think this is satisfactory than I can continue to read your hand and will post for you, because I think you asked about stuff related to career and marriage and I didn’t get to that, but if you are not satisfied then you can also tell me that and there wont be hurt feelings ☺. Anyways please do provide feedback. thanks

p.s. i noted i have said the same things quite a lot...sorry about that. its 2 a.m. here

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Post by mustafab » Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:17 am

thanx alot...this reading is very good.. i can do relate to many of the things u said..

1. yes i am practical and determined about things. and i like leading things. i was head boy in my school..
2. i am not into politics but i surely am into public speaking. i think i am a good talker. well cant be a lawyer coz ive already done my engineering now.lol..
3. about early 20's doing something intelligent. well i have recently developed interest in writing and i have just started writing a novel..so i guess that is true..
4. i do have a very bad temper.. but i am trying to control it..

the reading which you have given is really great.. i am a rookie reader myself but i have never been able to get so deep..thanx again..

i would love to get some comments about the heart line,fate line and relationships(influence lines) as well..i would be grateful..
the heart line is chained and i also see a double heart line in my palm..
2 fate lines can be seen..also i see 3 relationship lines.. 1 influence line..

you can refer to the foll thread also.. read all the posts.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 26f10d076a

ive posted several doubts..i hope you could answer them as well..

thanx again..

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Post by faar23 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:08 am

heyy i am glad you liked it and i wasnt too off, anyways i didnt get time to do any reading this week because i have a test on tuesday, and i have just been studying for that but next sunday i will have something for sure. hope you understand :)

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