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Post by mustafab » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:31 am

i completely understand...:) studies come first..btw all the best..
i'll be looking forward to hear from you on next sunday...

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Post by faar23 » Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:07 pm

hi, sorry about the lateness and thank you :) i hope it went well too
so i looked at your fate line or career line this time and it looks good. you mentioned that you have 2 fate lines...i only see 1, its broken, but that means that there will be a change of career sometime b/w the late 20's to mid 30's and that change won't cause you any financial difficulties so no worries there.
I am not sure where you are seeing the 2nd fate line. is it the little vertical lines rising from your wrist, that stops shortly after? I think that is your luck line or your sun line, which means you had better luck early in life, but you will have to work hard later in life. Btw your fate line also says you can have a somewhat successful public career. So...you can go into something public if you want, but I don't think it will be a bad idea if you decide not to... it's your call here.

your relationship lines were kind of very hard for me to...look at. you definitely have relationship lines...so thats good! To the best of my abilities I see 2 deep relationships. I think you may outlive your spouse. It also looks like you will probably be separated from your spouse in the beginning of the marriage, not divorced, i mean physical separation like...due to distance or something. I would definitely try to get someone else to look at the relationship lines.

is there anything else you wanted me to look at?

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Post by faar23 » Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:16 pm

i also dont see a double heart line that you mentioned. i see that its chained but not double. where do you see a double heart line. Also the chain is nothing to worry about, it just means inconsistency when it comes to love

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Post by mustafab » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:24 am

Hi..Thanx for your reply.. and its ok for the lateness..:) no issues..

Well, yes the first fate line is broken..but look at the picture attatched here..
Pt 2 is the second fate line, right? if not what line does it signify?

Also for the heart line.. if we look clearly, pt 3 is where the lower heart line ends. and pt 4 being a starting point of the (2nd?)heart line..i am not sure if it is considered as a second heart line..but maybe it is because there are 2 line running parallelly.. and if you see, the forks at the end of heart line are from the upper line..
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Post by mustafab » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:33 am

Also about the relationship lines..
line 1 and 2 are the ones which u have talked about..but if u look clearly, line 3 is not a fork..(in the picture it seems like it).. line 3 is separate and is not touching line 2 in any way..

line 1 and 2 are starting from the outside of the palm..
line 3 is starting ON the palm..

and yes line 2 is ending in a fork which is not seen clearly in this picture.. but line 3 seems like a separate relationship line to me..
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Post by faar23 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:02 pm

ok...i still think you have only 1 heart line, its just made up of links and chains and stuff so it looks like 2 heart lines because this line is not as clean and deep as the other lines, but i think its actually one. here is a link to a picture of what a double heart line may look like, but i dont think you have 2 heart lines.


what you think is a 2nd fate line, i think its actually an upshoot from the life line and not a fate line, but it could be a fate line, i am noob at this too, so i hope someone else will look into it and let us both know what this line means, because if its a fate line then it has a totally different meaning then an upshoot from life line.

for you relationship lines...i still think its 2 lines only, take a look at lines 2 and 3, if their ends overlap...like the end of line 2 and the beginning of line 3 fall on top of each other then its 1 line related to 1 relationship, but it just means that at the time you might have a problem in your relationship, so you take time apart but get back together, that is if the ends overlap, which they seem to be because of the forked ending, but if they dont overlap then it might mean that you may be separated...idk. although the picture quality is great, i cant tell because the lines are not very deep like all your other lines. um i think relationship lines start from the side of the hand and go into the palm, not the palm itself, so it line 3 seems to be starting on the palm, then its probably related to line 2.

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