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Post by kzirak » Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:04 am

Dear All,

Recently I found that I have two tridents in my right hand (Dominant). I have got this about the tridents please.

1) What is the significance of a trident in general and what is significance of two?

2) How common or uncommon or rare it is to find a trident on a palm?

3) Although a trident can be found anywhere on the palm some say that it is only significant if found on mount of sun. Do you agree with this?

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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:50 pm

Dear Sir,

Elsewhere in PalmistryTutorials you can go through any Chapter on Mounts and you will find that William Benham has put all the marks that can be found on that Mount like Star, Cross, Triangle, Trident etc. etc. So Trident maybe found on any Mount but in my experience I have always found it on Mount of Sun and that too above the Heart Line. In the picture you have posted I do not find a true Trident. It should be 3 lines as if starting from a single Point or three lines crossing each other at the same point.

You have not posted complete picture of the palm to be able to see the same and then comment in more detail. If there is Trident then its counter effect can be ascertained from the full palm. It cannot be that you have a Trident in your palm and you find poverty or ill health or mental breakdown etc. etc. written elsewhere. So each sign has to be confirmed elsewhere in the palm.

Pravin Kumar

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:11 am

It is not a trident, neither on the Mount of Sun nor on the Mount of Saturn. On the Mount of Sun you have 3 sun lines, one curving up from the edge of the Mount of Upper Mars, an excellent indication, another going up from the heart line and the third starts dimly from the heart line and goes up, becomes stronger and again merges with the first sun line. Where are they merging at a point? Even if they merge at a point it would be the formation of star and it could then be called Trident in the reverse. Some palmist do interpret that. Anyway this indication itself is very good. You are mentally very strong and have a good health as indicated by the prominent Mount of Venus and the good lifeline and your life must have taken a change for the better at about the age of 35 having gone abroad and settled down there and doing quite well.

Pravin Kumar

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