Major autoimmune disease - Please help.

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Major autoimmune disease - Please help.

Post by Khushi0621 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:40 pm

Respected Palmistry Experts,

Currently I am Stuck with my life due to major Health issue. Please help me out in resolving my health issue by your expert opinion.
Let me explain issue:

I posted few months back as I was planning to do second child after miscarriage. We were trying for second child and In April 2016, I had miscarriage.
After waited for another 6 months, we tried again to have second child. Due to some medication side effects or I don't know what went wrong,
from December 2016 onwards , I am suffering from one of the rare major disease called Myasthenia Gravis. This is a very rare muscular autoimmune disease.

Currently my health condition is very critical due to this disease. I am having lots of fatigue, double vision and all kinds of muscular weakness issues, due to this autoimmune disease. Few months back, I had breathing issue also and I was hospitalized also for 2 days. Currently since last 8 months , I never went
out of my home (except doctor's appointment). I have to be in bed for at least 14 hours a day. My double vision is creating lots of issues too.

I attached my left and right hand palms pictures. My dominant hand is right hand.
Can some expert can answer following questions after reading my palms?

- When my health issue resolved ? like double vision, fatigue and muscular weakness issue. Any time line will be appreciated.
- Will my disease go away ? or do I have to live my life with this disease only?

I will be really thank full to all of you if you can help me in at least giving some prediction.

Thanks a lot.

right-Hand-close.JPG (23.81 KiB) Viewed 3294 times
Right-Hand.JPG (26.94 KiB) Viewed 3294 times
Left-Hand-Close.JPG (22.55 KiB) Viewed 3294 times
Left.JPG (29.95 KiB) Viewed 3294 times

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Re: Major autoimmune disease - Please help.

Post by Khushi0621 » Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:37 am

Hi Experts,

Can you please read my hand and answer those questions?

Thank You.

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Re: Major autoimmune disease - Please help.

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:09 am

Hi Khushi,

Most palmistry experts are NOT medical experts.

Real hope is good, but false or empty hope is bad, and can be dangerous.

Thinking positively will help you to better cope with your symptoms, but it will NOT make the disease go away for the rest of your life.

MG cannot be cured, but many of the symptoms can be effectively treated and made more bearable by medical experts.

So answering your questions without doing any palmistry reading.....
When my health issue resolved ? like double vision, fatigue and muscular weakness issue.
There is no real hope way of knowing if or when any of your symptoms will appear to get better, when compared to how bad they are now.

Like many other diseases MG can sometimes go into temporary remission, but the symptoms will eventually return.
Will my disease go away?
NO! You will have it for the rest of your life. Although the exact symptoms may come and go over time.

Too much physical activity or extra stress can often make your symptoms much worse, or bring them out of remission.

Most MG patients have a normal life expectancy, and most of them die from something not related to their MG.

Please read the following fact sheet for more details. ... Fact-Sheet

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Major autoimmune disease - Please help.

Post by rk_2014 » Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:38 pm


Sorry to hear about your condition. I read your post intrigued after reading the thread title.

I am here for a reading myself so won't be able to answer your questions from a palmistry or medical viewpoint. The moment I read Myasthenia Gravis, however, Amitabh Bachcan's name flashed instantly in memory. Yes, the Indian movie superstar. You probably already know that he had MG after the accident on shooting sets in 1982. He consulted specialists and was put on a treatment involving medicines and therapy. While he has recovered from it, this condition can be triggered off at any time per some.

It was only two days back that I also read that AB received 60 bottles of blood from 200 donors, one of whom was carrying the Hepatitis B virus. It was only 18 years later in 2000 that he discovered that the virus had resulted in cirrhosis of the liver, which damaged about 75% of his liver. He doesn't drink alcohol so the virus was the only way he could have got cirrhosis.

He fought and recovered from both the above deadly conditions surprisingly. Not only that, if you see any of his interviews there is so much energy and verve that it can put those in their 30's to shame. And no one can even suspect of his earlier medical issues. He will be 75 next month.

AB's life has definitely been a miracle and an inspiration for millions. His recovery from such deadly illnesses (in his own words he was clinically dead for a few minutes during post-injury treatment) to where he is now is the stuff legends are made of. One only needs to watch/hear his interviews or the innumerable videos he keeps uploading on social media to feel rejuvenized. It really is motivating.

True inspiration such as this or any other could help you deal with your current situation better and focus more on the brighter side of life.

Good luck & stay positive!

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Re: Major autoimmune disease - Please help.

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:17 pm

Thank you for sharing this information with us.
Famous People

Having MG does not have to stop you having a full life (although at times it can make things very challenging!). Here are a few of examples of people that have gone on to fame and fortune…

David Niven
Aristotle Onassis
Sir Lawrence Olivier
Phil Silvers (actor – Sgt. Bilko)

“Sleepy” (© Disney) of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was supposedly based on a friend of Walt Disney who had MG. ... us-people/

There are more names of famous and some not so well known people who have (or who had MG) on the following page. ... henia.html



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