Please read My palm

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Please read My palm

Post by sanyam » Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:37 am


Can SOmebody please read my hand and through a light on my carrer and financial Height i will attain life.

Will i be a multimillonaire and a bussinee tycoon ever. IF yes when ?

You can get my plam pic by clicking on bwlow mentioned links ... alm6si.jpg ... alm6si.jpg

Thanks in advance


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Please read My palm

Post by sanyam » Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:34 am

Dear Sir

Please find more details about me as under
Name: sanyam sethia (male
age:29 years 4 months
place: delhi (India)



Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:48 am

Dear Sanyam,

First Thing. It is never possible to tell your Bank Balance present or future. Please tell your name, age, gender, city/country where you stay. Whether your thumb bends back at first phalange more than 10 degrees and if so approximaely how much. And what is the angle of the thumb with the palm i.e less than 90 degrees, 90 degrees or more than 90 degrees.

On receiving the above information I shall give my reading.

Pravin Kumar.


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My plam reading

Post by sanyam » Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:04 am

Dear Sir

Please find details about me as under
Name: sanyam sethia (male )
age:29 years 4 months (27th april 1976)
place: delhi (India)

1)Whether your thumb bends back at first phalange more than 10 degrees - no
2) And what is the angle of the thumb with the palm i.e less than 90 degrees, 90 degrees or more than 90 degrees. ---- 90 degree

Thanks for replying


Pravin Kumar
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Hello Sanyam

Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:40 pm

Dear Sanyam,

I have seen your handprints. You want to know about your career. Nobody can predict from hand prints whether you will be a millionair or not but definitely we can say whether the indications of doing well in life is there or not. Definitely you will rise very high . I think you started something new separately from your family business and this started about 6 months back. You want immediate success but you will get very limited success in this. Your other business or family's business will go good till 33 and after that there will success in your venture. Till that time you will have to be patient. I will do the balance reading tomorrow. You have a solomon's ring which is good and the hand otherwise is good for success but for problems at present. A small line going upwards from the head line at 29.1/2 shows your sudden interest to take speculative in earning more money.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020

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Post by sanyam » Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:25 am

Dear Sir

Thanks for ur valuable reading, i will wait for the complete reading.

I have a saqure and triangle on muont of saturn. cross on mount of jupiter and star on mount of sun . what does this signs mean .

Looking forward to hear from you


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your palm reading

Post by bssrinivasan » Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:39 pm

Hi sanyam,
My assessment of your hand is as follows:

The hand is of spatulate type with spatulate fingers.Basically this is a hand of originality,action ,independence and invention.The hand being wider at the wrist foretells these characteristics are in the domain of ideas.The head line being straight in the first half of life practicality clouds originality and life will be restless,irritable and dissatisfied as imagination will not get scope for fulfilment.However things will change in the later part of life to originality and invention.

The wide space between the line of head and life denotes excess of energy,selfconfidence,promptness of action and readiness of thought but you will be too hasty and impatient.You would do well to sleep over decisions.

The heart line forked with one branch on jupiter and other between saturn and jupiter is a sign of a happy ,tranquil nature,good fortune and happiness of affection.However the line has fused with girdle of venus which will make the temperament highly strung and moods highly changeable.

The fate line is attached to the line of life at the beginning indicating parents have restricted the career in the initial stages,but the career breaks out at about 27-28 years in the direction of mercury indicating a career in business.The original career also runs along with it,till it fades around thirtyfive.The line of sun is also faintly marked promising reasonable amount of wealth and distinction.Finger of apollo appears to be prominent as other fingers are leaning towards it.Fame and distinction are the main driving forces in life.

Ring of saturn and ring of solomon are both marked on the palm.Ring of solomon indicates love of occult and love to master it.As the ring of saturn is not cutting the line of fate and other lines are strong,it has no effect on the life.

There are a few lines dropping from heart line towards line of head indicating affections will interfere with matters of head sometimes.

The thumb being at right angles to palm indicates the nature will fly to extremes from sheer independence of spirit.It will be impossible to manage or control such natures.You will not brook any opposition and will be agressive in manners.As thumb is not flexible,it shows practical nature,strong will and stubborn determination.

Regarding your questions,a star on sun wellmarked will indicate brilliancy of wealth and position,but without happiness.Triangle on saturn will indicate talent and inclination for mystical work.Star on jupiter will show a great affection will influence you.But the signs have to be independent and well marked.
Please send me your comments.

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plss help

Post by sanyam » Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:13 pm

Dear Mr srinivasan Jee

Thanks a lot for ur valuable comment. Well your are right i started to try doing handiraft export at the age of 28 as a side businees along with job which I m doing from last 5 years

1)does exports handicrafts suits me. how long will it take for me to get settled in life as there is no major success in export of now I had got very very small orders as of now.
2) your rightly said life will be restless,irritable and dissatisfied as imagination will not get scope for fulfilment so please tell at what age this gonna change .
3) I m very ambitious always dream of becoming a bussiness Tycoon. WIll that happen.

Looking forward to hear from you

thanks a ton

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your queries

Post by bssrinivasan » Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:49 am

hi sanyam,

Your fateline is well marked without any lines cutting it and line of sun ,though faint is starting in the next 2 you will do very well in your business and you will start getting reasonable wealth after 2 years.

The restlessness is a good sign as it will push you to put more effort and think of new ideas.your new ideas will start working after 35 be patient and you will succeed.


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Parveen Jee waiting for ur balance reading

Post by sanyam » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:39 am

Dear Mr srinvasan

Thanks a lot for ur valuable comments.

Parveen Jee i am waiting for ur balance predictions


Pravin Kumar
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Sanyam's Hand Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:50 pm

Dear Sanyam,

Following is my observation after reading your hand. You have a girdle of business and a very light ring of Saturn which I have never never seen before in anyone hand. Ring of Saturn by itself is a negative indication but the marking is so light and I conclude that probably some negative incident in the life of your parents has this impact on you and this is hereditary. Secondly you have sympathy lines coming from below the Mount of Jupitor and going across to the Saturn Finger. Your both fingers Jupitor and Apollo balance out without anyone of them being longer than the other. You have good communicatons skills and the gap between the mercury and apollo finger (if the images of the hand are taken in the natural position then this holds good) and also you will earn property out of your own wealth but there could be problems initially.

People with Girdle of Venus reach very great heights and hence your question will I become a Billionaire. Definitely you will earn a lot but till 33 your job will remain (as you reported) after that the business will pick up and your interest in job will diminish. The line of Head is independent and with this indication if there is any cut in the fate line or life line or even in any other line the negative impact is great. Hence what you have started now is proving to be very disturbing to you. Either you are at the peak or you are the low bottom. But by 33 you will start another business or another source of income whereas the present started business will pick up. The effect of the independent Head Line is such and add to this the Girdle of Venus the jump in fortunes will also be tremendous as the fate line improves after 33 and another one starts at 33. I have a feeling you will be flyinig high by that time but your nature is complex. You have nervousness because of your impulsive nature which when it leads to pitfalls brings you low down but again you bounce back again because of your strong thumb.

You are a hard worker as shown by the ridges of the palm. But the Mount of Mars (Middle one) is so much disturbed that the extreme nature becomes all too apparent and add this to your impulsive nature and high and low peaks due to Girdle of Venus will make you moody to the extreme. But luckily most of the disturbances in the Middle Mars are such that they end up in squares and hence the extreme temperament harms you that much less. Although there are a number of lines on Mount of Jupitor there is no clear square but a couple of suggestions of squares howsoever incomplete. This will give some protection from loss you may incur in your business.

You hate shrewd and calculative people. Fate line starts from the Life Line and this shows some attachment to your family for you love them and may also be staying with your parents but you are master of your own as far as decision making is concerned. The energy level is very very high asshown by independent head line and also the rounded tips of the fingers.

Your health is perfect and that is the best part of your whole hand. Because of Girdle of Venus and a wide Venus mount slightly disturbed will indicate that you are sensual by nature too and this could have some effect on your married life as is also confirmed by the curving downwards of the relationship (Marriage Line). You are bound to be cheated by friends in later stage of your life around 44 and 55 but this is mere estimate as the age prediction is better if hand seen personally. You might take part in speculative trading or invest money in speculation and if you do this will result in losses coming from 31/32.

A little control over your mind will be in order and do Pranayam or other meditation exercises which I have mentioned in the General Discussion columns. This will first make your mind tensefree. Your weakest link in your hand is Heart Line. I see one slanting line going to the Mount of Jupitor from just above the Head Line and this should indicate your desire to reach the top. Tread with care as no doubt you will earn a lot but then friends are not to be relied upon as you will be the loser. At least once your heart was broken in young age if not two. I would say two but one indication is quite correct. Althought , frankly speaking, the girls were good but as it happens with so many young girls and boy at that young age there are many many heartbreaks and this is must to get maturity in matters of affection.

Your Mount of Moon is beautifully curved and hence your business choice should have something to do with creativity and artistic.

Well what more do you want to know ask.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020

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Post by sanyam » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:47 am

Dear Mr. parveen

Thanks alot. Infact this is the most descriptive reading I have ever had in my life. But person like me will never die wondering i have still more question to ask please tell.

1) Does export bussiness suits me .
2) I have a star betwenn line of head and heart what does that mean.
3) People says i would have extra martital affiar. Is that so.
4 ) from line of mercury ther are many lines off shoots to mount of sun and saturn . what does that mean.

Thanks a lot


Pravin Kumar
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Sanyam's Hand Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:14 am

Dear Sanyam,

Whether you will do export business or be successful it is not possible to say but you will definitely go abroad and would like to have connections with people abroad. Since business is what you want it will be business. Yes you will three affairs, one at 27/28, 32/33 and the third one at 38/39.

I do not find any stars between head and heart line but only squares and crosses which result in formation of 2 triangles. Do you weak Specks. Some indications tells me that. Secondly if you feel you have star in between head and heart line in the centre below the Saturn Finger then that is in the Centre of Mars which shows your coolness and nervous temperament and the star will help you control what with you personality being dynamic.

The second affair will be with a woman who may have health problems but all three are definitely very good ladies worthwhile knowing. Better stick only to one if you want to progress in life. One Man and One woman is holy and HE always blesses such couples. Rest it is upto you.

The wide Mount of Venus suggests love for travel and to enjoy life and the end line does not curve inside and hence the desire to travel abroad and want to do with people abroad could be business or emotional attachment to foreign country.

You should have posted the left hand prints too to allow me to compare your past with your present and future.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :) :) :smt006 :)

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left hand

Post by sanyam » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:11 pm

Dear Sir

Well I dont wear specs .My eyesight is perfectly fine . Morever star is under mount of appollo between line of head and heart .I m also giving you link for my left hand print as under for your kind refrence.

Looking forwrad to hear from you


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comment on my left hand print

Post by sanyam » Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:14 am

Dear Parveen Je

As asked by you i have posted my left hand palm , Please read mt left hand palm print


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