Time on my palm

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Time on my palm

Post by chickpea1979 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:13 am

Hello Everyone !!!

I have just joined the forum. I have been reading up on bits and pieces about plamistry over the past year, but only know the bare minimum about the subject. IT is a difficult subject to get to grips with because there appear to be many different interpretations on lines . However, forums such as these help greatly!

I have attcahed scans of my left and right palms and would be interested in knowing where exacylt timewise I am on my palm (looking at the life, fate, heart and head lines).

Also any information on my career and lovelife would be appreciated!

I'm 26, female, left hand dominant and my DOB is 15 April 1979.

I look forward to hearing from some of you.





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Post by Abhishek » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:31 am

i have edited your post and corrected it so that the images of your hand shows.


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Post by chickpea1979 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:51 pm

Hi Abhishek,

Thank you for your assistance in getting my scans uploaded. What was the problem?

Chickpea :)

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hand reading

Post by bssrinivasan » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:08 am

please see my assessment of your hand below.i will be grateful if you give me your feedback so that i can refine my reading.

the hand is of square type with long square fingers- indicates logic and method tied down by rule and custom, not influenced by prejudice but will proceed cautiously and thoroughly to logical conclusions and will find its vocation in a scientific career or in one involving logic and reason.

the long hand likes to do fine work and loves great detail in work.if the hand is soft and flabby -as it appears from the scan,it denotes indolence,love of luxury and a tendency towards sensuality.

all the fingers are leaning towards the finger of sun indicating love and worship of art and desire for celebrity.the long finger of mercury shows mental power, influence with people and power of expression especially in speech.

the life line is lightly marked -shows low vitality.being chained in the early part of life indicates bad health at that period.a line of mars after that gives robust constitution till middle part of life.

the life line has a branch running towards mount of luna-an indication that there will be a great change from the place of birth to the place of death.

life line joined with line of head at commencement-life is guided by reason and intelligence,extremely sensitive about self and more are less cautious in enterprises for self.

the chained line of head denotes want of fixity of ideas and indecision.as the line is sloping in the later half it indicates tendency towards imaginative things and occult but with a sense of balance.the slight upward tilt in the end indicates a tendency to accumulate money through business.

the heart line is again chained and broad showing indifference to affection.the many lines on the mount of mercury also show various deep affections and contemplation of marriage.there are 2 to 3 long lines which may culminate in marriage.

the girdle of venus shows a highly strung and nervous temperament.you will rise to highest pitch of enthusiasm one moment and be miserable and despondent next.

the wide gap etween fingers point to independence of thought and action.

though the fate line starts early in life it fades out after about 28.so the life is quite a struggle.

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Post by chickpea1979 » Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:22 am

Hi Bssrinivasan,

Thanks for getting back to me with a detailed overview of my palms.

Some of what you said is indeed true and other aspects would not be as accurate. My plam is not flabby per se, probably have well developed mounts (but i'm not an expert on mount development!).

I do tend o analyse and over anlayse things and worry about things unnecessarily, but am learning not to worry so much. I have no desire for celebrity ststus but do want to be successful in my career. I have not yet exploited my creative side (not aware of it) but have become increasingly interested in occult in the past year.

My fate line does fade but perhaps you cannot see from my scans, it appears to take a turn towards the mount of saturn. There are also influenec lines coming from luna mount, which run alonside fate line and one crosses over fate line. I also have a broken line stemming from fate line, running all the way to the apollo mount. I have a lot of lines on my palm and find then hard to make out at times!!

I also have a lot of crosses on both palms on my jupiter mount and what appears to be a star on each jupiter mount on each palm?

I am logical, analytical and need details before making decisions. I would not say that I am indifferent in matters of love, but have not been forthcoming in expressing my feelings to people in the past.

Where am I time wise on my palm, looking at the head, fate heart and life lines?

I really appreciate you taking the time out to look at my palm and you have been very accurate in some of the observations that you made. I hope my feedback has been of some help, and if you have and further comments or anwers to my questions posed above, I would greatly appreciate a response.

In anticipation of hearing from you.

Have a good day,

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