Can u read my palm??

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Can u read my palm??

Post by dary » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:26 am

Hi there amigos,

I need your help i got many questions to ask, about my hand, is anyone available to respond to my questions, or any sugestion or opinion?

I'll be posting, my hands scan and a print, so u can see cleary the lines, ive been told that, i got only one affection line, since in the scans the other can't be seen clearly, i can see another line down of the strong line that can be seen on the picture, what does that mean.. (one of my questions) what about my love life.. is it gonna be ok? or will i have some probs with the person ill share with.. on the other side, the childs line, ive read about it, but i can see many lines down my piinky finger which is almost unbelievable they so many so i dont think they re kids, how many u see, if there are??  :smt017

Also would like to know about the branches in the headline of my left hand.

The other question is about travelling, got many lines in my hands, but not quite sure if they all are traveling line, One of my dreams is to study abroad.. so can u see anything about traveling?

On the other siide, i got branches in the middle.. btw the space in the index and the thumb, it appears from the front to my hand, and moves to the palm .. does it really mean anything?

Also will like to know more about my sunline and career since ive not read much about this line, the things ive read, seems not to be clear enough, I would really appreciate it your help.

I got a little "A" in my saturn mount... and final question, see lines coming from the upper mars, which touches the headline. are they traveling, or what kind of lines, since about this, havent found any info.

February, 8th, 1986, 4:30am, Acapulco, Mexico.

Sorry about asking that many questions, but im just too much curious to know..

I would really apreacite your help...

Bestt regards.

PS: I am right handed.


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