37/right handed/curious female

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37/right handed/curious female

Post by ArcticDreams » Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:41 am

Right hand has mole.
This is a fascinating forum, enabling people to submit images.
I have noticed lines do change over the years - do they alter as we control our lives/fate?  
Does anything strike readers about my lines, if any?
I do wonder about the right head line, and how it meanders into the fate line. Quite different from my left hand.  
Apologies for the quality. Thanks in advance.


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hi ArcticDreams

Post by happi » Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:58 pm

just a quick reply, are you married if yes then i believe you were around 27-30 and change in carrer around 35-37 due to help of others.

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Post by ArcticDreams » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:14 pm

Not married here. Though I envisage a new direction in life in a year or two, as it's not quite 'happening' at this point in time.
Sometimes feel since my early 30s I should have made other decisions, and those I did make have led me to my present
circumstances - less than ideal for me.

In fact I do remember your intricate line diagrams with your unusual head/fate line queries much like mine. Thanks for responding.

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hi ArcticDreams

Post by happi » Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:10 am

i hope my reading helps you. im not a professional palm reader. but i will try to give you what ever i can. do not take my reading very accurate since i just start learning palm reading.

ok here is what i could get out of your palm:

changes in career around 23-25. i also think that it has disturbed you mentally, well as some how effected your health.
you lost your way since then but your fate line still continues. and some influence takes place around 35-37 which suppose to be help from others.
your heart line seems straight, it also mean that you easily gives your heart away when it comes to love, don't trust anyone easily, as they could
betray you. i could only see one relationship line which will come anytime soon. and i believe that you mite marry that person. and stay together forever.
do u know anyone who is supporting you at the present. could it be some good friend or relative. i believe you will do fine since on now. as fate line becomes more
clear. but its hard to see. now i cant say whether it ends under heart line or whether it cross it. but you did had some problems in your past. im guessing it could
be due to bad relationship. i don't really see anything wrong with life line. you had some Worries and obstacles in your past around 25-30 dues to others.

this is my predication. but i could be completely wrong. that's why i have wrote before don't depend on my reading. ask for professional reader such as pravin kumar ji.

i will be sending you private message because i just want to ask you one question.

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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:00 am

Dear Arctic Dreams,

Your head line is split into two. First part shows a sesitive person and the later part will start after 37/38 i.e. anytime now. There was lots of interference in your life by your relatives in earlier years and there must have been some unfortunate incident happened in your young life when you were 6/7 and 9/10 i.e. could be some serious accident to you or your relatives and/or illness. It could also be death of someone in your family.

You have a worrying tendency and you have a Girdle of Venus plus a long heart line showing too much of heart i.e. too much of affection. Such people do not succeed in business.  Also the heart line is drooping downwards showing trust in not to be trusted persons and also you would bow down easily to be loved and wanted i.e. such a person becomes gullible for want of love.

You are idealistic by nature. Do not wait for that positive moment to come in your life. Become more positive. Mole on right palm is a good indication although I cannot exactly tell what it could be? It could be that your lower organs i.e. kidney etc. function properly or it could even be you have beautiful dreams. Your resistance to life is also good but you are moody.

Palm is smooth skinned and the Mount of Venus is prominently lifted so interest in Music and that too Melodious and also Classical.

Your Life Line and Fate Line is the best in your hand and you can trust them i.e. your health and your career.  

Pravin Kumar

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Thank you, I'm touched.

Post by ArcticDreams » Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:07 pm

Dear Pravin Kumar:

There was lots of interference in your life by your relatives in earlier years
Youngest of 6. 5 very dominant siblings bullying; I disown them today. Happier without them.

You have a worrying tendency ... Girdle of Venus plus a long heart line showing too much of heart i.e. too much of affection
I worry/care more about others more than myself. Partly the reason for breakdown in 20s. I burned out.

Such people do not succeed in business
I dont own a business mind, I'm not ruthless enough!

showing trust in not to be trusted persons ... i.e. such a person becomes gullible for want of love
I do relate to this. Yes.

You are idealistic by nature. Do not wait for that positive moment to come in your life. Become more positive

Mole on right palm is a good indication although I cannot exactly tell what it could be?
Always wondered about this. Indian folklore says it means lots of success, money.
I don't agree with this and hope it refers to something more humanitarian.

Your resistance to life is also good but you are moody
Yes, and yes. (Conditioned behaviour trends from sibling dyanmics!)

Your Life Line and Fate Line is the best in your hand and you can trust them i.e. your health and your career
Thank you.

Thank you for providing some insight and echoing my own analysis
from reading books and websites. I was impressed with the colour test
in the general psychic section.

Image Image

General shape of hand, finger length & characteristics.
Image Image

I'll forget about this, come back in a few seasons and see if anything new occurs on my palms.
Last edited by ArcticDreams on Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:57 am

Dear Madam,

No.1 is the heart line cutting the life line and yes there is some major deception in love at 20/21 as the life line is cut at that point. Did someone enter your life at the age of 31/32? If so then No.2 upper part is head line and lower part is fate line. No.3 is Line of Liver/Health/Business and also know as worry line. There are two worry lines running parallel to each other. Which means you maintain your physical fitness and health.

No.4 is the life line curving inwards and this shows that you have had a setback at 36/37 as shown by the cut of life line and since the life line starts a new very deep it shows upliftment of your life totally out of all past negative experiences and I have a great feeling that you will meet the love of your life which will end till the very end. No.5 is not a star. It is a number of 3 triangles and I had a feeling also yesterday about the mole and now I am quite sure that you get very beautiful dreams that may show you the path for your future if you could get it interpreted by the right person. It could also mean you have spiritual connections and you may get similar dreams too. There is a star a little above No.5 to the right on the health line and that shows get life tension at the age of 20/21 when as you say the break up occured. You could have been terribly heart broken/ill.

No.6 appears to be fate line starting from life line and joining the main fate line. No.7 is an influence line which starts in your life from 31/32 and it means someone in your life presently who is influencing you and it is to your benefit. No.8 is a Travel Line, Life Line and a worry line but the triangle is not complete. Anyway this gives you desire to travel abroad.

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To the young people

Post by ArcticDreams » Mon May 11, 2009 10:28 pm

What I like about my reading is that it is primarily based on events that have taken place, and likely to have manifested over the years. At no point have I sought to find out what is due to happen, as I would rather be guided by my own intuition.  WE can become so attached to ideas and desires. I am not sitting here waiting for 'x, y, z' to happen. I am however working on making my own destiny by choosing to follow my inner voice. At 37, I am no different from 19, but I have the wisdom of learning to trust my own thoughts.

Personally I find the young people asking about their fate achingly tragic. They write they are 'confused' by conflicting dates of marriage, career, wealth, travel etc that are due to occur in 15 to 25 years. In 15-25 years time, do you really want to be told on this forum what is going to happen to you? Being 21 is unlike any other time in your life. It is full of the best possibilities and you follow the one that seems so right for you. Please don't ask if x, y, z will happen. Only you can answer your destiny. I had mine. I followed a different path, but I can create my new one by following the path I want now.

My feedback:

Palm is smooth skinned and the Mount of Venus is prominently lifted so interest in Music and that too Melodious and also Classical. - My renewed interest in very melodious jazz has filled my days with utter  :smt020  delight once again. I was big on this genre, so intense. Music always had and now has more presence once again. Cello and classical also.

I also feel a strange slow-building uplift from all past negative influence. It's a new path, just the thought of suggesting a new life that occupies no time or space for old past hurt or the people that create it is sinking deeply into my psyche. It could only happen now and not last year or the year before. This is enough of a change for me to believe that it can happen in real action. Once this path is taken, my does it have apowerful effect on your future thinking and action. Thank you!

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Influence lines - timing and positive/negative

Post by ArcticDreams » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:03 pm

This isn't a request for a reading - I had my turn :-)

(1) I would like to ask about influence lines - those "worry" lines that start inside the life line that meet or cross over the major lines.

Now, if a line starts inside life line, crosses the life line around 30 years, continues across palm to cross the fate line, continues till it meets/crosses the head line, I suspect the point that single worry line reaches each major line is a specific time in that person's life, correct?

i.e it crosses life line around 30 years, by the time it meets the fate this is around 60 years and by the time it meets the head this is around 35 years? Totally incorrect?

I'm asking if the "worry" line hits the major lines at that point in the person's life. Hypothetically I have a line that looks like it's had its "sell by" date when it crossed the life line at 30 years, but I'm not yet 60 so will it affect my fate at that age, or did it already affect my fate at 30 years of age (so no more influence is due), and will it affect my headline at 35 when the line meets it five years after it affected my life line? Plain English can be such a pain to write! edit: problems uploading below image with original post. Added Jul 29th.

(2) How to tell a negative "worry line' from a positive "worry line" starting from inside life line?

Are all lines starting from the inside the life line negative? Or can they be positive lines? I did a search on influence lines on this site and got every single discussion with the word 'influence' 8-/
Last edited by ArcticDreams on Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Worry Lines

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:14 am

Dear Friend,

Influence lines can be both positive and negative. Parallel Influence lines running parallel to life line from top to bottom are good. These influences could be or either parent, brother, sister, uncle, aunty, neighbour, Guru, wife and so on and so forth. It could be also of your child hood lover who is now married elsewhere. They are all good as they mean well to you and they inspire you. Worry influence lines are thin and they cut the main lines thus creating an obstacle to that line. The theory, as explained by Benham, goes like this: If an influence line cutting the life line, coming from within, and goes on to cut the Fate Line and then the Head Line, Line of Apollo, Line of Health, Line of Heart and then the Relationship line is to be read as:

Obstacle in your relationship, affection, loss of reputation, loss of peace of mind, loss of money earning capacity results in disturbance to your life at the age the line cuts the life line.  So the timing is to be read on the life line.

If the influence line is more prominent while cutting anyother particular line like say only fate or only apollo or head etc. etc. then the disturbance to that particular line is maximum but again it results in problems in your personal life.

Influence line need not come from within Life Line but could come from anywhere. If they create favourable reaction you won't find any disturbance or negative lines elsewhere. In the case of MAYAROSE she has an influence line running parallel to the head line and it just does not disturb her head line which is very good. So I would say in such a case that during that period her mind is extra ordinarily sharp but since there is disturbance in the heart line maybe that sharpness has resulted in disturbance in her affections.

So find out what the influence line does to the palm in general: whether it creates negative results or positive ones. Vertical influence lines are good if running parallel to any important line and horizontal, if it cuts the main lines, is a negative impact as it disturbs the flow of blood or current at that particular point.

So read the influence lines as such and you will get the replies. I do not find anyinfluence line cutting your life line and then cutting the fate line at 60 for that is not possible. It can cut the fate line at the most at 30 to 35 . Even if the line cuts the fate line at that age there will be some disturbance but not a major one since the effect has already taken place earlier.

Pravin Kumar  

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Re: Worry Lines

Post by ArcticDreams » Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:19 pm

Dear Pravin, thank you very much for your fantastic detailed response. Really interesting. I will reply after digesting your answer in a day or two (computer probs and long day here). I'll check mayarose's hand as a reference on a better PC. Btw, whoever scanned and uploaded each chapter in the palmistry classes section one by one deserves a gold medal. Sending you sunshine and light rain and cool breeze. ArcticDreams.

Added Sun Jul 2nd
I've really not much more to say in the way of debate. I asked a question, I received an answer from an esteemed contributor. It really was a perfect and thoughtful answer, very well explained. I still consider myself a skeptic, though having spent time reading posts on this forum from 2005 it seems there is something inexplicably true about palmistry. When my beliefs are challenged, I am compelled to read until I arrive at either resignation or acceptance.

I have managed to locate the jupiter 'teacher' square (R+L) & intuition line (L). Maybe not visible on original photos, very clear in flesh. According to their symbolism I am compelled to say that I do own those two 'qualities'  i.e joy from teaching people & an inexplicable telepathic/psychic/intuitive ability (the latter I don't wish to enhance or 'finetune')

I do not find any influence line cutting your life line and then cutting the fate line at 60 for that is not possible.
My amateur ages (30, 35, 60!) are just that - amateur! Refer to my most recent image with the green influence line. Clearly it doesn't hit my fate at 60 (that was my awful guess!). I am hoping that the negative influence lines from within my life have all been experienced (wishful thinking). It has to be said that my life would be dull and plain without an obstacle to teach me the art of coping and understanding how humans behave. I'll say I'm more at peace with myself today after experiencing all those 'islands', 'chains' & 'cuts' of 30s, 20s and beyond. I've learned and seen enough to understand a lot about myself. Indeed what life does not have problems?

Thank you again, Pravin Kumar. Kudahafiz and may light snow fall onto your eyelids in Bombay in August :-)

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Palmistry Lessons

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:58 am

Dear A D,

The Palmistry Lessons were posted by Vivek Shettyji, Swethaji and Rhutoji.

Thanks must go to them.

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Post by lylakpetals » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:40 am

Okay, i'm still learning... here's my reading...

Long head line shows strong willpower and desire to obtain what you want at any cost.  The whorl between your ring and middle fingers shows me that you can feel a little overbearing and controlling in relationships, this controlling feeling is lessened due to your heartline touching life line, giving you a more kind approachable feel.  The whorl between the pinkie and ring finger usually means you have a good sense of humor.

When the heart line touches life line.. Cheiro says in his ebook that you get confused about who to love, and you give your love to the worst people.  You need to work on picking better partners for yourself.  You are idealistic by nature, but a practical approach is better if you want to achieve your dreams.  

You have the croix mystique (the cross between heart and head lines) giving you strong intuition abilities.  

There's a small faint star on your faint line at age 17, and also this is the end of a hard period on your life line.  It shows a point where you went through a sort of illumination or realization about life, and you became stronger than you were before.

Around age 23, a guy came into your life.  His influence changed your mindset and caused you to make bad choices.  After he entered your life, your head line started to curve downward and it branched off into two different directions.  The downward branch indicates the more imaginative mindset, the straight branch is the practical one.  Either way, the decisions you made were ones that you regretted and were not happy with.

Looks like you broke up when you were 26, you met another guy, and y'all broke up when you were 30.

Your fingers are held really close together, and your life line touches your head line for a while.  This makes me feel like you are cautious and restrained.  You keep reigns on your life tightly and may limit yourself from possibilities due to fear of stepping outside your comfort zone.

The diamond shape in your head line show that you're still recovering from the bad choices you made, but the sun lines start appearing around age 38, and things will get better.  Your fate line also starts to curve to the right, showing a more jupiterian type turn of your fate, confirming that things will start getting better.

Try not to worry so much.  (The Girdle of Venus is really putting a damper on your good qualities)

Don't waste your time falling in love with jerks.

Believe in yourself, and go for what you want.  Don't be overly greedy...  If you help other people, they will help you back.

Your sun line appears to start near mount of moon meaning that your luck is subject to the caprices of others, and deal with public esteem of you.  You're luck with success will come from their support and esteem of you.

There's a branch coming from life life going to moon.  This shows that you will travel abroad.  I'm not sure what age.

Did you have any children recently?  (Sister line inside your life line starting at age 35)


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