Could someone read my hand please?

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Could someone read my hand please?

Post by Lovelife » Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:42 am

Hey everyone!

First I would love a reading if someone feels inclined.  I am Right Handed.

Second.. on my right hand I seem to have an "extra" line.  I have tried to look  it up a few times.. but I can't seem to find what it is.  It seems to be maybe my head line but it is not connected to my destiny (i think) line.  It is lightly connected to it by a faint line but it's definitely not the same line.  It is the little short one coming from the right under my index finger.  I would love to know what it is called and if it is significant at all.  As it is only on my right hand and not my left.

Thank you! :)
Left Hand
DSCN1417.JPG (779.8 KiB) Viewed 3614 times
Right Hand
DSCN1415.JPG (772.85 KiB) Viewed 3614 times
Last edited by Lovelife on Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:46 am

Dear Friend,

Please post your palm prints vertically.

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Post by Lovelife » Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:05 pm


It's fixed :)

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:31 am

Dear Lovelife,

You have two head lines. The one that starts first is more practical and the second one lesser. Your nature changes as the second head line appears. There are branches from the heart line drooping downwards and cutting the head line and this is not good for you as trusting the wrong persons which will call tremendous pressure on your mind.

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Post by Lovelife » Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:05 am

The two head lines..  Does this mean that I am conflicted in my thinking?  Or are you saying earlier in life I will be more practical and later I will be less?
Also, is this a common occurence?  I am glad to finally know what that line is!  I have wondered for years lol.  

With the heart line..  I am a very trusting person unless you give me reason not to.  I often think how I have been lucky in life to some extent compared to others I know for not having trusted in the wrong people too often.  But I have had a few people who I should not have trusted.  Tho I like my trusting nature and am definitely an optimist at heart.  

My Fate line also seems to have two other lines coming from it or going to it.  Does that mean anything important?

As far as my nature.  I am always thinking and always in my head.  I have been accused many times of over-thinking everything.   I am also a Gemini which I assume would play into my conflicted nature.  I don't have vices with drugs or alcohol like many people I know.. but my vices are movies, tv, and video games as they help me to stop thinking about things constantly.  I recently explained to a good friend of mine how I think and feel and how I am almost always bored and I am a wanderer as I am usually not content with my situation or where I am at.  She explained that she is almost always content and rarely bored.  We both laughed at having realized that it is strange to know that others don't feel like how we do all the time.  

I am not versed in palm reading so I don't know what questions I may have that would be able to be answered by reading my palm... but anything that could be said about finances and my love life I would love to know about.  I had a serious relationship end about 3 yrs ago and I haven't had one since.  It was a hard experience so I have been trying to heal, but I would love to meet someone/s new now.  (Tho I have no interest in every marrying or having children).   And my finances right now are very precarious.   Anything else that may jump out at you I would love to hear.

Thank you for your help Pravin! :)

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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:24 pm

Dear Friend,

There Lovelife,

There is a drastic change in your life from this year itself. From 20 to 26 you have had lots of pressure on your mind but have never understood life. Now since 26 you will realise what really life is and hence your original carefree and high energy way of living will change into more cautious approach to life. Then you will be first cheated emotionally at 30 and then subsequently at 32 where there is major deception by a person whom you trust blindly and this will make you so wild as to make you blind with anger. Head line is cut at 31/32. Financially 30th year will be the best and this will boost you up in your career.

As there is a change in your nature from 26th onwards I expect you to heed the above warnings I have given you so that your progress is upwards. The palm figures though clear are so magnified that it becomes difficult to calculate the ages correctly. Healthwise also you have to take care as the life line is disturbed. But you do seem to have an inner life line to compensate for any health problems. Just on an intuitive note: Do you have infection in the abdomen: I mean do you have urinary problems or burning sensation over there?

Do post slightly smaller images to be able to reply further.

God Bless You.

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Post by Lovelife » Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:23 pm

Pravin thank you again.

I have felt change is coming so that would make sense as it being this yr.  I hope I will understand more, but won't be too cautious as I think life is already so serious.  I like being able to keep some of my care-free nature.  :)

I will have to look out for the deceptions at 30 and 32.  And the one at 32 must be pretty bad to get me that upset.  As I do not anger easily and prefer to talk things out vs. yelling and fighting.

You said my head line is cut at 31/32... what does that mean?

I have had a couple people say from my astrological chart that my 30's will be best for me financially and career-wise.  So that would make sense.  Tho I am glad to hear you say 30 since I didn't know if I would have to wait until my mid or late 30's.

As far as health goes.  I have always been a very naturally healthy person so far.  I have lately been feeling that I need to work on taking care of myself better.  I have gained too much weight and I don't exercise  much at all lately.  I have a huge sweet tooth that I need to get ahold of.  I drink waaaaay too much pop.  It's my one addiction that I need to quit.  Luckily I have never smoked and rarely drink.  I will try to work on my health more.  As far as my abdomen... I haven't ever had a uti, but my one health issue is that I do get yeast infections easily.  I will look into it.

Here are my hands again, but smaller.  Hopefully that will help with any dates and ages.
Left Hand
LHsmall.jpg (46.64 KiB) Viewed 2415 times
Right Hand
RHsmall.jpg (43.66 KiB) Viewed 2415 times

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:22 am

Dear Lovelife,

You are now 26 and a grown up adult. You have to see the serious side of the life too. You are too carefree to realise what is life although this change that is about to take place in your life is the first lesson you are learning. At 31/32 what I have said mark it down and take precautions. Do not trust anyone with any work or money at all. You would reach a situation will you will explode and may want to even kill him/her. This has never gone wrong in my reading palms for last 21 years.

Recently one person came from Oman to my office. He had the same indication. His partner simply wiped of his partnership and took full control of the business making his partner a pauper. It was only because this man had good customers that one of them helped him financially otherwise he would have been begging in the streets.

Another person was given a drink in the train laced with some medicine and this boy drank it and fell unconscious. All his luggage and money were looted. There are so many incidents that I could relate. So take the warning as serious.

Rest I will check up again later on for further reading.

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Post by Lovelife » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:17 am

I know life is a series of lessons, but damn I'm tired of them.  I do wish I could be without some lessons for awhile as that is all I seem to be doing.  :smt009

Wow I will def remember this warning and try to watch out.  At first I thought when you said that 31/32 I will be hurt emotionally that it was going to be concerning a love affair, but now I see you mean work and money.  I have been hoping to be traveling the world by that time where I would kind of need to rely on people I don't know well and trust people.  But that has me somewhat worried.

Man, nothing seems to be good coming up.. just pain and lessons.  :smt009

I'm glad you don't seem to be holding back and are telling the truth to me though.  I am still interested in anything else you wish to share.

Question though.. are any of these things things that I could change or watch out so they do not happen... or is this considered how things will go?  I don't really know in palmestry what is the normal belief for this.  I tend to lean towards free will and being able to change things if we try hard enough.  But wondering your take on this as a long time palm reader?

Thank you,

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:10 am

Dear Lovelife,

Even otherwise you are going to change from this year as you know in your subconscious mind that you require to work hard to come up and give up the care free attitude.

As for belief in Palmistry, there are lessons posted in Palmistry Tutorials in this forum. Just go through first 4 chapters and you will understand how logical deductions are made. In fact the very first chapter will create an interest for the subject and you will not feel like stopping yourself from reading the other chapters. It is only then you will realise Palmistry is nothing but logic.

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Post by Lovelife » Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:51 pm

Thank you and I have slowly been reading some of the chapters in the tutorial.  It is very interesting!

Is there any way that you could suggest what type of career path I should look into/be the best at?

thank you

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Post by Lovelife » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:11 pm

Was wondering if anyone could tell me what career path I should look into?  

I've been having a real tough time with that .... I just can't seem to find what I'm good at, love to do, and can make some money with.  Can't seem to find my purpose/passion.

Thankx :)

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Post by Lovelife » Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:30 pm

@dhruva7...  I am a very imaginative person... and I do have great emotions.. but I also think too much to be ruled by my emotions.  I am confused about many things in life.. tho not much about friends and family.  I am more confused about career, money, and life path.  As far as love goes.. I was very hurt with my last serious relationship.. but I have let myself heal and am now ready to find someone new... I believe that love comes and goes.. always changing... I am a "wanderer" of sorts and don't really know if I will ever find somewhere that I wish to stay for too long.. I actually would prefer to travel more.. I want to see the world and meet amazing people and have amazing experiences... not just work, marry, have kids, and then die like many people do.  I have no interest in children or marriage either.  I would love to talk more about my palm reading.. but I tried to email you with that email and it said it didn't exist.  If you have another email I could talk to you on feel free to pm me with it if you would like.

Thank you

ps.  I am a Ms. not a Mr. :)

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Post by solisill » Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:53 am

Dear love life,

So the very first thing that jumps out about your hand is that you have a broken head line on the active hand.  This is found on peoples hand who no longer want to think, it is normally found on emotionally oriented people, who need to be in a very harmonious emotional environment.    

Your active hand suggests you are going through a tough time in life.  Your line of heart is somewhat short suggesting you have trouble opening up and connecting with others, although there is a fork there suggesting a very kind person.  

Your fate line is strong in the beginning and weaker after.  This suggests someone who lives in the past.  Someone who remembers how good the past was, and wants to rekindle that back in their life.  

You have sloping lines of hearts and head, such people have a gentle nature about them, and have tact and subtlety in interacting with people, they are also usually romantics.

I do not believe in predictive palmistry because i do not believe that the future is set in stone, i believe its use is in counseling and advising.  You asked about how changes in lines occur, well the changes in the line reflect the changes in a person.  It is easy to change the minor lines, harder to change the major lines, and hardest to change the shape of a hand.  Each represents a deeper state of consciousness.  You should look at palmistry as a tool to improve, and try to implement the change you want in life.  Do not believe some fool who tells you nonsense such as at age 35 you will suffer a great setback, or at age 40 such and such will happen, because even they know themselves they are rarely rarely very rarely correct in their predictions, and if they are correct the saying that even a broken clock is correct twice a day is perfectly relevant and applicable in such cases, because if someone throws so many things on a wall you gotta figure somethings gotta stick.  The future is in your hands, not in what someone says.  I hope i was helpful.

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