Could somebody please analysis my hand ,Too many sign and symbol

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Could somebody please analysis my hand ,Too many sign and symbol

Post by san1976 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:36 am

What are the specific sign and lines on my right hand marked in black .
1) Is it trisule or trident sign on my mount of moon
2) I have star on upper side of mount of moon which is not there in left hand
3) I have break in my life line in middle  which is not there in left hand
4) One of my marriage like is broken which is not there in left hand
5) My sun line is broken on mount of sun and below
6) Is it island or fish sign on my start of  line of heart and head which is not there in left hand
7) Line on Jupiter mount
Righ Hand Image .JPG
Right Hand
Righ Hand Image .JPG (134.49 KiB) Viewed 1237 times
Left Hand Image .JPG
Left Hand
Left Hand Image .JPG (43.95 KiB) Viewed 1237 times

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:24 am

Moved to the palmistry reading forum,

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Post by faar23 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:02 pm

i will give you a detailed reading, but i am very new at this so take everything i say with a grain of salt and i would love some feedback from everyone too about how accurate i was or how inaccurate i was

So lets begin. From your hands it seems that you are very very sensitive, a bit cautious and timid, but this is an inherited tendency and you seem to be a lot emotional than your parents. My advice would be for you to not lose your temper and keep level headed especially in matters of your career. and to have self confidence!

Which brings me to the next point, that you seem to lack ambition, but possess will power and courage so you can do what you set your mind to and also from your hands I also see that you haven't yet developed any particular side but you seem to be gifted with both practicality and are somewhat artistic, so I guess you are still finding yourself, but you will do great in whichever endeavor you choose.

You also seem to have very good health, but a delicate constitution...which just means that you should try to live healthy for the long run, but you will be fine in terms of health for most of your life.To be honest I actually don't see a break in your life line I just see an ascending line from it which means you will at that time of your life be ambitious and work towards your goals

I see a very happy and prosperous marriage and there are many signs relating to and reinforcing that. In fact I don't see a broken marriage line in either of your hands so you will have a very happy marriage. In your right hand you circled a vertical line above you marriage line and this could mean 1 of 2 things. 1 is that you will have a son for sure or 2 that there might be some opposition to your marriage, which is also seen on the left hand, but since all signs indicate a very good and happy marriage, filled with love then I wouldn't worry to much about the opposition, you will be fine. I think the area you encircled is most likely a son.

You mentioned the line on Jupiter mount and that just means that you are interested in mysticism :) and occultism.

I also see that you will have success not from luck, but through hard work and it will come a bit late in life like in your late 30's, but it will come, but you will need to work for it.

Another thing which also had quite a few signs indicating it is that sometime in your life you will strive to make your destiny better, but you will make an error of judgement and this will affect your plans and not end so well but you wont be affected by that for very long, however, you will try again and the next time around you will be successful. I guess you will have learned from your mistakes.

That is all i got from your hands and this was as thorough as I could get for now, but I would love some feedback. And once again, I would not take this reading as very accurate, most probably 90% of it is inaccurate since I literally just started this.

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