Star mount of Moon - Rectangle on mount of Mercury

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Star mount of Moon - Rectangle on mount of Mercury

Post by SumWoman » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:30 am

Hi there,

Please help me to decipher the lines on my left hand. I am lefthanded female.

I am interested in the formation on the mount of the moon. Is that a star, if so what does it mean?

Also, I would like to know about signs on the mount of mercury (pinky finger). I think, I see a rectangle with a tiny triangle inside, just above cluster of small vertical lines. Is this a good sign?

I work very, very hard, but success has alluded me. Along my path of life, I have picked up many skills.

I have a bunch ideas which I would like to share with people. But I'm stuck. I have not achieved sufficient success with one form of business which I was hoping would allow me to pursue my other vocation.

What can I do to help myself? How do I deal with being stuck? I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and I may just wear myself out.

Do I have any lucking signs on my hand?

Thanks for your time.

Gallery of five photos:

lI can provide separate links, if you like.

thanks again.

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Japanese Surgically Alter Palm Lines to Change Their Fortune

Post by SumWoman » Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:22 pm

I ran across this news story yesterday... some of you might get a kick out of it.

Japanese Surgically Alter Their Palm Lines to Change Their Fortunes ... tunes.html

PS: "PostImage" is great way to post your images to any website or forum. Personally, I find it very difficult and annoying when I have to look at 5 gigantic photos of someone's hand.

thanks and regards
Last edited by SumWoman on Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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your queries

Post by bssrinivasan » Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:55 am

first let me give answer to your specific questions.
star on the mount of luna indicates you will become celebrity because of your imaginative pursuits. however if the head line ends in a star on luna, it indicates mental instability.

square on mount of mercury will protect you from restlessness and mercurial temperament.

coming to your hand, there are two fatelines or careers. first line is tightly attached to life line indicating that you are held back by your relatives in the progress of your career. this ends around this age.

the second career has started early. the line is good upto end of life, but is subject to whims and fancies of other people.

the problem appears to be with line of head. you have lot of self confidence bordering on rashness. the line is not clear indicating indecision and lack of concentration.

if you feel stuck, change your thinking. it will help.


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Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:02 am


Post by SumWoman » Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:11 pm

hello there,

I just want to THANK YOU for the feedback.  Spent the last six months preparing for a new venture. I did not visit and did not think too much about palmistry or my fate.

I just buckled down to work and prepare for what I want to achieve in the coming year, 2014.

On a lark, a few days ago, I began watching YouTube videos to find out about Vedic Astrology regarding personal predictions for 2014.


Oh my goodness. Have I been under the influence of the planets? Here I thought I was following my own whims.
... Everything I imagined that would have to happen in order for me to achieve my goals... is beng predicted in my Vedic Chart.

Actually, in the summer I was gifted Lakshmi  and  Ganesh statues which reside every close to me and I took up chanting mantras.

Can travel to India and meeting with a guru be seen in a person's chart?

Thanks again! All the best!

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