If you are are an intuitive

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If you are are an intuitive

Post by dlm61 » Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:57 am

I'm also intuitive and I am willing to exchange a reading with you over email.  :-)

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Post by Rosemary » Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:13 am

Hi Debbie

You feel a quieter person who takes a while to get to know people and you wouldnt give much away either.  You dont like people knowing about you and you like to keep your personal stuff to yourself - fair enough.  You would probably hate gossip and people nattering about other people as well as you are a very fair person and you like to give people a fair go rather than dissing them.

You have a good brain and you have a good job or had a good job.  You like to keep busy but you also like your quiet time as well and hate to be on the go all the time.  Im feeling like you have been unwell or just of late you like to rest and take it easy for some reason.  Either you have been unwell or you just dont feel like rushing around the place right now.  I just see you chilling on your couch and you aint getting up for nobody!

Im feel you have a partner who is nice but who doesnt always tell you how he feels.  Hes a bit distant really but you like that as you arent really an open person yourself.  You like a challenge and he certainly is one but he is nice and has a great intellect.  He treats you well but isnt romantic (most of them arent!).

I wonder if you are thinking of moving in the future because I see you pacing a bit wondering if its what you want.  Its a fair way away and you are scared I think which is fair enough.  You just like your comfort zone.  Your not scared of change you just dont like real big changes that really get you out of your comfort zone.  Im not sure if you will move but you will certainly chew it over for awhile.



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Post by dlm61 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:01 am

Rosemary, I sent you a private message earlier today.

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Post by Gem » Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:59 pm

Hi Dlm, I can see you are very new to the Mystic Board , and so first I will welcome you again :)

I wonder if you have read our guidelines re readings that is posted here http://mysticboard.org/vi ... php?t=7608  Please try and give all readings here, on the public board, as this then benefits everyone and ensures a thriving 'visible' and open community and draws more requests and readers to the board. I am sure you understand why we try and promote this, and hope that you will actively support these guidelines.


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Post by dlm61 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:19 am

Hi Gem,    :smt006

Thank you for your welcome.  This seems like a nice forum.  I don't know what brought me here but "something" obviously did.  I almost never do readings for other people and for some reason I just jumped in and did a few out of nowhere.

Somebody else wrote a message similar to yours which I read earlier today and I replied to him personally.

Let me just say that although I am intuitive and have been for a long time, I haven't had a lot of confidence about my abilities.  When I first arrived here earlier in the week I did not feel comfortable, especially being new, in "putting myself out there" because if for some reason my insights did not ring true, I was going to be really embarrassed.  But also in one case, I felt that something I immediately picked up on was very personal to one of the questioners and so I did not feel it would be appropriate for me to answer her question in public.

But!  Perhaps you have some ideas for me?  On the one hand I appreciate your words because they push me to "toughen up", take more risks and overcome my fears.  On the other hand, I am not sure how to approach the more "sensitive" subjects on this board.

Thanks for your feedback.

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