can any1 help me?

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can any1 help me?

Post by pria » Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:40 pm

hey dere

i m pria..i need ur help..i am a tarot card reader and hv practised magick a couple of times..i alwaz get strong intutions before any incident..i have a deep unnatural interest in occult..i am in a state of utter confusion..some ppl say tht i have something different in me..i also feel that but i want to ask that is there  sumthing of such kind in me or is it just my misunderstanding..

a few days back i felt a very unusual fragnance around me for a week  abt 3 at night i felt as if sum1 is smoking in my room but as a matter of family has no smokers..i also want to know this...plz help me..


:smt020 [/b]

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Boguslaw Krammes
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Post by Boguslaw Krammes » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:29 pm

Hi, Pria.

These are my first impressions and intuitions. They could, of course, be wrong. Any info you get from my or any reading, you should check out for yourself.

I get the feeling that the smell of smoke is coming from your environment somewhere, and that if you look around outside for the source, you will find it.

But this is not just a whiff of smoke for you. It symbolizes something important. I think it is that you can fully sense a very faint or vague stimulus that others might miss. You're very aware of small things that escape the attention of others. This is an aspect of your nature that you are discovering.

It also seems to be true that you infer meanings from small stimuli. Where others might only perceive some smoke molecules that can be explained away, your mind sees deep connections to other things. This is a characteristic of seers, poets, artists, and visionaries.

Such people often feel that they are confused, and it may be that others see you as fanciful or spaced-out, a daydreamer, not very practical. But I think it is the case that you surprise them with your intuitions. It is not that you are confused. It is that your mind is focused on a different level. It is not so focused on concrete details but on connections between things that seem unrelated to most people.

It is a powerful way of experiencing the world. It's not infallible-- you can sometimes be mistaken-- but you should trust it the same as a person trusts his eyes and ears. Your intuition is just as natural to you as seeing and hearing. It means that you make a good Tarot card reader but perhaps not such a good accountant.

I asked for some sign or symbol I could give you that would verify that my information comes from an accurate source. I got a picture of many seats in an empty theatre or auditorium. I don't know if this has significance for you.

Please let me know your reaction to these impressions.

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Post by pria » Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:22 pm

hi dere..

thx a tonne...and that empty seats in an auditorium has no connection with me..but when i read that for the first time...the thought which struck me first was that this empty auditorium may signify the sadness within me..

like a theatre seems to be sad when it has no ppl in it..the same way...i dont know..i m not sure..but it struck me first...

and i wanted to ask even abt tht unusual fragnance..i smelled each n everything around mean practically almost everything..n it was really something unusual..n it was dere wid me in college even...i asked ppl around me if they could smell something..but they didnt...

thx again..



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Post by Boguslaw Krammes » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:15 pm

If you don't have a concrete connection to a theatre or auditorium, then I'm not tuned in to you at present. I hope one of us can give you some useful info.

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