Respectfully asking for a reading. (edited)

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Respectfully asking for a reading. (edited)

Post by Pook » Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:31 am

I'm a bit tentative about asking since I'm so new. But I've actually been looking at the forum a while before I actually joined. I have a friend who has posted here a few times and received a wonderful reading and showed it to me.

It would be awesome to be read by the lady who read her but I am honestly grateful to whoever has the time for me.

A general reading in regards to health, love, and finances/career would be well appreciated. Birthday is October 20th, 1983.

Thank you very much in advance.

Last edited by Pook on Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:37 am

Could I please respectfully suggest that you would probably have a much better chance of receiving a reading given by the same woman who so impressed your friend, if you actually named her on this forum (user name only, if not also her real name)? There are no rules I know of which would prevent you from doing this, but there is no need to also reveal your friend's name (to protect her right to privacy).

Surely the woman reader in question would be most flattered to hear that her readings had been so well appreciated by your friend, and she would equally be pleased to be given the opportunity to help you as well. After all psychic readers are just as human as you are, and we like to be appreciated and feel as though by doing this labour of love that we are making a positive difference in someone else's life.

Kindest regards,

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Post by Pook » Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:23 pm

I couldn't remember offhand at the time but I think it was flight_of_angelwings. She was a comfort to my friend.

Anyway it would be cool if she did but really I am open to any of you gifted people on here I would be just as appreciative that's why I didn't stipulate. All of your time is valuable so really anyone who has the time for me I would be very thankful.

Should I delete and/or repost? (I edited the headings.)

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:25 am

Leave the post it is fine how it stands.  

First I need to acknowledge a young boy.  He is playing and full of life he holds a ball in his hands that he is bouncing upon the ground over and over.  I feel it may be a brother or the loss of this child was very close within your family.  His passing was some time ago.  Is there a puddle or ducks possibly a pond related to this boy somehow a favourite place or the favourite place of the person he wants to contact.  Theres a mother he wants to talk to, to send his love he tickles her constantly she feels him near all the time.  She cries when he gets close to her because she can feel him.  He knows when she cries and he is SOOOOO Happy when she laughs, he loves seeing her laugh but apparently she doesnt do it much anymore.  He wants to have fun now and is leaving me to go back but  he is with a friend he is saying 'sausage dog'.  He plays with sausage dog?

Ok now I shall try bring this back to you,
Finances and career......hmm are you still bumping around in the night so to speak.  One minute you know what you want and boy you get such energy and your start is very full and powerful but very soon you run out of steam and the whole idea kind of platues so to speak.  They are showing me hands in a twisted kind of way almost like you have your hands in to many pots and your unable to truly give your energy adequately to one thing as yoru spreading yourself too thin and this becomes confusing and tiring so you tend to give up.

Oh theres a parcel coming to you it contains documents and paperwork, are you studying by correspondence, if your not know then I feel you will be.  You shall find that when you have children this will become a very enthusiastic option.

Pen to paper, you have a wonderful gift for writing and humour and I feel you could write short articles for magazines.  They are saying these words
"Leave spaces inbetween"
I am not 100% sure of the intent behind this so I am leaving you with exactly how they have said it to me as it may make more sense at a later time.

You will never have much of a problem in getting work should you be truly determined as they are showing me job opportunities falling from the sky and literally dropping into your lap.

If you dont become complacent or lose focus in your middle years you shall find that money will never be a problem for you..Invest wisely and watch the people around you.  you will get bitten by a man younger than you whom shall have more interest in where you invest rather than in you as a person.  "This is a learning step, not a failure or disaster"

You look at the time WAY TOO MUCH. Let it go stop watching the clock and go live your life.  Stop waiting for him to return does this relate to you father?  I feel you may hold some dissapointment with the relatiosnhip between you and your Dad, there is mention of a step father too.  

There was an incident with you a few years ago and you considered going to the police?  You would have been well taken care of.

Concerning your health  I can not predict any illnesses etc I am not a doctor so anything I say is just that words only and never to be taken to a full extent.  I do feel there is a history of breast cancer within your family and would just like to remind you that regular health check ups are the simplest and easiest way to go.  
Your tired because the coke and soft drink you are consuming is stripping the vitamins out of your system, you may get sore muscles form time to time and magnesium is a healthy natural supplement that can be taken to help with muscular pains.  Do check with your naturopath or doctor before starting any excersice or diet.

Stop being so hard on yourself and also start keeping to one thing at a time.  Your easily discouraged so listen to you instead of what occurs around you.

I hope this has helped if you require clarification on any points that are confusing let me know.  What makes no sense for now may be to come so keep this in a safe place for you to refer back to if need be.  Sorry for any typos they speak too quick...(thats my excuse and i'm sticking with it...haha)

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Post by Pook » Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:34 pm

Thank you so much flight_of_angelwings. I'm so happy you could help me. I showed my mom what you wrote in hopes of seeing if any of what you said connected. There was a young boy my younger brother was friends with when they were around 5 or so who died and I wanted to see if maybe she felt that was him who you were referring to. She actually has kept some clippings and such about him around the house so this is why he came to my mind.

Much of what you have said makes sense to me though I am still pondering some things. I'm glad you responded. There is much to think about. Would it be ok to pm or post here if I wanted to ask anything about what you have shared with me?

Once again thank you.


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:11 am

Yes you are more than welcome to post your questions here.  If you are still in contact or bump into this boys mother then this can also be why he came through.  sometimes they know they can get a message through and then come in.  He was in straight away before any other information came through so I am very confident this boy is related to yor family somehow.  I do also feel that the pond and such may be related to the way he died.  Its possible he drowned.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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