
All Psychic Reading requests should be posted under this forum.

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Post by kd » Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:40 pm

HI MY NAME IS KADY LEE JONES  i was born on the 17-6_89
i would like a reading on how to make the most of my life in the skills i have.

does any one contact the dead im not sure what its called but i would really like to no how my nana is valerie jones who died almost three years ago because it hit the family pretty bad :(

also my grandad acused my mam of stealing 8000 from his loft which she hasnt because we dont have a penny to our name if any one cany focus in on were it is.

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Post by kd » Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:42 pm

also will i find love

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:53 am

Dear Kady, :smt006

Please click on the following link. ... 873#112873

We firstly await your contributions to some of our NON READING forums, before requesting either a mediumship reading in order to attempt to contact your Nana now in Spirit, or alternately a psychic reading to hopefully answer some of your other questions, in this one.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:39 am

Hello Kd, :smt041

Could I please ask a favour of you? While I know that you trust the people on these MB forums enough to provide your full name to everyone who reads it, I feel that by doing so you could unintentionally be leaving yourself vulnerable to spammers and other people of malicious intent who trawl the internet for personal information which could be used to their advantage.

Would you therefore please edit your posting ASAP, and only leave your first name in place as I do personally find this useful when attempting to make a connection? Kady will do fine. Some numerologists and astrologers will require your full name, and I would suggest that this only be given in a PM in future. The reading request itself must still be made on the forum.

As for your recent private message I am likewise unable to either accept reading requests or give readings anywhere other than on Psychic Reading forum. Please therefore request your general reading in your response under this thread (as you are now eligible to do so).

Many thanks in advance,

eye_of_tiger  :smt006

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:39 am

Hello again Kady, Image

Your request for a general reading is here: ... hp?t=34684

As I do not regard myself mainly as a medium I feel that cannot help you at the moment to communicate with your Nana (I will therefore leave this to one of our mediums), so I will focus instead on your question about how best to make the most of your life skills.

Your date of birth 17-6-1989 shows that you have a Life Path or Destiny number of 5.

1+7+6+1+9+8+9=41 and 4+1=5

People with a Life Path number of FIVE generally tend to have the following personality type:

One of your major reasons for coming to this world is to make it a better place, by actively helping others who do not have the advantages which we often take for granted to find personal freedom in being able to live their lives as they see fit. LPN 5 people are often excellent communicators through both the written and spoken word and in this way they can often serve as a voice for positive change, and for standing up for the rights of others when as individuals they effectively have no voice of their own to be heard by the people in positions of power and authority. You are likely to be a warm, generous and compassionate person who is willing to do anything that she possibly can in order to ease their suffering, although while this is often one of your greatest strengths it can also at time potentially be your downfall.

While it is both admirable to your fellow human being and without any doubt pleasing to God for you to want to help those who are in greatest need, it is at the same time vital for you to work towards getting some of your own equally important needs met as well as their's. If you continually sacrifice all your time and energies in the willing service of others, you will not leave any over in reserve for yourself, and you could become so exhausted that you might  quickly learn to avoid and resent the very people whom you are most wanting to help. In other words it is not saying that you should stop helping others full stop (your spirit would I believe rapidly wither and die inside you if you did this), but rather it is encouraging you to find a more workable balance between their needs and your own.

This will most likely involve you having to spread the work load, by giving more responsibility to the people who work with you. This load sharing will probably feel especially uncomfortable to you at first, as you appear to have a deep belief that if a job is worth doing well, then only you alone can do it. Again while a job should be done well, it does not need to necessarily be done perfectly on the first attempt. Aim for a consistent performance of 90%, rather than killing yourself to get the remaining 10%? Your skills as a communicator and a person who motivates and inspires others to find the best within themselves will be equally valuable in helping you to gain the co-operation of those who work with you on a daily basis.

To be honest with you, you probably would not do particularly well in a 9 to 5 office job, or one that involves what you would see as boring routine. You are a fairly happy go lucky down to Earth (practical, no nonsense) type of woman and would without doubt make an excellent salesperson, as long as you believed in your heart of hearts that by selling your customer this product or service that you would be making a positive difference in his or her life. If alternately you knew within yourself that your client could well do without what you are being asked to convince them that they cannot live without, then it is very likely that you would not make the sale. It just goes against your personality to force something upon someone they really have no need for, and in which you do not yourself also believe?

You have a great love of adventure (whether this is in your personal or working lives) and greatly enjoy being able to invent or come up with new and more effective ways of doing or making things which your competitors would not readily think of. You require constant challenge in all aspects of your life, and are a deep, analytical thinker, but too much of either of these can be just as bad as not enough. Above all you need to be given the opportunities, in order to fully express the total sum of your personality. You may find that working freelance or being self employed where you are your own boss is attractive to you, although I feel that this will eventually only happen if you can first establish yourself as a valued member of a team working co-operatively together to achieve some positive, common purpose.

I am currently unable to tell you exactly in which paid jobs or other voluntary positions you could most effectively hope to apply and gain maximum advantage from your significant and highly varied life skills. Basically it is up to you (and if relevant your job counsellor) to come up with some ways of making the very most of your considerable life skills and positive personality traits. Your major challenge as I see it is to determine from the many options placed in front of you, which of them you would both find personally satisfying, and   which would also provide you with an adequate income to be able to live relatively comfortably, and have enough money left over to pursue your dreams.

Hoping these insights concerning your specific life skills and how to make the most of them will be found to be both relevant and helpful to you,

Begin today, by becoming your own best friend,

Love, Light and Peace to you and your family from mine,


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Post by kd » Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:38 pm


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:01 am

Hi Kd

I do receive messages from deceased loved ones that at times I am able to pass on to others.  It can all depend on when they are available and how my connection is with them at the time etc.

All I am getting at this time is that you do have a decesed loved one around a family member whom is ill and very sick from an already diagnosed condition.  They are also showing me those melthing moment biscuits and baking trays.  I also see lots of horse figurines.  Your being told pull your socks up and stop talking to your parents and family in such a tone.
Your a beautiful girl is what they want to say but why have your changed?  You dont need this pain to change your heart but your allowing it.   I'm being shown a huge tree a very large thick trunk, I'm not sure if it was her favourite or if she planted it years ago.  Its a beauty of a tree.  She comes here still even in death she still comes to this spot to sit with the others.

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