May I please have a reading when someone is available?

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May I please have a reading when someone is available?

Post by Leslie » Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:56 am

Hi everyone.

May I please have a reading? Do I have to ask a guestion or can I just let the person doing the reading tell me what they see or feel? I have too many guestions to just narrow it down to one. I feel whatever message the person gets is what I will need to know or focus on.

Thank you very much.


My name is Leslie . My birthdate is 10/11/1972.

(post moderated to remove personal information no longer required for this particular type of reading)

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Post by Angelique » Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:53 pm

Hi Leslie-

I see you have typed in your full name and although I trust the people on this board, I don't necessarily trust someone who may be lurking and an opportunist to take advantage of your trust in us. Please delete your last name immediately for your own safety and peace of mind -you can do this by clicking on your original post while logged in and click edit.

I get the feeling that most recently you were persuaded into making a decision about something which is something not necessarily your own. The keyword here is "persuaded" or convinced to feel a certain way or do something in particular.  Something was manipulated or enhanced to have you make a decision that works in someone else's favour which does not necessarily mean you would have arrived at this decision on your own, but it was not something you were ready to decide. The best decisions are the ones we make when we arrive at them in our own terms in our own time, not because we feel we have to because we're being given a deadline or being pushed into it such as an ultimatum. What I get is you have arrived at a decision or some resolve prematurely - the outcome of your decision has been made for you without you realizing it.

Something isn't sitting right with you currently, like you feel you're missing out on something that you want to be a part of but  you aren't sure how you can become a part of it with your current circumstances. I get the distinct impression whatever is holding you back is family. Do you have children and is it juggling your responsibilities for your family that is becoming an obstacle for your desire to be a part of something in particular? I keep getting the number three and I see a little girl with soft blond curls in her hair, but I see no other children other than her. I get the distinct feeling there are two more children around you even though I do not see them in my mind's eye.

Lastly, and this message is very important... you were not put on this planet to be punished and to suffer. You were put here to live life and enjoy it, this of course does not mean to shirk your responsibilities because you want to have fun, but to marry the two in a way that you can be responsible and enjoy yourself simultaneously. Start thinking in a more positive light so that you will attract more positive outcomes in your life.

This is what came through to me for you... I hope this was somewhat helpful.

Best wishes,


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Post by babyjakemom » Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:44 am


my name is lisa and i enjoyed reading your resonse to leslie. When you talked about thinking in a positive light it hit home.
Something i need to work on..... And leslie and I are only a few months apart in birth time! 8/31/72

take care

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Post by Grayson » Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:09 pm


When I read your request I saw an image of a trim woman with dark hair and she was holding a ball perhaps a soccer ball. I sense that she was dressed in sports garb as if she were participating in a sporting event that involved the ball.

However, while the outlines of the image were clear to me, the trim woman, athletic endeavor, the ball etc...her image was totally dark. I could not see a facial expression and therefore could not detect either joy or sorrow. My only sense was that perhaps the time for this sort of competitive endeavor had passed for her. It is no longer working for her, meeting her needs, or fufilling her. Its time has come and gone and now it is simply over and needs to be replaced with something that will bring brightness and color to her image and to her life.

Although the image was one of a woman holding a soccer ball and dressed for sport. The competitiveness that the image pointed to need not be confined to sporting events. It can extend into relationships, home, business etc.  Perhaps the message here is that competitiveness has its place in life and it is appropriate in many venues but not all at least not with the intensity that it is displayed on a sports field.

There may well be a place in her life where competitveness is no longer appropriate at all and in fact is causing loss instead of hoped for gain.

Although the figure was dark and there were no facial clues to decipher, I felt alot of energy there and alot of life. I am left only with the primary impression that there is more to life than the confines of a soccer or sports field. Other strategies need to be employed on other fields and on other days.

This person is a very capable person with a lot to give. Perhaps she simply needs to learn that she can make a valuable contribtion to her life and the lives of many others without having to "score all the goals" herself. After all, she isn't the only person on the team.

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Hi Grayson and thank you :0)

Post by Leslie » Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:46 pm

I am not sure what to make of this. I understand what you are saying, but not sure where the competiveness is coming in. I am not saying that it isn't there.... :) I just have to think about where it may be. Or maybe it is there and I am not seeing it. So much has happened in the last week that it may apply to a lot of soon as I figure it out I will let you know.

Thanks Again,

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Post by moon shadow » Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:11 pm

Angeligue and Grayson , maybe you can give me some hints...i think i had visions, flashes from my past can i check if it are true , can someone to help me , confronting for confirmation...
Thanks and waiting for replays!

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Post by Grayson » Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:15 pm

Moon Shadow,

Validating your experience is somewhat of a gray area for me. I can only tell you what my experience is with flashes or visual images. Over time I've learned to sense or feel the difference between an image that pops into my mind spontaneously and an image that I may have crafted intentionally.

Perhaps the clearest way I can share my experience is to say that when I do a reading I "receive" an image that is somehow pertinent to the reading that was requested. One of the primary differences that I experience between the images I "receive" and an image I might create intentionally in my mind while daydreaming is that the images I "receive" are simply pregnant with information. As I begin to share the image with the person for whom I am reading the meaning of the image simply flows from me. I can tell when I'm in the flow. It's an experience that is most difficult to reduce to words.

Let me try to give you an example and see if that helps. If I were at your home and you showed me a painting on your living room wall of a boat floating in the middle of the ocean, I might simply respond by saying, "Yes, I know what that is. That's a picture of a boat floating in the ocean!". And that might be all that I have to say about it!  On the other hand, when I "receive" an image during a reading it is always accompanied by many many impressions of what the image contains. Further, I often will receive the clear and distinct impression that what is not in the image is as important as what is.  

Actually I did a reading recently on the Board where I received the image of a boat floating aimlessly in the ocean. What was not in the image were oars, a sail, or people inside the boat steering it. In that particular reading I received the distinct impression that those missing elements were critical to the message of the reading.

Once again, had I simply seen that picture hanging on your living room wall I doubt that I would have paid much attention to the missing sails, oars, or persons. It would only have impressed me as being just another boat picture no doubt!

Since I have only my personal experience with which to guide you,  I'd simply ask for you to try to share the images you "receive" with someone else by writing them down the very second that you receive them. If you find that your writing just flows and flows and flows because the image is simply pregnant with information and feeling then perhaps you should be writing your impressions down all of the time too!  

It's so difficult to validate another person's psychic or spiritual experience. However, I know how important it is for you to have someone at least try to point you in the right direction. My own experience is that we have some heavy duty expectations of what "psychic" experiences are supposed to be like or feel like. You might be shocked to discover that they feel so natural that you wonder why you've overlooked them for so long.

This is not to say that some persons don't have the Saul on the Road to Damascus experiences where they are blinded and knocked off their horses by divine revelations. I'm sure some do. Some psychic enter trances. Others are able to channel messages from angels, guides, and the departed. However, you asked about flash backs or images. This is something I have experienced and I've honestly done my best to help you understand what my personal experience has been.

One last thing. If you find that these images recur and are filled with meaning for you then practice, practice, practice!!! Write them down like transcription. Keep a notebook handy and one near your bed too in case these images recur in dreams. Practice, practice, practice!!!

Intuition grows stronger with use!

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Post by moon shadow » Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:35 pm

Thanks Grayson for your fast replay. yes i understand what you meant and here is again the battle between logical mind and intuition. I will read again your post; for now i want to tell you the flashes i got in my mind about my past lives, i was never thinking about that. I remember one day when it was full moon i put Reiki symbols on my hands and head and concentrate to flashes from my past lives; again i got one i was never thinking about...
Your advice was to practice...yes , i agree, but need some guiding and approves for the beginning, if i am feeling and what kind of flashes i got, were that really from my past lives?
I also have to mention i am empathic and this is verified, and sometimes premonition and intuition but also doubts...i was trying also tarot readings with my own cards to some friends and i was impressed by myself...what kind of practice can really help me?
Thanks again and if possible guide me a little.

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Post by Grayson » Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:57 pm

Moon Shadow,

Practice what you currently feel you are successful at. Practice what others have given you positive feedback about. If people find you to be a good Tarot reader then simply read for others as much as you can! You may find that other psychic skills open up for you as a result. Practice!

The more success you experience the more you will learn to trust your own images, visions, or Tarot reading skills. The more confident you grow in these skills the more your self doubt and self questioning will diminish.

I sense that receiving a direct answer to your question about the validity of your past lives visions is very important to you. I regret that I am not able to do that for you. Perhaps someone else can shed more light on this than I can. I know that many psychics are able to read past lives. I cannot.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by Grayson on Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by moon shadow » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:03 pm

Thanks a lot Grayson (hugs)! I will try to do blind readings here on Board as you advised me . You know, i'm also practicing astrology and there are also somekind of blind reading and also using intuition and all that stuffs...All tools...

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That was great information Grayson

Post by Leslie » Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:24 am

I understood you completely. Especially you last post. I use to really good at TArot. The more I practiced the better I got. LIke for instance, someone from work had asked me to do a reading when I got home. What I would do is actually read the cards and write down what the cards said. As I was doing that I just felt something, heard something or what ever you want to call it. It said that she was going to have to make a serious decison about her mom. Then nursing home came through. So, I wrote it all down. When she read what her reading had said, she was is shock because everything the cards had said was true. I asked if she was considering putting her mother in a nursing home. She said yes and asked me how I knew. I just told her it came to me.

So yes practice, practice practice!!!!


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